Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2127 Don’t show your aristocratic arrogance in front of me

Quinn stood up from the ground and looked at Chen Xin'an in horror.

The terrifying Chinese warrior!

In fact, it's not like he has never dealt with Chinese warriors.

There are many martial arts schools opened by Chinese warriors in the Eagle Flag Country.

There are also gyms or martial arts schools opened by warriors from other countries.

Recruit disciples.

His favorite thing to do was go to the gym.

I have met liars and I have met real masters.

Among a hundred martial arts or gymnasiums, he can account for 99% of the successful ones!

There are really experts in the remaining two or three companies.

And these two or three are all opened by Chinese people.

Therefore, he still knows the strength of Chinese warriors.

But even if the kick-off fails, both sides will have a hard time and both will be injured.

This is really the first time for him to suffer such a crushing defeat.

There is no chance to compete with the other party.

Just like a child facing a professional boxer, the difference in strength is really huge!

Chen Xin'an stood up and said to Golden: "Mr. Golden, let me treat you to a meal. There are not so many things and rules.

From now on, don’t introduce anyone who is too pretentious to me. I have no interest in getting to know them.

If you want to pretend, just hide in a nook and pretend it's enough.

After pretending, I can communicate with normal people, and then sit with us to chat and eat.

Come on, change tables!

Whatever you want to eat, I’ll treat you! "

Li Niandong translated loudly to Golden, and Stilwell's face turned dark when he heard it.

Golden also looked embarrassed. Seeing Chen Xin'an stand up and want to change tables, he seemed to want to stop him, but he didn't dare.

After all, Stilwell said in a deep voice: "Chinese people, do you know what will happen if you are rude to me like this?

Don't think that just because you know kung fu or that you can be arrogant in front of me just because you defeated Quinn!

It would be very unwise to piss me off.

Maybe you died in a daze while sleeping or walking on the street.

Have you ever wanted to live like this? "

Chen Xin'an turned around, looked at him sarcastically, and said with a sneer: "Are you threatening me?"

Stilwell snorted and said: "This is not a threat, but strength!

You have no idea what my status is in the Eagle Flag Country!

One word from me can decide your..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an suddenly swayed and appeared next to him!

His right hand even grabbed his throat and lifted him up from his seat!

"Let go boss!" Quinn and Daisy screamed at the same time.

Daisy gave Chen Xin'an a wink and said sweetly: "Don't be so angry! What are you saying that you can't sit down and talk about?"

She pressed almost her entire body against Chen Xin'an.

But in the next second, his expression changed and became frosty.

The long nails on both hands were like knives, stabbing Chen Xin'an in the neck!


Chen Xin'an was so rude, he kicked her in the stomach and kicked her out!

The people in Golden are stupid!

Such a stunner, how did you manage to be so ruthless?

Daisy also looked at Chen Xin'an in shock, holding her stomach and saying in pain:

"You are a graceless Chinese man!

You hit a woman, it’s just..."

Chen Xin'an looked at her coldly and said, "If you say one more word, I will knock out all your teeth!

Don't twist your hips in front of me. In my eyes, you are just like a female orangutan who has not fully evolved!

The only beauty in my heart is my wife.

In my eyes, your set is nothing but disgusting! "

Listening to Li Niandong's translation beside her, Daisy's face turned blue and white, she was so angry that she couldn't do anything about it!

Quinn was worried and wanted to rush over at all costs!

He knew that he was no match for this person, but now that the boss was in trouble, he couldn't just watch from the sidelines.

But just as he was about to take action, the boss made a rooster cry, and his whole face turned purple!

He was so frightened that he quickly waved his hand: "Don't mess around, you have something to say!"

Chen Xin'an didn't even look at him, but looked at Stilwell in front of her with disdain, and said coldly:

"Do you know what will happen to those who dare to threaten me?

I don't care how powerful you are in the Eagle Flag Country, you are just an ant in front of me!

If I want to kill you, I don't need many tricks at all.

Is Reggie Manor hard to find?

How about we make a bet?

From now on, each of us will kill each other according to our own abilities.

Do you think it was us who got into trouble first, or you who died first?

Do you believe that in less than two hours, I can turn your Reggie Manor into ruins? "

He loosened his fingers and let Stillwell slump in the chair.

Stilwell gasped for air and looked embarrassed.

Golden on the side saw Chen Xin'an angry for the first time, and was too frightened by the powerful aura to move.

Seeing a fierce light flashing in Stilwell's eyes, he quickly said: "Mr. Stilwell, Mr. Chen is the one who made Pyroses suffer a lot.

Of the assassins sent by Joses to China to assassinate him, only one of them returned alive to the Eagle Flag Country.

Even the Killing Order from the Killer Alliance had no effect on him!

Mr. Stilwell, what my father means is that Mr. Chen had better become our friend, not our enemy! "

Stilwell was shocked and looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief!

Being an ally of Boorman, it is natural that he has a bad relationship with Peroses.

Therefore, Peroses, who was arrogant and domineering in the Eagle Flag Country, was hardened by one person in China and suffered a huge setback.

Even some of the "nails" arranged in China were completely removed!

Is that person the guy in front of me?

It seems to be true!

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have the courage and skill to fight against Stilwell!

Taking a long breath, Stilwell said to Chen Xin'an: "If you had said that you were the Chinese who was against Pyroses, there would not have been such a misunderstanding between us!

Since you are that person, now you are qualified to have dinner with me..."

Chen Xin'an directly put her finger on his nose and cursed with contempt:

"You are pretending to me, I will strip you three naked and throw you outside right now!

Do you still have the qualifications to have dinner with you?

Are you qualified to sit at the same table with me?

Golden, advise your father to find another sponsor to support him!

Even if such a fool makes money by luck, he will not be rich for two generations!

Listen, don't show me the arrogance of the nobles of the Eagle Flag Nation.

I have only one move to deal with the disdainful behavior, and that is to give him two big mouthfuls! "

Listening to Li Niandong's translation, Steve was so angry that he almost flipped the table!

This rude Chinese people really don’t take him, the rich man of the Eagle Flag Country, seriously!

But now is really not the time to completely fall out with him.

He already believed what this guy just said.

If he offends this person, his plan to develop in China may really come to naught!

This kid definitely has that ability!

Of course, the real reason why he had to surrender was that his life was now in his hands.

Once he was angered, the consequences would really be that the three of them would be beaten half to death, then stripped naked and thrown out.

The dignified CEO of Green Tree Group was stripped naked and still walked out on the street, so he wouldn't have to go out anymore.

Forget about moving to the moon.

So now it’s better to lower your head appropriately and put them on an equal footing!

Otherwise it would be really difficult to end today!

Stilwell said to Daisy beside him: "Take all these away!"

He stood up, stretched out his hand, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, let's get acquainted again!

I'm Stilwell Reggie, the head of Greentree Group.

Nice to meet you! "

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