Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2145 I am a disciple of the Medical Immortal

This weird scene scared the women in the car so much that they screamed!

In order to return to the hotel quickly, Xiao Zhang chose a small road.

The street lights in this area are relatively far apart, the road is narrow, there are few cars, and it is a blind spot for surveillance.

So few cars pass by.

Now that such a bloody hand suddenly appeared, it would be strange if it wasn't scary.

Chen Xinan gently patted Ning Xiruo, who turned pale, then opened the car door and got out of the car.

Luo Xiaoman also jumped down without saying a word.

Soon the two got on the bus again and said, "Pigeon, free up the last row of seats and prepare for first aid!"

While they were talking, the two of them carried a man into the car who was covered in blood. The pungent smell of blood made people sick!

But everyone didn't care about this. They quickly cleared away the debris in the back seat and asked Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman to put people on it.

Luo Qianhe picked up the bloody man's arm and began to check his pulse.

Chen Xin'an also took out the needle box.

The original cloth bag couldn't pass the security inspection, so Chen Xin'an put the silver needles in a needle box.

A siren sounded in the distance, and Chen Xin'an said without raising his head: "Old Xiao, let's go!"

Xiao Zhang immediately started the car and continued driving to the hotel.

Guo Zhaodi took out the mineral water from her bag, poured it on the paper towel, opened the window, and stretched out her hand to wipe the bloody fingerprints on the window glass.

After the injection was finished, Chen Xin'an looked at the person in front of him, a little speechless.

Unexpectedly, this is still a young woman!

And he had seen this woman before, the young man who looked at him in the stairwell of the Hinde Building!

She was seriously injured at this moment, and she was shot three times. Although she didn't hit her vital points, she was still alive!

Luo Qianhe turned to Chen Xin'an and said, "Senior brother, we have to send her to the hospital quickly, otherwise she will die before dawn!

How about I call Owen now? "

"No!" Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said, "We can't send him to the hospital! I'll think of a way!"

Konoha said anxiously: "What else are you thinking of at this time!

Didn't you hear what Pigeon said, she will die if she is not sent to the hospital!

When I look at her like this, she seems to be from China!

We can't just ignore it! "

Chen Xin'an said helplessly: "Because of this, I don't want to send her to the hospital!

Because she is the Red Hood!

If she is sent to the hospital, the police and the security bureau will not let her go! "

"Ah?" Everyone was stunned for a moment and turned to look at the bloody man.

Luo Xiaoman said with some suspicion: "Old Chen, are you admitting your mistake? Have you seen her before?"

"I've seen it!" Chen Xin'an nodded.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Chen Xin'an pointed to the woman's forehead and said: "She has a small scar here, like a little star, I have an impression.

When we were coming out of Hyman Street, when we were in the stairwell, someone fell down the stairs. Do you remember?

That's her! "

Everyone suddenly realized.

Li Niandong said with a shocked look on his face: "You have an impression of this person just from a quick glance?

I remember that I couldn't see that person at all?

You won't admit your mistake, right? "

Ning Xiruo smiled and said to Li Niandong: "As long as he seems to remember someone, a glance is enough!"

Li Niandong shrugged his shoulders, looking helpless.

There's nothing wrong with that.

As long as what happened to Chen Xin'an, it was possible no matter how unnatural it was!

Guo Zhaodi suddenly said to Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe: "Uncle, Master, I also have some trauma medicine here. Can I help her apply it?"

"Great!" Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe nodded together.

Asking Guo Zhaodi and Konoha to apply medicine to the woman, Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe sat down to discuss.

“Pigeon, we can’t let Owen know about this.

He knows people but not their hearts. After all, he is an Eagle Banner man. I don’t believe him.

But Catherine can be trusted. She will eventually return to China with Dalei Zi.

We need an operating room now, and the three of us can operate on her! "

Luo Qianhe nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "Then I'll call Catherine now and ask her if she has a suitable place!"

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Luo Qianhe took out his cell phone and dialed Catherine's number.

The call was quickly connected, and Luo Qianhe pressed the speakerphone.

There was a sound of rapid breathing over there, as if he was running.

Everyone was a little confused. Why was it so late and Catherine was still working out?

Soon Dao Lei's voice came from the phone: "Zi Ge, what's wrong?"

Luo Qianhe frowned and said, "Give Catherine your phone, I have something to do with her."

The other side seemed to hesitate for a moment and said okay, and then Catherine's voice came:

"Hey, Mr. Luo...Fake! Be gentle...I'm not talking about you, I'm busy...Darling, don't be so rude..."

The man's face turned dark and the woman's face turned red!

Luo Qianhe silently turned off the speakerphone.

It's your uncle's, two teddy spirits!

He's so injured, yet he can still go through so much trouble!

Luo Qianhe was too lazy to talk nonsense to them and said straight to the point: "I have a gunshot wound patient here who needs surgery immediately!

But absolute confidentiality must be maintained!

Do you have any good places or equipment?

OK, I'll wait for your call! "

Xiao Zhang parked the car in a dark place and waited quietly.

After five minutes, Luo Qianhe's phone rang, and he immediately picked it up and answered: "No. 171 Grand Street... OK, we'll go there and wait for you now. It's okay, I can give it to you!" After hanging up the phone, Luo Qianhe said to Chen Xinan: "Catherine has a friend who runs a private clinic. Because she killed a Murphy, she is now harassed by Murphy all day long, so she had to go abroad to avoid the limelight. However, there is an operating room in the clinic, and all the equipment is very complete. Catherine went to the nurse to ask for the key and came in twenty minutes! But it takes 5,000 Eagle Flag Yuan as a reward!" Chen Xinan nodded and said, "No problem! Lao Xiao, go to Grand Street!" The car started again and turned to Grand Street. Since coming to Eagle Flag Country, Xiao Zhang and Chen Xinan have been interested in local maps. So he read it when he had nothing to do, and went out with Luo Xiaoman to familiarize himself with the streets. So he has memorized all the streets and alleys in Jordan City. This is also his habit of driving a taxi for many years. Park the car opposite Building 171. This is a commercial building with more than 40 floors, and there are guards at the door.

Chen Xinan frowned and said to Mu Yezhen: "Find a new dress for her to wear, don't let people see the blood on her body!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yezhen nodded. There were spare blankets and coats in the car, just wrap one up.

After a while, a taxi stopped at the door of the building, and two women got off, one of whom was Catherine.

Why did she bring a stranger here?

Chen Xinan and everyone else looked a little unhappy.

Luo Qianhe made a phone call and said in a deep voice: "Catherine, I seem to have told you to keep it a secret! Wait a minute..."

He covered the phone, turned his head and said to Chen Xinan: "Brother, she seems to have brought that woman here!

That woman is a partner who opened a clinic with her friend, and she is Chinese!"

Chen Xinan frowned, and Ning Xiruo whispered: "Block the face of the girl behind, let her come over, and see what she wants to say!

Time is running out, and that girl can't afford to waste it!"

Chen Xinan nodded.

Luo Qianhe said to the phone: "Come over, we are in the Kailai business car across the street!"

Soon Catherine came over with a woman and got in the car.

The woman said to everyone: "I am the apprentice of the Chinese Medical Immortal, and gunshot surgery is my forte!"

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