Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2151 We are here to make trouble

Although he was reluctant, Yuan Dongxu reluctantly walked out.

Only four people, Chen Xin'an, were left in the warehouse.

Luo Qianhe said to everyone: "What a good opportunity, let's start work!

I need to make a pinhole in the cap of each bottle of wine and pour the medicine I brought in! "

Xiao Zhang asked: "What kind of medicine is it? Is it fatal?"

Luo Qianhe shook his head and said: "It's all anesthetics, I have to mix them while filling them.

So we have to do a good job of division of labor now.

Senior brother, you and Aman are responsible for the eye opening!

I have steel needles in my bag.

Lao Xiao, you are responsible for injecting drugs into the wine.

Don’t use too much at one time, just follow the scale on the syringe, one big square is enough.

I'm dispensing medicine now! "

Everyone nodded and started immediately!

It is not easy to poke a hole in a metal bottle cap with a steel needle.

But for Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman who have the inner strength, it is a piece of cake!

The two of them used a needle each to open the wine box and prick it like a balloon.

Luo Qianhe had already taken off the small bag on his back, and all the bottles and jars inside were placed on the ground.

He picked up a glass mixing bowl from the side and poured the liquid in the bottle into it, regardless of whether it was clean or not.

After ten seconds of debugging, he threw a syringe to Xiao Zhang and said to him: "That's it! Start filling it with medicine!"

Xiao Zhang tore open the packaging on the syringe, took out a syringe of medicine, loaded the needle, aimed at the small eye on the bottle cap, and pushed the medicine in one by one.

There were ten cases of wine in total, and three filled metal flagons.

The four of them worked hard and in less than ten minutes, they were all done!

Fortunately, no one came to the warehouse during this period.

Everyone packed up their things, and there were still some remaining medicines, so they simply poured them all into the remaining drinks.

At this moment, Li Qi's voice came from the intercom!

Chen Xin'an's expression changed, and he immediately made a silence gesture to everyone, and lowered his voice and said, "Where are you? Why haven't we been in contact just now?"

Li Qi's voice came to my ears: "We are inside the Octopus Tower.

It has been inconvenient to make a sound just now.

Now we are hidden.

There is a big operation in Mofei tonight, and there are plenty of guards.

We never found the opportunity to do it! "

Chen Xin'an said quickly: "You must not take risks!

Aman, Lao Xiao, Pigeon and I have entered Block 11 and are now at the Black Skull Bar!

Drinks will be delivered to the Octopus Tower later, and something has been added to it.

You can either wait inside for our cooperation, or withdraw and join us! "

Zhang Jian's voice came to my ears: "You can't evacuate! The terrain of the Octopus Tower is complex, and it will be difficult to find it again once you lose your target.

We'll wait here for you to come in. "

Chen Xin'an responded: "Okay! Remember, you must act according to the situation!

Let's try not to confront each other tonight and find ways to provoke infighting between them!

Try to keep communication open! "

"Okay!" Zhang Jian and Li Qi responded at the same time.

Chen Xin'an closed the call and said to everyone: "Hurry up, let's..."

He didn't finish his words, his eyes were staring outside.

Luo Xiaoman quietly walked to the door, and then suddenly rushed out!

There was a slight sound outside, and then Luo Xiaoman came back again, grabbing Yuan Dongxu's neck with his right hand!

Luo Qianhe asked him calmly, "Yuan Dongxu, why are you eavesdropping outside?

What did you overhear? "

Yuan Dongxu turned pale, shook his head vigorously and said, "I didn't hear anything!

They were urging me to ask if the car was loaded! "

Luo Qianhe pointed to several trolleys next to him and said, "They are all inside and can be pushed away!"

Yuan Dongxu swallowed, took a cautious step back, pointed in the direction of the hall, and said in a trembling voice: "Then I'll ask them to come in and send the wine over quickly!"

Luo Qianhe came over, put his right hand around his shoulder, and put his left hand into his arms. He smiled at him and said, "Then I will go out with you to call them!"

Yuan Dongxu felt something hard pressing against his ribs, his knees weakened and he almost collapsed to the ground!

This bastard!

Everyone looked at him indifferently and disdainfully.

Luo Qianhe hugged him and walked out of the warehouse.

Soon the two Murphys who had just led the way came in, called a few people, and pushed four small carts filled with wine out.

Luo Qianhe said with a smile: "Actually, we can also send it there. You can just drink here!"

A Mofei man patted him on the shoulder and said, "You think we don't want to do this!

But the people from all your parties above have been fixed, and no one can add more.

If you are sent up, we will be in trouble, and the boss will definitely teach us a lesson! "

Luo Qianhe glanced at Chen Xin'an, and it seemed that he had to find a chance to go up on his own!

The trolleys had all been pushed away, and everyone came out of the warehouse and entered the hall.

There was an empty table in the corner, and several people sat at it.

Yuan Dongxu said to Luo Qianhe with a grimace: "I really didn't hear anything, I just saw you talking and didn't go in to disturb you.

I'm just here tonight to collect a bill, buy some goods, and earn some money for drinks. Please let me go! "

Chen Xin'an nodded to Luo Qianhe.

Luo Qianhe loosened his arm and said to him: "I'm asking you, have you ever seen a Murphy with a scar on his face?" Yuan Dongxu smiled bitterly and said: "Are there any other features? Based on this alone, there are probably at least 800 people in the entire 11th block, if not a thousand?" Luo Qianhe gestured on his face and said to him: "The scar is like this, think about it, have you seen it?" Yuan Dongxu frowned and said: "Are you talking about Stoke? He has the scar you mentioned! Why are you looking for him? He is Hans's younger brother!" It should be him! Luo Qianhe glanced at Chen Xinan. What are you looking for him for? The main reason tonight is to go after this guy! In the subway tunnel near Century Square, this bastard ran away. But the monk can run away, but the temple cannot! Where can you run to after injuring our brothers? Chen Xinan's personality and temper have always been to avenge his grudges! There was a grudge that would not last overnight. I just came to Eagle Flag Country and haven't figured out the situation yet. I've let that kid live for so many days, which is already very worthy of him!

Another Murphy called out: "Yuan, do you have any more? Give me a pack too!"

Yuan Dongxu immediately stood up and shouted: "Yes!"

He turned his head and said to everyone with a pleading face: "Dear friends, don't delay me from making money. I'll treat you to a drink tonight, okay?"

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Luo Qianhe said to him: "Go! But don't be dishonest, otherwise I won't let you go!" Yuan Dongxu quickly said: "You saved me, so how could I be dishonest to you! I'll go over first and bring some wine to drink later! Who said that Dongchao people can't make friends with Daying people!" After he left, Luo Qianhe said to Chen Xinan: "Brother, can this man be trusted?" Chen Xinan sneered and said with disdain: "If Dongchao people can be trusted, the earth will not turn!" Luo Xiaoman asked with a puzzled look: "Then why did you let him go?" Chen Xinan glanced at him and said: "You can't always take him with you! And we came here tonight, aren't we just making trouble!" That's true! The hall seemed to be a little quiet. I don't know when the noise just now stopped, leaving only the sound of the music in the speakers. Almost all the Mofei people in the bar stopped their actions, turned their heads, and looked at Chen Xinan and the other four fiercely!

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