Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2149 We are killing for you

After working on it for a long time, I found out that this guy is from Dongchao.

Chen Xin'an also doesn't have a good impression of Dongchao people.

This country has no quality and no bottom line. As long as it is something it likes, it claims that it was invented by its own country and regards itself as the origin of the entire universe's civilization.

The most important thing is that Eastern Chao people are extremely narcissistic and selfish.

By resorting to fraud, I feel that I am superior to others and look down on the Chinese people.

In addition, more than one Dongchao killer died at the hands of Chen Xin'an, so when Chen Xin'an saw the Dongchao people, he was as disgusted as seeing flies.

In fact, Chen Xin'an and the other two had no intention of helping, but the two Mofei people felt that they were in the way.

The man with the nose ring came over, pushed Luo Xiaoman arrogantly, and cursed at him:

"Go away! You Eastern bastards!

Don't scare me with that Choi Ho-sik!

He is just a transporter delivering goods to us! "

The big gold chain said with a smile: "I just like kittens like you, it must be fun to play with!

It's okay, just play with us two for one night, and we can cover you in Block 11 from now on!

You see, the one who came to collect the bill before was very obedient, you have to be like him! "

The Dongchao people shuddered behind Luo Xiaoman and cursed at the two of them: "It turns out you two were the ones who got Dongzhe injured and hospitalized!

If you are preventing us from collecting accounts like this, then I will go back and tell Brother Haozhi that I will never trade with you again! "

The expressions of the two Mofei people turned cold.

The man with the nose ring snorted coldly and said: "Then don't even think about entering Block 11 in the future, we will drive all you damn Oriental guys out!"

The Dongchao man was silent. This kind of result was something he couldn't bear.

Although the boss has long been dissatisfied with Mo Feiren, he has not yet thought of severing the deal.

This is the foundation of the lives of countless brothers. If it is broken, so many brothers will not be able to gain a foothold in the Eagle Flag Country!

What's even more frightening is that if you get into a fight with the Mofei people, or even fight, it will only hurt both sides and take advantage of the Ying people!

In this stunned moment, his arm was grabbed by the nose ring man and he was dragged out from behind Luo Xiaoman!

The Dongchao people were so frightened that they shouted!

He was afraid that he would cause a break between the Dongchao people and the Mofei people, but it was impossible for him to sacrifice himself to maintain this relationship!

These perverts can do anything.

Thinking about Dong Zhe's fate is enough to make people shudder!

Now I am still lying on my stomach in the hospital. I cannot take care of myself. I am completely disabled. Even if I am discharged from the hospital, I will not be able to recover for a long time!

He opened his hand and wanted to catch Luo Xiaoman, shouting loudly: "Are you from Da Ying?

My Haozhi brother is good friends with your boss, Mr. Pingya!

If you save me, I will give you money in the future! "

Luo Xiaoman looked at him expressionlessly and said nothing.

In fact, I didn’t understand a single word.

Xiao Zhang was the same, confused inside but expressionless on his face.

Chen Xin'an can probably understand it, but can't speak it.

The only one who could understand and speak was Luo Qianhe.

In fact, his foreign language skills are very poor, but to the ears of the locals, the level of Eagle Flag of these Easterners is very poor, and you can tell that he is a foreigner!

So no one would laugh at him.

Luo Qianhe glanced at Chen Xin'an, and when his senior brother nodded, he turned to the Dongchao man and said, "Let Cui Haozhi exit Block 11, and I will save you!"

There is an eldest brother from Dongchao people and a boss from Da Ying people. Both forces are doing business with Mofei people.

If they were good friends, that would be crazy!

No one with any sense would believe this Eastern Chao person’s nonsense!

The Dongchao man's expression froze, and he was even more sure that the four people in front of him were Da Ying people, and he hesitated and said:

"I, I can't make the decision, but I can discuss it with Brother Haozhi..."

This kind of nonsense is not enough to deceive children, so the Dongchao man said it with a guilty conscience.

But he didn't expect that the Da Ying man actually believed it, nodded and said: "Okay, in that case, we will help you!"

Dongchao people are confused!

Is it so easy to cheat?

Do all Japanese people have this kind of IQ?

It’s unreasonable that he can become Brother Haozhi’s opponent!

The two Mofei people heard their conversation clearly.

When I saw these damn Da Ying people trying to meddle in other people's business, my face dropped!

“A bunch of damn people!

Do you want to save him?

Then save him!

Let me see how you can get him away! "

“You filthy pigs!

You like to be nosy, right?

I want you to crawl out of Block 11 tonight!

He also had to get under both of our crotches! "

While speaking, the big gold chain pulled out a pistol from his body, pointed it at Luo Qianhe's head, then spread his legs and said with a sinister smile:

"Now kneel down and crawl under my crotch!"

"Hahaha!" The man with the nose ring laughed wildly, spread his legs, and cursed Chen Xin'an and the other two:

"You all come together, and after crawling over there, go around and crawl over to me!

When I finish climbing, I will ask all the brothers inside to come out and arrange them one by one for you to climb! "

The Dongchao people were so frightened that they turned pale and huddled behind the crowd, looking around as if they wanted to escape.

But as soon as he moved, the man with the nose ring took out a gun and aimed it at him!

"Hey! My little kitten, if you take one more step, I'll shoot!"

The Dongchao people were so frightened that their bodies stiffened and they stood motionless.

Chen Xin'an walked to the big gold chain.

Da Jinlian pointed the gun at his head and said with a smile: "Start with you, right?

Okay, kneel down for me now!

Hurry up or I'll blow your head off! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an suddenly grabbed his right hand holding the gun. Before he could react, the gun had already fallen into Chen Xin'an's hand!

Big Gold Chain opened his eyes wide and looked at the person in front of him in disbelief.

The next second, Chen Xin'an kneeled hard between his legs!

In an instant, all the blood on the face faded away from the big gold chain!

He opened his mouth wide, trying to scream.

But Chen Xin'an took a pistol and hit him hard on the head with the handle of the gun!

Brains splatter!

The big gold chain didn't even make a sound, it was already dead!

At the same time, Luo Xiaoman rushed towards the man with the nose ring,

She grabbed his wrist with her left hand, made a fist with her right hand, protruded her middle finger, and struck hard on the Adam's apple of the man with the nose ring!

The man with the nose ring almost bulged his eyes out of his sockets. He covered his throat with his hands and blood spurted out from his mouth.

Luo Xiaoman held the nose ring man's head with both hands, twisted it hard, and with a click, he broke his cervical vertebrae!

It seemed that at the same time, the two Murphys turned into two corpses.

That Dongchao person was already dumbfounded!

He shouted to the two of them like crazy: "You are crazy!

I just asked you to rescue me, I didn’t ask you to kill them two!

Don’t you know where this is?

Even if you kill Murphy, you won't be able to escape from Block 11 even if you use your wings! "

Luo Qianhe turned his head, looked at him coldly and said, "Shut up! If it weren't for saving you, we wouldn't kill anyone!

If you keep nagging, then go to hell to accompany them! "

The Dongchao people shuddered and did not dare to curse anymore. They just said in a trembling voice:

"It's over now, the Mofei people won't let us go!

Run quickly. When they find out, none of us will be able to escape!

But they will find out sooner or later.

Everyone inside knew when they chased me out just now.

Where can we run to? "


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