Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2138 You want to hide your beauty in my golden house

To say that the person who hates Mr. Jade the most in the world must be Mr. Jade’s relatives!

The Zhang family cannot be said to be famous in Kyoto, but they can be considered prestigious.

But now, it has become like this, all thanks to Mr. Jade.

And with the revelation of Mr. Yu's true identity, the Zhang family has become a family of traitors.

The remaining Zhang family members cannot hold their heads up!

Knowing that he hadn't eaten yet, Chen Xin'an asked Li Qi to buy two hamburgers and Coke.

Zhang Jian ate big mouthfuls and said to Chen Xin'an: "She is more careful now than before and has to change several cars when going out.

Yesterday, I finally discovered her traces and followed her to the city of Lidden.

After monitoring her conversations with others, she found out that the boss was already here.

I originally wanted to come over and contact you this morning, but when I saw people from the Killer Alliance arriving, I didn't move.

After following them all morning, I found out that they are here to deal with you.

But the situation was more urgent, and I still couldn't stop them from shooting!

I feel relieved to see that you are all fine! "

It was not unusual for Chen Xin'an that Zhang Jiayu and the people from the Killer Alliance knew that he had come to the Eagle Flag Country.

It's strange that they don't know.

Chen Xin'an said to Zhang Ji'an: "Since you are here, let's live here! We brothers are together, there is strength in numbers!"

"Yes!" Li Qi and Luo Xiaoman nodded together.

Zhang Jian shook his head and said: "Not yet, boss!

I have to follow Zhang Jiayu, I can’t let her go this time!

She may have a big purpose in coming to London this time.

Moreover, there are several younger members of the Zhang family who were deceived by her. I have to find where those people are as soon as possible!

I can't just watch the entire Zhang family be turned into a den of traitors and a concentration camp for traitors by her!

She'll probably have to go back soon, so I'll have to keep going to Blackhawk Island! "

Chen Xin'an frowned.

Of course he was worried that something might happen if Zhang Jian acted alone.

But I really can't get away now.

"Then be careful and don't fight forcefully!"

Chen Xin'an warned Zhang Ji'an: "If you are sure, act before you do it; if you are not sure, don't take risks!

I'll go help you after I finish handling things here!

By the way, after you go to Black Hawk Island, pay attention to a man and a woman, both about thirty years old.

The girl's name is Red Fox and she likes to wear red clothes.

The man's name is Xiao Baiyang, and he is about the same height as Lao Xiao.

They like to perform guzheng or suona in the streets.

They are friends, take care of them as much as possible when you can. "

Zhang Jian took a sip of Coke, nodded and said, "No problem!"

Li Qi asked him: "Instructor Zhang, where are you going later?"

Zhang Jian threw the Coke cup into the trash can and said to him: "Block 11, that is Zhang Jiayu's foothold in London City!"

Block 11!

Chen Xin'an and several brothers looked at each other in confusion.

He asked Zhang Jian: "You mean, Zhang Jiayu has contact with those Mofei people?"

Zhang Jian nodded and said: "There are three major gangs of Mo Feiren, and among them there is a group of people who like to wear jeans. The boss is called Haiman, who is Zhang Jiayu's lover!"

It turns out that Zhang Jiayu acted as the intermediary for the collusion between Pai Josés and Mo Feiren!

What a coincidence, Heyman happened to be the person Chen Xin'an promised Stilwell to get rid of.

"Well, Ah Qi, you follow Ji An to Block 11 tonight!" Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi:

“If you can help it, don’t do it yet.

Find the locations of Zhang Jiayu and Haiman.

The auction is over here, I'll go there again! "

"Okay!" Li Didian nodded, and Zhang Jian did not object.

Luo Xiaoman said sadly: "Old Chen, I'm going too!

I will not participate in auctions or anything like that.

I'm not interested in those things! "

Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "No, you have to go to Haimande with me."

Luo Xiaoman said nothing with a dark face.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Chen Xin'an led everyone to the Hengde Building.

On the 16th floor is the Heyman auction house.

The auction hasn't started yet, but the auction house is already packed.

It is no wonder that it is one of the best auction companies in the entire Eagle Flag Country, and Hemande's decoration is really good.

The entire auction venue is like a medium-sized luxury conference room, with a perfect combination of classics and high technology everywhere.

There are several square metal boxes standing at the front desk. I don't know what they are used for.

The seats of more than a hundred people are now occupied, and there are all kinds of people.

Dressed in all sorts of strange ways, they are all rich men from various countries.

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo led everyone to sit in the middle, and everyone asked Konoha to do a little makeup.

Especially Xu Qing and Qiao Yanhui, they can no longer see their original appearance.

Since the person they want to check is the person on the poker card, he must be more vigilant.

Bao Buqi knew the police in Kyoto, so it was better to put on makeup.

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo are like a young couple with successful careers. Their appearance has not changed much, but they are no longer so attractive.

Except for the people on Chen Xin'an's side, there were quite a few people with Eastern faces in the entire auction house, almost forty or fifty people.

Of course, they may not all be Chinese, they may also be Da Ying people or Dong Chao people.

Xu Qing turned around and said to Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo with a puzzled expression: "That's strange, isn't that guy here?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "It can be seen that tonight's auction is not small.

You said that guy is a collector, he should come to such an occasion! "

Konoha curled her lips and said: "We put on makeup, maybe others also put on makeup, so that we can't recognize them!"

Everyone nodded together, this is very possible!

"Aqing, look at that!" Qiao Yanhui on the side pointed.

Following his instructions, everyone saw the three people sitting in the second row.

Two men and one woman, both with oriental faces.

In the middle is a bald man about fifty years old.

He was wearing a bronze Tang suit with rich money, and a string of black chains around his neck with no visible texture.

He holds an exquisite snuff bottle in his left hand, and a jade ring on his right thumb.

The man on the left has a deer-like head and rat eyes, and a beard. He looks like the dog-headed master of the old man in Tang suit.

The woman on the right is young and beautiful, wearing a blue cheongsam, holding a bunch of purple grapes in her hand, and feeding one into the mouth of the man in Tang suit from time to time.

Qiao Yanhui lowered his voice and said to Xu Qing: "Did the file say that Ace of Diamonds has the habit of collecting snuff bottles?"

Xu Qing nodded and said: "Yes, yes, but the appearance is too different!

The Ace of Diamonds is thin and wretched, but this guy is fat and big-eared, right? "

Qiao Yanhui shook his head and said, "It's hard to say! Maybe this guy got fat after escaping!"

This is true, after all, he took away so much money, it was enough for him to live the life of a top rich man abroad!

Xu Qing and Qiao Yanhui did not go over to investigate rashly, they just sat quietly and waited for the opportunity.

The lights in the venue dimmed, the host came on, and the auction was about to begin!

Chen Xin'an slapped Luo Xiaoman on the shoulder next to him and scolded with a smile: "I asked you to see the baby rise to the world, why did you fall asleep?"

Luo Xiaoman sat up straight, rubbed his eyes and said, "I don't know why, I feel sleepy today!

I don’t understand this stuff, and it’s boring to watch!

Lao Chen, it’s not me who asked you to come here. It’s better for me to help Lao Zhang and Ah Qi.

I don’t know what you think, hiding me at home all day long.

I'm so suspicious now that you want to hide your beauty in my golden house! "

"Go to hell!" Chen Xin'an was disgusted and scolded him: "Look at your donkey face, how can you call it coquettish?"

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