Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2131 The city of London is about to be in chaos

The two Mofei people screamed and fled, blood dripping on the ground.

Li Qi didn't chase him, he just glanced at Chen Xin'an.

They both saw the list on the counter. With so many bullets and weapons, it's no wonder the boss was so surprised.

But what do these African-Americans want to do?

Don't you want to attack the Four Seasons Hotel?

Du Yunyan looked at the boss who was covering his arms and kept yelling, and asked him: "Boss, are you okay? Do you want me to call the police for you?"

"No, thank you so much!" Joseph quickly waved his hand. He didn't want to completely break up with Murphy, otherwise he would not be able to do his business.

He glanced at Li Qi, endured the pain and put on a smile and said: "Pick whatever you like, I will give you a 30% discount on whichever one you like.

And it comes with two magazines of bullets! "

This is the specialty of buying guns in the Eagle Flag State.

Guns are not expensive, bullets are.

Being able to send two magazines is indeed quite generous.

But Li Qi looked disdainful and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, let's go and look elsewhere!"

Although Joseph didn't understand what Li Qi said, when he saw everyone turning around, he understood that the big guy wanted to leave.

His eyes widened, and he stopped everyone strangely and asked: "What's wrong? Are so many guns inappropriate?

It seems that you Chinese people are really not familiar with firearms!

How about I help you choose? "

Li Qi looked disdainful and said calmly: "There are no good guns here, they are all a bunch of rubbish!

Most of them are imitations or eliminated products!

This is the largest gun shop in Jordan City, and it doesn’t live up to its name! "

After listening to Li Niandong's translation, Joseph's face instantly turned the color of pig liver.

Met an expert!

After finding gauze and wrapping it around his arm, Joseph gritted his teeth and said to Li Qi: "You don't have to buy my goods, but you can't underestimate my strength!

If you want good stuff, I have it all here!

I’m afraid you can’t afford it! "

He pressed under the counter, and with a huffing sound, the wall next to the counter suddenly split into two and turned into two doors.

What appeared in front of everyone was a large warehouse with rows of display racks more than two meters high.

And on these shelves, there are all kinds of guns!

Everyone was stunned!

Even Li Qi's eyes widened, looking shocked.

This place is simply a medium-sized arsenal!

As Joseph pressed it again, the store door closed with a crash.

He tilted his head to the crowd and said with a proud look on his face: "Please!"

Everyone followed him into the warehouse. Looking at the dazzling array of goods, Li Qi hesitated.

The choice is difficult!

Most of them are equipment currently in service in various countries, and they are all very good. I don’t know which one I should use.

Chen Xin'an patted him on the shoulder and said, "Buy it if you like it, don't worry about spending money!

I just saw that my boss can transfer money online.

So you don’t have to worry about spending money!

Everything is based on our safety! "

Li Qi's eyes lit up, he nodded and said, "I understand!"

An hour later, looking at the two full canvas bags in front of him, the boss's face was really surprised and happy.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a big customer!

Good guy, this is a big order worth nearly one million!

The weapons they selected were enough to equip a platoon!

All kinds of rifles and pistols, really everything you need!

Even pKK got ten!

There are several large bags next to them, which contain other weapons, such as bayonets or crossbows.

Even the bulletproof vests were twenty sets at once, and even the latest three-piece trial model were bought by them!

After settling the bill and leaving, Joseph didn't even recover.

Is there going to be a war in London?

It's outrageous enough that Murphy came to grab so many bullets.

Unexpectedly, these Chinese people were more ruthless and equipped a combat platoon. What are they doing?

Put the things in the car and everyone left.

When we returned to the hotel, it was almost dinner time and everyone was back.

Taking advantage of the gap before the food order was delivered, Chen Xin'an called everyone to the presidential suite.

"I'll go!" Looking at the several large packages placed on the ground next to the sofa, everyone's eyes widened with shock on their faces.

Dao Lei looked excited, limped over, picked up a rifle and said:

"I want this!

This is fun! "

Chen Xin'an scolded angrily: "Put it down! The spears are not for you to play with. Just get a Huaxing for each of you!"

Even Li Qi didn't expect that he could buy authentic Huaxing in the Eagle Flag Country!

This is a pistol produced in China.

And the sales of this gun are the best among all pistols.

This does not mean that its performance is also the best, but it is the most cost-effective!

Dao Lei looked disgusted when he saw the small pistol, which was no bigger than his own palm.

Looking at the big package on the ground, he said: "There are so many spears, who are you going to use them for, Brother An?"

"I use them all!" Li Qi grinned.

The people next to him widened their eyes.

Luo Xiaoman asked him: "Have you used so much by yourself?"

Li Qi smiled and said, "If you can't use it once, you can use it next time!"

Chen Xin'an explained: "These long guns must undergo professional training, they cannot be picked up and used just by knowing how to shoot them!

It is difficult for ordinary people to control, and it is easy to accidentally injure one's own people.

Ah Qi and I use one, and everyone else uses others. "

He unzipped a large bag, revealing a variety of combat knives inside.

Now Luo Xiaoman and Dao Lei's eyes lit up.

Sure enough, there are good things!

This thing is so easy to use!

Chen Xin'an took the ones for trial sale and said to everyone: "There are three sets of one-pieces in total, one for Xiruo and one for Aqi.

I will save the remaining set for Xu Qing when she comes tomorrow.

Do you have any objections? "

Luo Xiaoman waved his hand and said, "No objection! I don't need this thing. It's awkward to wear and affects my activities..."

Chen Xin'an scolded with a dark face: "Don't talk nonsense! No matter how awkward or uncomfortable you are, put it on for me!"

During this time in the Eagle Flag Country, in addition to bathing and sleeping, whenever you go out, you must put on your body armor!

Same for anyone! "

Seeing what Luo Xiaoman wanted to say, Li Qi said in a deep voice: "When my boss and I went to buy a gun, we happened to encounter Mo Feiren robbing a gun store.

They want large quantities of bullets of various types.

We still don’t know what they want to do, but the boss and I guess that it should be related to us! "

After hearing what he said, everyone fell silent.

This is not China.

Shootings and killings happen every day in this country.

The police force across the country is limited. If you want to protect yourself, you still have to rely on yourself!

The gate of the courtyard wall in front of a three-story building in the suburbs of London opened.

A black Mercedes-Benz drove into the courtyard and stopped by the steps.

On the steps, a man in his thirties looked at a young man who had just come out of the car. He suppressed his excitement and his eyes were red.

When the young man walked up the steps, the man opened his arms and hugged him!

"Grandpa, are you here to ask me to go back?"

"That...no! I came here because of another mission, so I came to see you by the way!

Also, I have something to ask you.

I heard that you are very close to the local gang?

Is this happening? "

The man's body shook, and he gently let go of the young man's shoulders. His expression became cold, and he stared at him and asked, "Grandpa asked you to ask me?"

The young man shook his head, looked at him and asked, "If grandpa knew about it, do you think he would let you go?"

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