Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2129 This person cannot be offended now

For such a good thing, he even felt sorry for the share given to the Cecire family.

But if he didn't win over the Cecire family, he wouldn't get the building!

Now this Chinese man with a perverted mind and means also wants to participate, it would be strange if he didn't reject it!

Seeing Stilwell's gloomy face, he just didn't say anything, with a look of pain on his face, Chen Xinan turned his head and looked at Golden and asked: "How about our two families do it?"

Stilwell was so angry that the veins on his forehead burst!

I'm right here!

Kick me out in front of me?

You're playing too much, aren't you?

He took a deep breath and said to Chen Xinan: "Mr. Chen, you just said that as long as you don't agree, I can't invest in China.

Now I believe this sentence.

But I also have something to say, I don't know if you believe it?

If I don't agree, I dare not say in the entire Eagle Flag Country, at least in the city of Ledon, you can't do business!"

Chen Xinan turned his head and looked at him.

Golden's heart was about to fly out!

The original purpose of today's dinner was to win over these two people to become my father's most solid allies!

I thought it was a good job, but now I know that this is a deadly job!

These big guys are more moody than each other.

They can turn against each other with a wave of their hands and feet.

If they disagree, they can fight and kill!

In the future, he will not join in such things, whoever wants to come can come!

Fortunately, this time Chen Xinan did not say that sentence: Are you threatening me?

Instead, he thought about it seriously, nodded and said: "I believe it!"

Chen Xinan is not an arrogant fool at all.

Being capable and not admitting defeat are all advantages.

But if you can't distinguish between the high and the low, and think that others will succumb to your fists everywhere, that is to seek death!

He looked at Stilwell and said, "So we have to cooperate! Everyone can make money, this is the best solution!"

Stilwell was also amused, looking at Chen Xin'an and said, "Without your participation, I will make more money!"

"Not necessarily!" Ning Xiruo smiled slightly and said to him, "Mr. Stilwell, if you cooperate with us, you can turn the five-year ownership into ten years, or even forever!

Your strength alone is definitely not enough!"

This sentence really touched Stilwell. He thought about it and said to Ning Xiruo:

"Mrs. Ning may not know much about the situation in Leyden.

Stare We are not the only ones who go to that place!

Mr. Chen, Mrs. Ning, I don't want you to join me, but I'm afraid you will get into trouble. It's for your own good!"

Chen Xin'an smiled, looked at Stilwell and said, "Old Stilwell, you can tell Gordon about this kind of trickery!"

Golden: "..."

Chen Xin'an wiped his mouth, clapped his hands and said, "Well, I'll do you a favor first and prove my strength. Then you will be willing to cooperate with me!"

"What can I do for you that requires Mr. Chen's help?" Stilwell pouted his lips, looking disapproving.

Chen Xin'an looked at him and said, "I'll help you get rid of Heyman!"

Stilwell's eyes shrank instantly, staring at Chen Xin'an, and then looked at Gordon.

He thought he had a grudge against the Murphys, and it was the Cecil family who told this Chinese.

Golden was also confused.

What are you waiting for me for?

I really didn't say that!

Chen Xinan grinned and said to Stilwell: "Don't be nervous, I just met Mr. Daniel this morning and had a pleasant conversation.

It just so happened that Heyman sent people to kidnap Master Ling, and helped him drive away the Murphys.

You don't have to thank me!"

Golden was even more shocked.

I didn't expect Chen Xinan to be friends with Stilwell's son?

Stilwell suddenly realized and shouted to Chen Xinan: "I know! It turns out that the Chinese who kicked my son into the river this morning was you!"

Golden's eyes twitched.

Is this the pleasant conversation you said?

And you told me not to thank you?

You don't have to thank me, I wish I could kick you to death, right?

Even Li Niandong, the translator, felt embarrassed.

I kicked someone's son into the river this morning, and sat at the same table with his father for lunch at noon. What a coincidence...

Chen Xin'an, however, had no shame at all, and said to Stilwell: "Your Excellency is handsome and nice.

I hit it off with him right away, and couldn't help but kick him.

I didn't expect him to fall into the river!

Hahaha, it's all a misunderstanding!"


Ning Xiruo covered her mouth, laughed out loud, and rolled her eyes at him coquettishly.

When it comes to nonsense, you've got to be the best!

Stilwell was so angry that he was confused. This was the first time he had seen such a mean Chinese in his life!

Chen Xin'an raised his mouth, looked at Stilwell and said: "Mr. Stilwell, I will help you get rid of Heyman, and then invest in the Nada Building project with 1 billion Eagle Flag Yuan.

We strive to get at least 20 years of ownership, or even permanent rights!

I don't want much, just 40% of the dividends.

Will you do this business?"

Stilwell was stunned, and looked at Chen Xin'an with an uncertain expression.

Golden looked impatient, as if he wanted to force Stilwell to agree.

In any case, this deal would be beneficial to the Cecil family!

Stilwell shook his head, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, it's not that I'm not tempted, this condition is indeed very tempting.

But for me, it is impossible!

Because I don’t think you can deal with Heyman and those Murphys!

This is not China, but the Eagle Flag Country.

You will bring us a lot of trouble, not profit..."

Chen Xin'an said to Li Niandong: "Tell him that I will not use any official force.

Therefore, neither the Reji family nor the Cexire family are my allies in dealing with the Murphys.

I only rely on myself!

After I finish solving this matter, we will discuss the cooperation project of Nada Building! "

When Li Niandong finished translating, Stilwell didn't speak for a long time and just nodded lightly.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, stood up and said, "Then Mr. Stilwell, just wait for my good news!

Thank you Mr. Golden for your hospitality today! "

Ning Xiruo and Li Niandong also stood up, smiled and left with Chen Xin'an.

When the three Chinese people were no longer in sight, Golden cautiously said to Stilwell:

"Mr. Stilwell, why don't we discuss it with my father and let's renegotiate that project?"

"No need!" Stilwell shook his head.

Golden's expression changed and he said to him: "Mr. Stilwell, this will anger Chen Xin'an!

My father said, it is best not to provoke this person now. We should not make too many enemies! "

Stilwell sneered and said: "There is no need for us to offend!

You don't really think he can deal with those Mofei people, do you?

Don’t you know who the boss behind Heyman is?

It's Pyroses!

That Chen Xin'an really caused Pyroses to suffer a big loss.

But that was in China!

This is the Eagle Flag Country. Don’t you still know what kind of existence Peroses is?

Just watch, that arrogant Chinese will be taught a lesson!

It is very likely that his life will be left here! "

Golden frowned and looked at Stilwell, and asked softly: "But what if he really did it?"

It's not that he thinks highly of Chen Xin'an, he just wants to create a sense of oppression for Stilwell.

Although they are allies, Stilwell has paid less and less attention to the Cecire family in recent years.

Even his father was saying that it was him who protected Stilwell and made him the wealth he is today.

It was not Stilwell's money that paved the way for Boorman to be where he is today!

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