Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2130 If I dare to sell, do you dare to buy?

Stilwell did not answer Golden's question.

But I already have the answer in my mind.

If the Chinese named Chen Xin'an really defeated Mo Feiren, what if we cooperated with him?

Isn't that a fool to leave such a sharp gun unused?

Do you really think there is money everywhere in Century Plaza for you to pick up without any problems?

Just push this guy out of the way to block the gun, and I can make money safely from behind!

The security here at the hotel seems to have been strengthened. A metal detection door has been installed at the entrance, and even the frequency of floor patrols has increased.

The gun license that Boorman promised has been approved.

Chen Xin'an took Ning Xiruo to buy a gun, and Li Qi, Li Niandong and Du Yunyan also accompanied them.

Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang were not at the hotel either, so Konoha put on makeup and ran out to play.

Luo Qianhe did not go with them and was invited to the hospital by his foreign apprentice.

Now even Kemp has become a fan of pigeons!

Pointing to a store across the road, Du Yunyan said to Chen Xin'an: "I found out that this is the largest gun store in London!"

Li Qi stopped the car at the door and everyone got out of the car.

When the store door was opened, everyone was stunned for a moment.

A room has a facade of ten square meters at most, and the walls are covered with all kinds of firearms.

Even Chen Xin'an has never seen some of them.

Is this just the largest gun store in Jordan City?

Isn’t this too shabby?

Seeing everyone's strange looks, Du Yunyan said with an innocent look: "This is the one recommended on the Internet, and I don't know either!"

"Welcome!" A white-haired man about fifty years old greeted the guests with a smile on his face.

But when he saw that these guests all had oriental faces, he immediately grimaced.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the guns on the wall.

Chen Xin'an picked up a pistol and asked the boss: "How can I sell this gun?"

The boss didn't even raise his eyes and said impatiently: "Just watch if you want, don't ask so many questions! I don't want to talk nonsense!"

Ning Xiruo frowned and said to him, "Boss, is this how you do business?"

The boss snorted and said with a look of disdain: "It's still business, not a commentator for foreigners like you who have never seen the market!

You guys are here to travel, right?

Have you ever seen so many guns?

Every time I come here, I ask about this and that, just like visiting a toy store.

I can’t buy it again, it’s just a waste of time! "

Ning Xiruo frowned and asked, "Who said we can't buy it? How much can a gun cost? Do you think we can't afford it?"

The boss sneered coldly and said with disdain: "It's not a matter of whether you can afford it or not.

Even if I dare to sell, do you dare to buy?

Do you really think that guns are bought and sold casually in Eagle Flag Country?

Let me tell you, you need a gun license!

It's impossible for you people to get a license, how dare you buy a gun?

If you can’t buy it, asking here and there, what else is it if you’re not just talking nonsense? "

Chen Xin'an slapped the two blue notebooks on the counter, looked at the boss and said, "Is this what you are talking about?"

The boss was stunned for a moment, looked at the two small books in front of him, and said with a shocked face:

“You were able to get a license?

It can't be fake, right? "

He picked up the license and checked it to make sure it was correct, and the expression on his face was full of disbelief.

Although the Eagle Flag State does not prohibit firearms, it is difficult to obtain a firearms license.

Especially for Orientals, there is strict censorship.

It can be said that the status of Easterners who can hold a gun license in the Eagle Flag Country is not simple.

The boss doesn't have any discrimination, but he just thinks that these people in front of him are just tourists.

Now that people have licenses, they open their doors to do business and welcome them with a smile.

"welcome to our store!

Now you can choose your favorite little one!

Take a look, if you buy more, the price can be discounted! "

This guy changes his face very quickly!

Chen Xin'an ignored him and put away his gun license.

In fact, Boorman only approved the licenses of two people, and Chen Xin'an gave this qualification to his wife and Li Qi.

Although I came with my wife, I couldn’t enter the GbSA conference by myself.

The safety of my daughter-in-law still needs to be ensured by herself.

If Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle wasn't brought over, then bring a gun so that Chen Xin'an can rest assured.

As for Ah Qi, he was already an expert in thermal weapons, so it was necessary to give him a license.

So now his opinion is the main one.

Whatever gun he took his fancy on, Chen Xinan just paid.

Seeing that these people were just looking around without taking it off to try it out, the boss had a look of disdain on his face again.

"Are you being spoiled for choice?

I see your licenses have just been approved.

You haven't played with these things before, have you?

Do you want me to pick two for you? "

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "No need!"

Just as the boss was about to speak, the door was pushed open and two young men in sweatshirts walked in.

Another customer came to the door, and the boss was too lazy to greet Chen Xin'an and the others. He turned around and said to the two people: "Welcome, you need..."

Before they finished speaking, the two men suddenly took out pistols from their pockets, pointed them at the boss, and shouted: "I want bullets! Take out the bullets and give them to me!"

Chen Xinan subconsciously pulled Ning Xiruo behind him.

Li Qi also stepped in front of Li Niandong and Du Yunyan.

In the Eagle Flag Country, whether it is a gun store or a supermarket, scenes like this are so common!

So the boss didn't look scared. He just raised his hands and said to the two people:

“Are you done with these Mofei people?

Just took two boxes from me last week!

Now you come again, how much do you want this time? "

A young man took out a piece of paper and threw it to the boss.

Damn, these bastards even made a list!

The boss angrily picked up the paper and took a look at it, his face changed drastically!

"Are you going to attack the Hexagon Tower?

You need so many bullets, where can I find them for you?

You actually want a hundred mKK?

Do you want to blow up the Hexagonal Building? "

The young man pointed the gun at the boss and cursed: "Stop talking nonsense! Just prepare whatever I ask you to take! Don't force me to shoot!"

“Joseph, you better be honest!

The boss said that once this is done, all the money I owed you before will be repaid!

But if you are not honest, I will beat you to death now!

I know you can match this list.

Get started now! "

The white-haired old man named Joseph cursed angrily: "You already owe me more than 30,000 yuan!

There are almost 20,000 items on this list!

It’s all for free, and they haven’t given me a penny in the past two years!

Do you think I will believe you? "

As he spoke, he bent slightly and tried to take out the shotgun hidden under the counter.

This is what he uses for self-defense, and it is extremely powerful.

One shot is enough to beat these two little bastards into pieces!

A young man seemed to see his plan and shouted: "Then you go to hell! We will find it ourselves!"

Then he actually aimed at the boss and fired with a bang!

Fortunately, he was too nervous, and his shooting skills were bad, so the shot didn't hit the vital point, but just grazed the outside of the boss's right arm!

As if he had been cut with a knife, Joseph groaned and covered his right arm with his left hand, blood oozing out.

At the same time, Li Qi suddenly rushed forward!

He grabbed the gun-holding hand of the young man closest to him and pushed it out.

The guy's gun was instantly pointed at his companion.

Before either of them could react, Li raised his fingers and the young man controlled by him fired a shot involuntarily!

The bullet struck another young man in the stomach.

And the shooter's wrist was snapped by Li Qi!

pS: I know it’s xian shotgun, but it’s a shielded word, so I wrote it like this on purpose, so there’s no need to take it seriously.

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