Block 11 of Jordan City is as famous as Chinatown, where the China Overseas Chamber of Commerce is located.

It’s just that Chinatown has mouth-watering food and mysterious and fascinating Kung Fu.

And here, there are all kinds of crimes.

There are all kinds of evil deeds that you can think of here, and there are also things that you can’t think of!

The people living in this neighborhood are all Africans, and their living environment and conditions are very poor.

Lack of water, lack of electricity, and even lack of food.

Even the local police rarely come to this place.

So even if a case occurs, calling the police is useless.

The only way to maintain order in this place is through the bosses of the three major gangs.

The rules they make are the laws here.

But there is a very interesting phenomenon here.

Natives from the Eagle Flag country simply do not dare to enter Block 11 and are very unwelcome here.

But Easterners will not be so excluded.

Of course, this does not include Chinese people.

Rather, it refers to the Da Ying people, the Dongchao people, or the Tailan people.

Because many criminal transactions are completed using them.

So although they can enter Block 11, they are often bullied.

Gloria Business parked outside the entrance of Block 11. Chen Xinan and others got off the car and entered on foot.

This type of commercial vehicle, which is only suitable for white-collar workers in Eagle Flag Country, would be too big a target if it appeared in Block 11.

The equipment was put into the backpack and Luo Xiaoman carried it on his back.

Luo Qianhe was also carrying a small bag, which was filled with bottles and cans taken from the clinic. He didn't know what they contained.

The four of them strode into Block 11. Although there were no obvious boundaries or barriers between this place and other places in Jordan City, the environment was completely different.

The buildings here are very dilapidated, the streets are full of garbage, and there are cars parked randomly.

Most of the shops on both sides are closed, but there are many homeless people lying under the eaves.

Even if someone passes by them, they won't be interested.

Some people even stuck a needle into their own necks on the street.

Two ragged African-Americans seemed to have a dispute over something, so they started fighting at the entrance of an alley.

The guy on the left was taller, so he had an advantage. He held down the shorter guy's head and beat him hard!

The short man received several punches, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. He actually took out a gun from his arms and pointed it at the tall man and shot him three times!

The tall man lay heavily on the ground, motionless, and blood spread from under him.

The short man kept yelling and cursing, shot him twice in the head, turned around and ran towards the alley.

The homeless people around had obviously heard the gunfire, but no one was curious enough to run over to see what was going on.

It seems that they have long been accustomed to it, and it has nothing to do with them if the sky falls.

However, two African-Americans wearing hip-hop clothes came out of the alley and stopped the short man.

Although he was holding a gun, the short man did not dare to shoot the two men. He just spread his hands and kept explaining.

The two men in hip-hop attire did not let him go, but collected his gun and asked him to follow them out of the alley.

Chen Xin'an and the other four looked a little frightened.

In this place, human life seems to be worthless!

Xiao Zhang tapped his ear lightly and whispered: "It's weird, I just can't contact them!"

What you buy at a gun store is not only firearms, but also the most advanced communication systems on the market.

You only need to stick a chip film with the same color as your skin on your ears and throat, and you can talk and receive by sight.

Chen Xin'an had already emptied the gun shop's warehouse with this item alone.

Most of them have been packed and mailed back to China, which is just in time for safety and security.

Of course, the gun store's inventory was definitely not enough, so Chen Xin'an ordered another 300 sets from the gun store owner.

In the next step, Anhao Security will take on the task of escorting Tailan's gold weapons. The advanced equipment can handle many emergencies.

In this regard, Chen Xin'an has never been stingy with spending money!

Zhang Jian and Li Qi were also equipped with this when they went out, but now they can't be contacted!

Where have these two guys gone?

Are you already in danger?

A neighborhood like this in the city is like an urban village.

Even with a map, it takes a lot of effort to find a place here.

There are dim street lights on the streets, many of which are no longer on.

It would be too dangerous for a foreigner to walk alone in such an environment!

You could be robbed in minutes, and even lose your life!

Even though there were four of Chen Xin'an, he already felt that he was being watched less than five minutes after entering the block!

Chen Xin'an lowered his voice and said: "Contact us every three minutes. Now we have to find Octopus Tower first!"

Everyone nodded together.

Asking for directions is tantamount to courting death.

So now everyone can only rely on the marks on the sketch drawn by Li Qi and Xiao Zhang to find the target.

Xiao Zhang whispered: "Aqi and I came here during the day, pretending to be Dongchao people and delivering goods here.

So I looked through the entire 11th block like a quick tour, and drew as many as I could remember.

The actual terrain is different from the painting.

But I still remember that there was a Black Skull Bar near Octopus Tower.

As long as you can find that bar, go to Octopus Tower. "

Luo Xiaoman snorted and said to Chen Xin'an: "Old Chen, those tails at the back are very annoying, how about I get rid of them first?"

Chen Xinan shook his head and said, "No! As long as they don't do anything, you can follow them if you want!"

Luo Xiaoman gritted his teeth and cursed, "You're lucky!"

Everyone continued to move forward. After walking for about ten minutes, Luo Qianhe pointed to the front and asked Xiao Zhang, "Is the bar you mentioned that place?"

Everyone followed his gesture and looked over. Not far away on the roadside, there was a simple neon-decorated storefront.

It took a long time to see the flashing neon pattern and see that it was a skull logo.

Xiao Zhang nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, it's here! Look at the building behind, it's the Octopus Building!"

Chen Xinan raised his head and looked into the distance.

In the dark night, a five-story building was vaguely seen with sporadic lights on it.

It looked like an abandoned factory.

The reason why it is called the Octopus Building is that from the perspective of aerial photography, this building is connected to the surrounding buildings, like a big octopus with many tentacles.

Everyone looked at Chen Xinan, waiting for him to decide whether to go there now.

At this moment, the door of the bar was suddenly pushed open, and a man ran out crying, followed by two Mofei people, making piercing laughter.

Seeing Chen Xin'an and the other four standing under the street light, the man who ran out rushed over and begged the four people: "Save me!"

He spoke the language of the Eagle Flag Country, but his appearance was an Oriental face.

Seeing the appearance of Chen Xin'an and the other four, the man showed surprise on his face and hid behind Luo Xiaoman.

Two Mofei people came over and looked at Chen Xin'an and the other four. A man with a nose ring cursed at the four people: "Get out, damn Orientals!"

Another person with a gold necklace pointed at the person hiding behind and said with a smile: "Dear little cat, come here obediently, otherwise I will cut your tendons and make you unable to go anywhere!"

Chen Xin'an and the other four stood still. They haven't figured out the situation yet, and they won't help those who look like Chinese people.

The four people are not that stupid.

The man hiding behind said in a trembling voice: "Don't mess around! I am Brother Haozhi's younger brother!

If you dare to do that to me, Brother will not let you go!"

After that, he turned his head and said to Chen Xin'an and the other four: "Are you all from Dongchao? My eldest brother is Cui Haozhi!

These two guys are perverts, help me drive them away, and my eldest brother will reward you!"


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