Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2146 I am the close disciple of the Medical Immortal

Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe were both stunned, looking at the woman in front of them with their mouths wide open.

Seeing everyone like this, the woman snorted and said, "You haven't heard of the name of the Medical Fairy, have you?

That's right, you are too young and have caught up with the era when ancient medicine is declining and modern medical techniques are taking over.

For celebrities of the older generation, it is normal that you have never heard of them.

But let me tell you, I am the only disciple of the Chinese Medical Immortal!

If I were present for this kind of surgery, the injured person would have an 80% chance of survival!

Don't think that your life is not in danger if the gunshot wound doesn't hit the vital part.

This is so wrong!

Blood loss, organ damage, or various subsequent injuries are all fatal factors!

I am very experienced in handling these! "

"Okay, go ahead and open the door, let's go up!" Chen Xin'an waved her hand.

Since this woman has volunteered, let's see what she is capable of.

Anyway, with him and the pigeon holding the battle next to him, nothing big will happen.

A man's coat was put on the bloody man, and then Luo Xiaoman carried her on his back, and everyone walked into the building.

The woman who came with Catherine had already greeted the guard, so the guard did not stop her and went to patrol elsewhere.

This is less trouble.

Everyone quickly got into the elevator and went up to the eighth floor.

That clinic is right here, it’s quite big, it’s all on the eighth floor!

But now it was closed. The woman opened the door with a familiarity and turned on the light.

I have to admit that although it is a clinic, the equipment here is very complete, and it can be called a small hospital.

Just as they were being sent to the operating room, the woman stopped everyone and stretched out her hand in front of Chen Xin'an.

"I'm sorry, give me the money first, and we will do the surgery later. If something happens to you, it will be bad if you don't admit it!"

Konoha said angrily: "Didn't you just say that I can definitely be saved if you are here? What else could happen?"

The woman smiled and said: "At first glance, you don't belong to this circle!

Girl, let me tell you, any surgery has certain risks, which cannot be completely ruled out.

Even a double eyelid cut can kill someone, let alone a gunshot wound!

Besides, I didn’t say 100% just now, I said 80%!

Also, as is the case in foreign countries, you pay first and then see a doctor.

We are all compatriots, will I still lie to you?

After you return to China, you will know that I will not lie to you if you ask about my master and how famous the name of the Medical Immortal is! "

Catherine blushed, took the woman's hand and said, "Sister Lan, this is not what you told me before you came here!"

The woman turned her head and pushed her hand away and said, "Katherine, don't worry! I can't help it, you know my difficulties!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and glanced at Ning Xiruo.

"There are only more than two thousand now, can I give you the rest tomorrow?" Ning Xiruo said to the woman, "Or I can transfer you Chinese coins!"

The Eagle Flag Yuan exchanged has almost been spent, and Ning Xiruo is also planning to exchange another 50,000 yuan tomorrow.

I just didn’t expect to need money urgently at night.

The woman shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, you can't miss five thousand yuan!

As for Huaxia coins, I don’t accept them here. Bank transfers are too troublesome and I can’t wait that long!

If you don't have money, I can only say sorry, you should send it to a big hospital! "

Konoha cursed angrily: "Are you Chinese?

We are all compatriots, why do you need to deny your relatives?

Besides, if you said in advance that you wanted cash immediately, we wouldn't come in!

Now you are stuck here and want money, where can we change it for you? The banks are closed! "

The woman shrugged her shoulders and said, "I didn't expect you couldn't even come up with five thousand!

Catherine also said that you are very rich, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that!

I'm sorry, but in normal times, I would have believed you if you said you would give it to me tomorrow.

But not today!

If I don’t have money, I will have no choice but to ask you out! "

Everyone gritted their teeth in anger, Konoha turned around and cursed at Catherine: "Look at the good things you have done! Who did you introduce! It's a shame that we still believe in you so much!"

Catherine's face turned pale, and she felt better when others scolded her.

But Konoha really scolded her, which really made her heartache.

She turned her head and said to the woman: "Yan Huilan, from now on, I will break up with you! I don't have you as a friend anymore!"

Yan Huilan looked at Catherine with a complicated expression, forced a smile and said:

"We were never friends, just acquaintances.

Doug is your friend, I'm not!

Forget it, I’ll explain it to you later! "

Chen Xin'an suddenly turned his head to look at her and said expressionlessly: "Your name is Yan Huilan? You said your master is a medical fairy?"

Yan Huilan turned to look at him and asked: "What's wrong? You, a young man in your twenties, have also heard of my master's name?

Forget it, that’s not a story that a hairless boy like you can understand, you just need to..."

Before she could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an took out something from his body and waved it in front of her.

"Then do you know what this is?"

Yan Huilan took a quick look, her face changed drastically, and she exclaimed: "Bronze Master Medal! How come you have this?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she seemed to have thought of something, and knelt down on the ground with a bang, and said in a trembling voice: "Disciple Yan Huilan, pay homage to Master!"

Konoha curled his lips and cursed: "His name is Chen Xin'an, he is younger than you, he is not your master!"

Ning Xiruo smiled and pulled her up: "She is kneeling on the bronze master's medal! Seeing the medal is like seeing the teacher. People of the older generation pay attention to this!"

Chen Xin'an said with a mocking look: "My master only accepted one disciple in his life, and that was me!

There are six named disciples left. You said you are the only disciple of the Medical Immortal. How come I don’t know? "

It turns out that the person in front of me is Master’s true disciple!

Yan Huilan looked at Chen Xin'an in shock. Just when she was about to speak, Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said:

"I don't have time to listen to your nonsense!

Let me ask you now, can you lend me this operating room?

I will definitely give you five thousand yuan, but I can’t get it tonight. I can make up for it with money tomorrow, okay? "

"Okay!" Yan Huilan nodded quickly and said, "No, no! It's not no, it's no need! It doesn't cost a penny, I'll be the surgeon... my junior brother will be the surgeon, I'll do it, no need to pay!"

Without any time to waste, Chen Xin'an immediately asked Luo Qianhe to put on sterile clothes and go in to perform the operation on the woman.

Yan Huilan and Catherine followed closely behind, really taking action.

Ning Xiruo said to everyone: "You don't have to stay here, go back and rest! I'll wait here..."

Luo Xiaoman said: "Let's all go back. If you don't leave, no one will leave either.

Just wait until Lao Xiao comes back to pick them up. "

Ning Xiruo thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay!"

Everyone left together.

Two hours later, Chen Xinan and others returned from the operating room.

Yan Huilan said to Chen Xin'an with a look of surprise: "Junior brother, you are indeed worthy of Master's disciple.

With this superb ancient medical skill, if you stay in the Eagle Flag Country, your future is endless! "

Luo Qianhe snorted coldly and said with a look of disdain: "Senior brother is now the president of a large group company with assets of tens of billions, what kind of future do you want?"

Yan Huilan looked embarrassed and looked at Chen Xin'an in awe.

But he immediately realized something was wrong, looked at Luo Qianhe and said, "Senior brother? Could it be that you..."

Chen Xin'an said expressionlessly: "He is Master's junior brother, Hsieh Jiahua's disciple! Luo Qianhe!"

Yan Huilan suddenly realized it and shouted in surprise: "Junior Brother!"

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