Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2128 It turns out that he is also a noble

Originally, he really didn't want to talk to him, but his wife and Li Niandong were giving him looks.

Chen Xin'an had no choice but to stretch out her hand and said: "I forgive your ignorance. Now we can talk about business!"

Good guy, let’s get acquainted again and even omit the self-introduction. To make it clear, we just didn’t open this page!

Stilwell did not dare to complain and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, I want to discuss cooperation with you. Don't worry, I won't let you suffer..."

"Stop it!" Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said to him: "You discuss business matters with my wife!"

When Li Niandong finished translating, Stilwell opened his mouth and tried not to spit on that guy's face!

If I don’t discuss business with you, then how can I discuss business with you?

Golden beside him was also rolling his eyes.

When I discuss business with you, I have to discuss it with your secretary.

When this old man talks about business with you, he can discuss it face to face with your wife.

Why is there such a big gap between this person and other people?

The food and wine were already on the table, and Stilwell was no longer as particular as before. He dropped all his original tricks and ate and drank with everyone.

Chen Xin'an pouted.

What kind of bullshit nobles, as long as you don't spoil them and tear off their pretentious disguise, they are actually no different from ordinary people.

He will grumble when he eats, and he will blush when he drinks.

Stilwell said to Ning Xiruo: "Mrs. Ning, I have two big investment plans this year.

What I can cooperate with you is about China.

Four Seasons Hotels will be launched in major first- and second-tier cities in China.

I need a partner to help me develop the market.

You can directly hold shares and distribute dividends, the ratio is three to seven..."

Chen Xin'an said dissatisfiedly: "No, it's too low!"

Stilwell smiled and said: "This dividend ratio can be discussed again. As long as we can break through 300 companies, we will still..."

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said to him: "Do you know what the most popular hotel brand in China is?

I'm telling you, it's the Evergreen Hotel.

There are more than 6,000 in China, catering to various consumer groups in first-, second- and third-tier cities.

You've only got more than 300 goals after logging in to Sosou.

How much dividend profit can be made?

Even if we were given 70% of the money, we would still only get a few cents.

This little business isn't worth the hassle, so I don't have to think about it! "

Stilwell touched his chest and almost had a heart attack.

What are you thinking about, baby?

The three-seven I am talking about is you three and me seven!

You actually shamelessly want my seven!

Are you still looking down on these small businesses?

You must know that the Four Seasons Hotel is built to high-end five-star standards!

Where do you have the nerve to tell me that the initial scale of the three hundred stores is still a small business?

Stilwell opened his mouth, not knowing how to continue the conversation.

That guy’s understanding of the sharing ratio is a bit wrong!

The key point is that he is not satisfied, so how can he continue to play?

Chen Xin'an seemed to have noticed his embarrassment, took a sip of red wine and said: "Put the investment in the hotel aside for now, or you can find someone else to cooperate.

Why don't you talk about another investment intention? "

Stilwell shook his head and said: "The other one has nothing to do with China, so there is no need to mention it.

We can discuss the hotel again..."

Chen Xin'an said seriously: "Don't worry! It has nothing to do with China, but it may have something to do with me!

Who said that I can only cooperate with you within China? "

Stilwell frowned and said to Chen Xin'an: "I want to buy the permanent five-year ownership of the Nada Building, and I am in preparation now!"

"Nada Building?" Chen Xin'an asked with a puzzled look.

Li Niandong explained to him: "Do you still remember the Nada advertising screen in Century Square?

It belongs to Nada Building! "

Chen Xin'an suddenly realized that it was a good place!

That day in Century Plaza, the building that Chen Xin'an paid the most attention to was that building.

Not to mention anything else, the advertising fees incurred by this building alone are an astronomical figure!

The most prime location in Century Plaza, with the highest floor and the largest advertising screen.

If you want to sell this building, you won’t lose any money to buy it!

Chen Xin'an said excitedly: "This project is possible!

Lao Shi, there are two of us doing this project, you and I can do it! "

Why do not you go to hell?

Steve rolled his eyes fiercely, too angry to speak.

Golden coughed twice and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, this project is a cooperation between our Cexire family and Green Tree Group..."

Chen Xin'an waved her hand generously and said: "In this case, you can count on it.

I took some losses and rearranged the dividend ratio.

I am the second of the seven old men, Golden, you take one!

Let’s all make a fortune together! "

"Mr. Chen, please stop joking!" Before Li Niandong could finish translating, Stilwell couldn't listen anymore!

How could there be such a shameless person?

We haven't implemented it yet, but he actually arranged the dividend ratio first!

What’s even more irritating is that you’re going to suffer a bit?

Your seven has not changed at all, you just replaced my three with two. Can you tell me where you suffered a loss?

Chen Xin'an said seriously: "Why do you think I'm joking?

Or do you think I don’t have the strength and qualifications to make this investment with you? "

Seeing this guy's expression of displeasure, Stilwell's heart suddenly crossed, and he didn't want to make this guy angry again, so he said helplessly:

"This project does not require a third party to join for the time being..."

But Golden whispered to him: "Mr. Stilwell, we still have a gap of nearly one billion Eagle Flag dollars!

If Mr. Chen can join, it can also relieve our pressure..."

"Golden!" Stilwell yelled and lectured him: "I will find a way to make up for the funding gap, but I don't want to cooperate with others on this project!"

Golden did not give in this time and said to him: "Mr. Stilwell, what my father means is that if we can capture the Nada Building before the election, it will also be a great boost to the general election campaign!"

Stilwell looked at Golden with a gloomy face.

Then he looked at Chen Xin'an and said with a sneer: "Are you sure they can come up with one billion Eagle Flag Yuan?"

Ning Xiruo smiled slightly and said to him, "I can't take it out!"

A sarcastic smile appeared on Stilwell's face, he shrugged his shoulders and said to Golden, "Can't you blame me for not giving them a chance?"

Ning Xiruo continued: "It's only 10 to 20 billion Chinese coins, but that's still within reach!"

The smile on Stilwell's face froze.

This is equivalent to two billion four billion Eagle Flag dollars!

It’s just a matter of exchange!

Are these two people so rich?

Li Niandong looked at Stilwell with gloating eyes and said, "Mr. Stilwell, Mr. Chen and Mrs. Ning may not have as much assets as the richest man in the Eagle Flag Country.

But there is no concession to your Green Tree Group.

Moreover, Mr. Chen became the richest man in Kyoto, China, in just three or four years.

The future is limitless.

If you do business with him, you won't suffer! "

Stilwell's face was full of shock.

No wonder that guy is so arrogant and has no respect for him, a nobleman of the Eagle Flag Country.

It turns out that it's not just because that boy is good at skills, but also because he is also a noble and as rich as him!

No wonder it costs 70% when you open your mouth!

However, Stilwell was still planning and preparing for this project and did not want Chen Xin'an to participate at all.

Even with Boorman's hint, he was not prepared to let the Chinese interfere again.

The reason is simple, this guy is not someone he can control!

Anyone with a little bit of business acumen knows that this project is guaranteed to make a profit!

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