The auction house was in chaos, with roaring flames and blazing flames!

Knowing that time waits for no one, Golden made a decisive decision and shouted to the guards and people from the Security Bureau: "Let everyone out first!"

Mark turned to him and cursed: "Are you crazy? The Red Hood is probably hiding among them!"

Golden waved his hand and said: "There will be surveillance video and identity screening when entering the venue!

We will investigate slowly after putting out the fire, but we cannot let these people get hurt on our territory!

Otherwise, it will bring big trouble to the family! "

Of course, Mark also knew that these people could not be offended, and he really had nothing to say about his brother's decision. He could only snort angrily and cursed at those men:

"Why are you still standing there stupidly? Hurry up and turn on the fire protection system to put out the fire!"

When everyone came out of the auction house, the elevator was already crowded. Chen Xin'an didn't intend to let everyone squeeze into the elevator, so he led everyone into the stairwell.

When the fire alarm rang, not only the people at the auction house ran downstairs, but also the entire Hengde Building rushed downstairs in panic.

Most people know to avoid taking elevators when there is a fire, so stairwells fill up quickly.

The sound of people going down the stairs could be heard in my ears, as if the whole building was shaking!

Chen Xin'an shouted: "Gongsun Feiyang, you and Lao Qiao go to the front to clear the way.

Lao Xiao, you and Brother Yu are supporting Mr. Li.

Aman, Pigeon, you protect everyone and let women go on the armrest! "

Luo Xiaoman stared at him and asked, "Where are you going?"

Chen Xin'an quickened his pace and said, "I am the queen!"

Dao Lei and Catherine didn't come over, so Li Qi accompanied Zhang Jian to Block 11.

Everyone said nothing, but quickly adjusted according to Chen Xin'an's instructions.

Suddenly there was a burst of messy footsteps from behind. Chen Xin'an turned his head and glanced at it, and said to everyone: "Get closer to the handrail!"

Everyone pressed their bodies against the inner handrails and made way for the passage outside.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of people rushed down from above, rolling and climbing!

In the blink of an eye, they rushed to the front!

Chen Xin'an didn't say anything, but suddenly switched her legs, going back and forth, making her body spin quickly!

Like a top, all the people who rushed towards him were thrown aside by him!

Fortunately, there was a wall blocking these people from falling.

Just when I was shocked, I also noticed the people here and hurriedly ran down the passage along the wall!

At this moment, several gunshots suddenly came from behind!

Someone shouted: "Kill!"

Then the crowd rushed down even more fiercely!

Fortunately, Chen Xin'an always stood at the corner of the stairs, using his body to become a line of defense.

The panic-stricken crowd above all turned around and clung to the wall!

But there are still some people who want to get past others and get to the front.

In this way, you will inevitably bump into the women leaning against the armrests.

Luo Xiaoman and Luo Qianhe unceremoniously blocked them with their bodies, and then knocked them away with force.

A man dressed in black rushed down the crowd and was about to bump into Chen Xin'an.

But before Chen Xin'an could throw him away with his body, he suddenly spun around and avoided Chen Xin'an!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an turned his head and looked at him.

The man pulled the collar and hid half of his face in the collar that stood up on his neck. Only his eyes were exposed and he glanced at Chen Xin'an.

Although he didn't see the appearance, the eyes were clearly black and white, and Chen Xin'an was sure that this person was an Oriental!

As for whether he was Chinese or not, Chen Xin'an was not sure.

He ran down two steps, and there was a burst of yelling and curses behind him.

The man didn't hesitate at all and rushed straight to the handrail.

Konoha and Guo Zhaodi screamed at the same time, and then they both wanted to protect each other behind them, so they hugged each other!

The man jumped up from the exposed gap and wanted to climb directly to the next level of stairs.

As soon as his body lifted up, a big hand grabbed his clothes!

Luo Xiaoman cursed angrily: "Where have you been!"


The other party's clothes were torn, and Luo Xiaoman also touched something hard from the back of his waist!

Almost subconsciously, he grabbed it in his hand, and it turned out to be a pistol!

Taking advantage of Luo Xiaoman's dazed moment, the man held up his left hand and climbed down the stairs.

A group of men in uniforms rushed over from behind, all from the Jordan City Security Bureau.

An employee of the Security Bureau shouted to Chen Xin'an and the others: "Did you see a man in black clothes just now?"

Chen Xin'an had an expressionless face and said nothing.

Luo Xiaoman flipped his wrist and hid the pistol, also remaining silent.

Seeing that no one spoke, the security officer cursed angrily: "Are you all deaf?

I'm asking you questions!

Where did the man in black go? "

He quickly walked up to the person in front of him and whispered something into his ear.

The man's expression changed, he looked at Chen Xin'an and the others in surprise, lowered his head and said, "Sorry for disturbing you!"

Then without saying a word, he led everyone and quickly ran down from the side!

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman looked at each other, nodded, and said to everyone: "Keep walking!"

Thirty minutes later, everyone finally walked out of the Hende Building.

Duan Yu put Li Zecheng down on his back and said softly: "Mr. Li, it's okay!"

Li Zecheng nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work!"

Police sirens roared in the streets, and several gunshots were heard from time to time.

Mark ran over with a walkie-talkie in one hand, stood at the door of the building and said:

"Have you blocked him?

Don't let him get away again!

He didn't shoot?

Then hit me hard!

But I must give him a break, I want to ask his accomplices!

Red Hood, you bastards, have you finally fallen into my hands? "

After turning off the intercom, Mark cursed, rushed to the side of the road, and got into a black car with the door opened!

Chen Xin'an said to Li Zecheng: "Mr. Li, the matter of the national treasure has become like this, let's not think about it for the time being.

Now the main thing is to deal with the gbsa conference! "

Li Zecheng sighed, nodded and said: "I didn't expect such a result!

But okay, I just took this opportunity to visit some old friends!

The main thing is to build momentum for Xiruo! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to Gongsun Feiyang and Duan Yu: "Be careful and protect Mr. Li. If anything happens, contact me as soon as possible!"

"Okay!" They both nodded at the same time.

Chen Xin'an turned to everyone and said, "Let's go back too!"

"Xin'an, you and Xiruo come here!" Li Zecheng, who had walked not far away, suddenly turned around and greeted Chen Xin'an.

There were several people standing next to him. Chen Xin'an took one look and understood their identities.

Ning Xiruo supported Chen Xin'an's arm, came to Li Zecheng's side, and said to the man in a suit: "Hello, President Peng!"

This is Peng Chang, the president of the Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce. He also spoke at the auction just now.

Li Zecheng said with a smile: "Since everyone knows each other, I don't need to introduce you!

Xiruo, Chairman Peng is also one of the gbsa committee members and also has the right to vote! "

Peng Chang looked at Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo with admiration and said: "Mr. Chen, Mrs. Ning, I have admired your name for a long time!

It is rare for young people to have such courage as two of them!

Our Overseas Chamber of Commerce will have an event tomorrow. Are you two interested in participating?

I will send someone to pick you up then..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an said directly: "Not interested!"


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