Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2139 Sudden power outage

If it had been done before, Luo Xiaoman would definitely have retorted.

But today, this guy suddenly changed his gender. He didn’t look angry at all and said expressionlessly:

"Then why don't you let me go?

I found that since you got up, Lao Chen, you have changed!

You start to like the new and dislike the old, so you start to dote on me!

I am no longer dispensable to you, right? "

Chen Xin'an had goosebumps all over her body and cursed with a dark face: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Luo Xiaoman snorted and said expressionlessly: "You know what you are talking about!

In fact, I know you are doing it for my own good. I feel that after I get married and have children, I won’t be able to work as hard as before, Lao Chen..."

Before he finished speaking, the host said below: "Ray's Senjits..."

There is a dark box on the left armrest of the seat. When opened, there is a translation headset. Take it out and put it on for barrier-free communication.

On the back of each seat, there are auction explanations, display screens and bidding machines, telling everyone some precautions and how to use the tools.

And everyone can participate in the auction, no need to hold up a placard like before.

There is no need to worry about someone randomly pressing the button, because the identity of every arriving guest has been verified when entering the venue.

Your seat corresponds to the information of each guest, so whoever presses the bidder is a valid bid.

You can find me after the auction is successful, you have no choice but to deny it.

The host's words suppressed Luo Xiaoman's voice. An angry Luo Xiaoman cursed and closed his mouth.

He didn't wear headphones either. He just came with everyone and didn't bid. Whatever he said had nothing to do with him.

"Now please enjoy the six treasures that will be auctioned tonight!"

Following the host's words, the entire host desk suddenly lit up.

Several strong lights shine on the six square metal boxes in the front at the same time!

Below the metal box is a lifting platform, which quietly lifts up the six metal boxes and slowly raises them.

At the same time, it looked like a snake was swimming on top of the originally square metal box.

As the snake moved, the metal box made a clicking sound.

It's like opening countless secret locks.

Now everyone understands that these six metal boxes are like safes.

The treasures to be auctioned are in these boxes!

I have to say, this gimmick is really good!

And looking at the structure of this metal box, it is also very precise and strong.

It's definitely not easy to open it with brute force!

The crowd exclaimed and then clapped.

This opening is really eye-catching!

When all the metal boxes were opened, six auction items appeared in front of everyone.

Li Zecheng's face turned pale, his whole body was trembling, and he muttered: "They are all national treasures of China!

They are all priceless treasures!

All the things our ancestors left to our descendants have been snatched here by these bandits..."

Chen Xin'an turned his head and shouted softly: "Mr. Li!" Then he shook his head.

Han Xiaolei and Duan Yu also sat on both sides of him, comforting him in low voices.

It's useless to say this now. It can only increase others' ridicule and arouse everyone's disgust.

Mr. Li also knew that he was too excited, so he took two deep breaths and sighed.

There was information about the treasure on the display screen. Chen Xin'an flipped through the pages one by one, feeling very angry inside.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an's vision suddenly went dark!

"What's going on?" Luo Xiaoman shouted.

The entire auction house had a power outage!

At this moment, he fell into absolute darkness.

This kind of auction, once it starts, will put everyone in a very closed space.

The doors and windows were closed, and the curtains were drawn tightly.

This way, once you turn off all the lights, you lose all light sources.

What's more important is that because taking pictures and making phone calls are not allowed at the auction site, all electronic devices such as mobile phones will be put into lockers before entering the auction site.

The sudden darkness made people feel frightened, and many people shouted.

Chen Xin'an held Ning Xiruo in his arms and said to everyone: "Just stay in your seats and don't move! Everyone hold hands!"

Everyone started to do it without saying a word.

The host shouted: "Go and see what the reason is!

Check to see if the self-protection device of the fuse box is turned on!

Everyone, stay where you are and don't leave!

Guard, maintain order! "

Chen Xin'an held Ning Xiruo and remained motionless.

My ears are listening to sounds from all directions.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt the friction sound of several ropes sliding on the pulleys.

Soon, the lights in the auction house began to light up and the power was restored.

The moment the lights were turned on, Chen Xin'an happened to see the man in Tang suit and the woman in cheongsam in the second row in front leaning against the dog-headed master.

How is this going?

Chen Xin'an was a little confused. Could it be that the man in Tang suit and the woman in cheongsam both had a secret relationship with the dog-head master?

He turned his head and looked at the people around him. They were all sitting in their seats, and no one was missing.

Chen Xin'an felt relieved and nodded to everyone.

The metal box that had been opened was now closed again, returning to its original square shape.

This should be the self-protection device the host just mentioned.

Order was restored at the venue, and the host quickly apologized to everyone and said with a smile that the auction would start again.

Then under the illumination of a strong light, the metal box was opened again.

After all, after seeing it once, everyone didn't make as much fuss as before.

Six boxes were opened at the same time, and everyone's eyes were on the booth.

Then in front of everyone, everyone saw an incredible scene.

There is a red object on the tray on each lifting platform.

And all the auction items that were originally placed on it were gone!

The entire auction house was silent, and everyone stared at this scene in stunned silence.

The host walked to a lifting platform and picked up the red item on the tray.

Gently unfolding it, it turned out to be a red cloth wrapped around the head!

“It’s the Red Hood!

Damn it, they stole our treasure!

Guard, block the exit, don't let anyone out! "

Everyone was in an uproar.

The power outage lasted only for a minute at most, but someone actually stole all the treasures in such a short period of time!

A large number of uniformed and armed people ran in.

The host took the microphone and said to everyone: "Gentlemen and ladies!

Please sit tight in your seat.

Something went wrong with tonight's auction and we're working on it now!

Please cooperate with the security personnel for inspection.

Our seats have not been reduced, so the person who stole the treasure must still be here, right next to us! "

Everyone was in an uproar, turning their heads left and right to look at the people around them.

A man with deep-set eye sockets and an unusually large nose pointed at Xiao Zhang in front of him and said:

"This guy wasn't here just now. The moment the power went out, I saw him rushing over.

Come and check his body, maybe the baby has been stolen by him! "

Xiao Zhang was a little confused and didn't understand what the guy was talking about.

However, he felt that many people's eyes were on him, so he frowned.

Du Yunyan pointed at the foreigner and cursed: "Shut up, you idiot!

You just tried to be mean to me, and my friend pushed you away.

You have a grudge to frame him like this! "

Konoha really said to Ning Xiruo: "When we entered the venue just now, that bastard wanted to touch Yun Yan's butt, but Lao Xiao slapped his hand away and pushed him away!"

Ning Xiruo nodded.

In fact, as long as everyone is not stupid, they will not believe what that guy says.

Because it took more than a minute to run from Xiao Zhang's position to the booth!

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