Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2141 You use your rules, I use mine

It turns out he wasn’t pulling out a gun!

The host breathed a sigh of relief and stood up straight.

He is Heyman's gold medal host. Once someone hurts him, the company will never let these Chinese people go!

Thinking of this, the host felt a little braver. He took out the card, looked at it, and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Mr. Chen, you injured Mr. Croft and you are in big trouble!

I advise you to quickly think about how to apologize to Mr. Pavel, President of Global Petrochemicals, right?

Otherwise I'm afraid you people will..."

Before he finished speaking, his neck tightened and Chen Xin'an had already grabbed his throat and lifted him up!

At this moment, the host felt an endless darkness and suffocation surrounding him, and huge fear overwhelmed him!

However, Chen Xin'an had no intention of strangling him to death.

The moment the host's body stopped moving, Chen Xin'an let go and threw him to the ground!

The host was lying on the ground, coughing non-stop, and it took him a long time to calm down!

Chen Xin'an looked at him condescendingly and said coldly: "Your rules are all for Chinese people, right?

A bastard said that we stole treasures. You didn't care whether it was logical or not, so you targeted us Chinese people?

So did the Chinese kill your parents or steal your wives to make you target them like this?

Since you think these are your rules, I will use mine to deal with you.

Is this right? "

Li Niandong had already stood beside Chen Xin'an and translated his words to everyone.

In fact, even if she didn't translate, everyone put on their headphones and understood what Chen Xin'an said.


A man in a suit sitting in the first row stood up, pointed at the host and shouted:

“I am Peng Chang, president of the Chinese Overseas Chamber of Commerce in the Eagle Flag Country!

I will report today’s matter to the senior management of Haimande Auction Company!

At the same time, I will protest to the Ministry of Commerce of the Eagle Flag State!

But now, I ask you and these guards to apologize to all the Chinese people present! "

A group of Chinese people stood next to him and shouted to the host: "Yes, you have to apologize!"

The host has never felt so close to death.

And he also knew that the person in front of him was not to be messed with!

I am no match for others!

He didn't expect that he would actually cause public outrage.

Even if they suffered a loss in the past, these Chinese people would choose to swallow their anger.

However, the Chinese Merchants Chamber of Commerce is still a relatively powerful group in the Eagle Flag Country.

Even the city of London officials have to give them some face.

It's not something he, the host of a small auction house, can afford to offend.

Now that he saw everyone looking indignant, he was also a little flustered.

He quickly winked at the guards and asked them to put down their guns.

Then he bowed to everyone and apologized honestly.

The police have arrived, along with two acquaintances, Boorman's two sons, Mark and Golden!

For such a big matter, it is impossible for the Cexire family not to send someone over!

Mark's face was gloomy and scary, and he shouted to his men: "Block all the exits for me!

Those bastards are here!

I know they haven't left yet!

I will definitely catch them this time! "

Golden took the microphone and said to everyone: "Gentlemen and ladies.

We are sorry that tonight's auction has been canceled due to extraordinary circumstances.

But we can't leave here yet.

Please stay in your seats until it is completely safe.

In order to express our apology, we will make certain compensation to everyone. "

After he finished speaking, the host quickly pointed at Chen Xin'an, preparing to complain to him.

Unexpectedly, Golden walked directly to Chen Xin'an and said politely: "Mr. Chen, what are you..."

Chen Xin'an glanced at the host and said, "Ask him!"

It turns out that Mr. Golden and this man actually knew each other!

And it looks like the two of them are quite familiar!

The host was not stupid and immediately gave up the idea of ​​filing a complaint.

He glanced at Chen Xin'an and stammered: "Well... I have a little misunderstanding about Mr. Chen, so, so..."

Golden's face darkened and he cursed at the host: "Mr. Chen is a distinguished guest of our Cexire family!

No matter why you misunderstood Mr. Chen, I want you to apologize to him seriously! "

He is indeed someone who cannot be offended!

How dare the host refute? He just apologized and now he's doing it again.

Chen Xin'an didn't bother to argue with a little person. She waved him away and asked Golden, "What's going on? Your security measures here are so poor?"

"What did you say?" After listening to Li Niandong's translation, Mark cursed Chen Xin'an angrily:

"Haimande's security measures are among the best in the entire Eagle Flag Country!

What's more, our security bureau has also surrounded this place tonight!

You still say it's bad? "

Chen Xin'an curled her lips with disdain, pointed at the empty booth and said, "That's it? Did you still agree?"

Mark was ashamed and ashamed, and cursed angrily: "Those damn Red Hoods!

They only deserve to be like mice, hiding in the dark and stealing things!

If you have the ability, I will fight you to the death! "

Silly boy!

Chen Xin'an didn't bother to pay attention to this guy's incompetent rage. She turned to Golden and asked, "Who is the Red Hood?"

Golden scolded with a gloomy face: "They are just a group of shameless thieves!

Dozens of crimes have been committed in the past two years, each time causing a sensation in the entire Eagle Flag Country!

Their eyes are on those priceless treasures!

From auctions, to museums, and even the collections of rich people, they will sneak in like ghosts and steal the treasures!

Like tonight!

This time, Heiman was completely humiliated!

If the lost treasure is not recovered as soon as possible, the huge loss will be borne by the Cexire family alone!

Mr. Chen..."

Chen Xin'an patted Golden on the shoulder and said to him: "Come on, you can do it!"

Golden's originally eager smile froze and he wanted to say something to Chen Xin'an, but the guy took Li Niandong and turned back to his seat.

Golden, who wanted to ask him for help, had no choice but to shut his mouth and watched Chen Xin'an leave with some regret.

Chen Xin'an knew what this guy was thinking just by looking at his look.

So he didn't even give him a chance to open his mouth.

I am a Chinese warrior, but I am not the caretaker of your Cexire family.

You lost something, what do you care about me?

What's more, those things were originally the national treasures of China that you bandits robbed, and they deserve to be lost!

After returning to his seat and sitting down, Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "No matter what happens, everyone must remember to hold each other's hands and don't panic!"

Xu Qing frowned and asked Chen Xin'an, "What did they tell you? Is something going to happen?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "They didn't say anything to me, but I can see that this matter won't..."

Before he could finish speaking, someone not far away screamed in terror!

Thick smoke billowed out from the huge floor-to-ceiling curtain next to it. I don’t know why, but it actually started to burn!

"Quickly put out the fire!" Golden shouted with a worried look on his face!

The decoration here is not fireproof. Once it burns, it can easily cause a huge fire!

At that time, it will not be just a loss to Heimande, but the entire Hengde Building will suffer, and the loss will be difficult to estimate!

The people at the auction house got up and ran outside.

The guards and people from the Security Bureau wanted to stop him, but they were pushed and pushed by some bodyguards, and they almost took action!

No one here is an ordinary person, they are all rich people. If something happens to them, the Cexire family will not be able to bear the blame!

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