Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2147 I’ll help you buy this place

Thinking of her attitude of recognizing money but not people just now, Luo Qianhe didn't respond to her overtures, he just curled his lips with disdain!

Yan Huilan looked embarrassed, but she didn't dare to say anything.

Chen Xin'an frowned, looked at Yan Huilan and asked, "Why do you have to get five thousand yuan tonight?"

Yan Huilan sighed and said helplessly: "Because tomorrow morning, the bank will come to seize this place! Unless I can afford a fine of five thousand eagle flags!"

It turns out that this clinic was opened by Yan Huilan and her boss Doug who had run away.

Of course the big boss is Doug, but Yan Huilan also invested all his own funds.

It was originally a medical treatment that combined modern and ancient methods, but due to a medical accident, the clinic fell into hell.

What makes Yan Huilan even more devastated is that that bastard Doug really has no sense of responsibility at all.

He actually gave up everything and fled abroad for refuge!

Leave a mess to a woman.

Yan Huilan could only sell all her property to calm Mo Feiren's anger.

The fantasy is to get a sum of money to reopen the clinic.

Unexpectedly, they could deal with Mo Feiren but not the officials of Jordan City.

Renting a house here requires thousands of dollars in rent every month.

If the money is not paid tomorrow morning, this place will be forcibly repossessed by the bank!

At this moment, a phone call from Catherine gave her hope.

When she heard Catherine say that the person who wanted to rent the operating room was one of the richest people in China, Yan Huilan felt that her spring was coming!

So she made a desperate move to get five thousand dollars tonight at all costs.

She can't let the bank take away the clinic, otherwise she will have nothing!

After hearing her explanation, Luo Qianhe became less angry.

After all, she did it sometimes when she had no choice but to do so.

Chen Xin'an looked at Yan Huilan and remained silent.

Now he also knows that Yan Huilan is indeed one of the master's six registered disciples.

This name is on Huang Hexiang and Jiang Yu's list.

But I was already in the lost contact column, and I didn’t expect that I had gone abroad!

And her medical skills are indeed very good.

The level is even higher than Ding Baozhen!

Chen Xin'an said to her: "Yan Huilan, if you are willing to come back to China with me, I can introduce you to a big hospital for you to go to.

The treatment will definitely be the same..."

Yan Huilan had a wry smile on her face, shook her head and said to Chen Xin'an: "Junior brother, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth.

I will never return to my country in this life.

I committed a crime.

I got married young and the man was a scumbag.

In addition, when I worked in a large hospital in my early years, the trend was just like that. I followed the trend and received a lot of red envelopes.

My man took advantage of me and kept blackmailing me, and even used my money to support my mistress.

In a fit of anger, I destroyed him!

Although it didn't kill him, it made him feel worse than death!

If I go back, not to mention their family will not let me go, and the police will not let me go either.

Anyway, I am used to this place and I will stay here for the rest of my life.

There is no one else at home, I have nothing to worry about, and there is nothing uncomfortable about me.

I just miss Master sometimes...

I have embarrassed Master! "

Yan Huilan covered her face and cried.

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "Master eats well and drinks well. Now he has gone to a mountain village to work as a teacher. He is living a very prosperous life. You don't have to worry about him!"

After thinking about it, Chen Xin'an asked Yan Huilan: "Can you get the license for this clinic?"

Yan Huilan was stunned for a moment, looked at Chen Xin'an and asked: "Yes, yes, junior brother, why do you ask this? You don't want to open a clinic in the Eagle Flag Country, do you?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "I won't drive, you drive!

Contact that Doug and ask him to transfer all of this clinic to you!

I'll pay him any amount he wants.

But the clinic owner has to be me.

It's not that I care about how much money you can make, but it's because I have some connections with the officials in London City.

As long as you know that this clinic is mine, no one will dare to trouble you!

Even Mo Feiren is the same! "

Yan Huilan was dumbfounded and asked with a puzzled look on her face: "Junior brother, what are you...

Your company is so big, how much can this small clinic make in a year?

What are you spending this money on? What are you picturing? "

Chen Xin'an looked at her and said seriously: "Just because you are Master's registered disciple.

Just because of your words, little junior brother!

I don’t care how much money you can make in a year, as long as you promise me one thing! "

"What's the matter?" Yan Huilan immediately asked Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an looked at her and said: "If someone comes to the clinic for treatment in the future, as long as he is Chinese, you must treat him.

If you can do this, even if you have no money, you will treat him for free, regardless of the cost!

can you do it? "

While speaking, Chen Xin'an turned his fist inwards and punched himself three times in the heart!

Yan Huilan's expression changed, and she lowered her voice and asked Chen Xin'an: "Junior brother, are you all... 003 people?"

She is Yao Zhifeng's registered disciple, and her master is the elder of Longdun. It is not surprising that she knows his master's identity.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe shook their heads together.

Chen Xin'an said: "But it is still necessary to find a place to stay and a refuge for them.

If you think about it, this will definitely cause a lot of trouble and great danger.

If you can afford it, just agree.

If you can't bear it, I won't blame you.

I can also help you sort out this clinic. "

Yan Huilan thought about it for a moment, then nodded to Chen Xin'an and said, "Junior brother, I promise you! I will do this!"

"Okay, then you can talk to Doug about this now! Before the bank goes to work tomorrow morning, my wife will come over and help you deal with the bank people.

You also discuss matters with her about the clinic.

Don’t mention what happened tonight to anyone, senior sister! "

Hearing Chen Xin'an call her, Yan Huilan's eyes suddenly turned red, nodded and said:

"OK, I see!

Junior brothers, don't worry, I won't embarrass Master again! "

Catherine came over and said to Chen Xin'an: "The situation has stabilized. How about letting her stay here tonight and I will stay with her here!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at her and said, "Won't Da Leizi blame you for being here?"

Catherine blushed and said shyly: "Actually, I also want to take a rest..."

Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe were both speechless.

Yan Huilan looked at Catherine with a guilty look and said, "I'm here to accompany you!"

Catherine originally wanted to refuse, but seeing Yan Huilan's pleading eyes, she finally snorted and had no objection.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe walked out of the clinic and went downstairs to go back.

Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang were at the door.

Chen Xin'an said to the three of them: "You..."

Luo Xiaoman interrupted him directly and said: "Old Chen, if you keep talking nonsense, I will really fall out! Where are you going tonight, where will I go? Let Lao Xiao and Pigeon come back!"

Lao Xiao chuckled and said with a dissatisfied look on his face: "If anything happens, we will go back and lie down.

Do you think we are here for tourism?

My guy brought everything here, otherwise it would have been all for nothing? "

He pointed to the two large bags in the back of the car.

Luo Qianhe walked to the car, took out the car key, turned around and said to the three of them: "Wait for me for a moment!"

He turned around and went upstairs again.

Xiao Zhang cursed angrily: "Just wait as you say, why did you take out the car key?

Don’t we even have this little trust between our brothers? "

Luo Qianhe didn't say anything, he just raised his arms and gave him a middle finger.

Twenty minutes later, Luo Qianhe came down with a package on his back. There were many bottles and cans in it, which clattered as he walked.

He carefully placed the package in the back seat of the car, threw the key to Xiao Zhang, and said to everyone: "Let's go!"

Chen Xin'an looked at these three guys with a look of helplessness on her face, so she could only wave her hand and said, "Let's go to Block 11!"

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