Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2152 Bloodbath of Black Skeletons

A fat black man weighing three hundred pounds walked to the door of the bar.

First, the rolling shutter door was pulled down with a clang, then the wooden door was closed and locked from the inside.

Yuan Dongxu stood behind several Mo Feiren, pointed at Chen Xin'an and the four of them and shouted:

"They are Chinese!

I heard their conversation!

They were the ones who killed Billy and David! "

All the Mofei people in the bar stood up and surrounded Chen Xin'an and the four of them with angry faces.

Chen Xin'an sighed and shook his head.

That's why he doesn't like Eastern Chao people.

These Sun Zis are of very low character, telling lies and repaying kindness with enmity.

"Take it!" A Mofei man took out a canvas bag from under the bar and placed it on the bar with a clatter.

It was filled with all kinds of knives and sticks, and even a few pistols!

Everyone went over to pick up the guy who took advantage of them.

Yuan Dongxu begged the big man beside him, "Can you let me out? We agreed that I will tell you the identities of these people and you will let me go!"

The big man beside him, Murphy, said with a smile: "Don't worry, my friend!

We will definitely let you go, but not now!

Since you can understand Chinese, it will be up to you to interrogate them later! "

Chen Xin'an sat still and the three brothers beside him didn't move either.

The four of them watched these Mofei people getting closer and closer with normal expressions, as if they didn't feel any danger.

Their calm appearance made those Mofei people very unhappy.

The tall man Mo Fei standing next to Yuan Dongxu cursed at the four of them: "How dare you Chinese people come to Block 11?

Really looking for death!

Do you know what happened to the Chinese guy who came to Block 11 last night?

The hamstrings of both feet that we had broken were hanging under the lamppost of the street lamp outside the bar!

He was hung all night, and his blood dripped all night, and he bled to death!

We threw the corpse into Chinatown. You Chinese losers didn't even dare to fart! "

Everyone else burst into laughter!

"Hahaha, I still remember that unlucky guy. I cut the hamstring of one of his feet.

Listening to him scream all night long, I thought this was the most fun thing I have ever done! "

"I can't wait to hang up these Chinese pigs now!

Don't cut their hamstrings this time, I want their skin to be peeled off! "

“How dare they come to Block 11 and kill our brothers?

I think they are just here to die!

Now all the exits are sealed. I wonder how they can escape! "

Yuan Dongxu was still begging Mo Feiren beside him to let him out.

The big man Murphy was impatient and handed him the foot-long sharp knife in his hand, snorted coldly and said:

"Take it! Go stab them and I'll let you out!

No matter which one you stab, as long as the knife sees blood, you can get out!

Timid Eastern Chao people!

If you dare not take action, I will insert this knife into your body! "

Yuan Dongxu's face was pale, he took the knife tremblingly and held it in his hand.

The big man Murphy pushed him in the back, and he staggered forward two steps and came to the front of Chen Xin'an's table.

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Dongxu grasped the knife in his hand and said to Chen Xinan and the others in a trembling voice:

"Don't blame me!

The only thing to blame is that you are Chinese!

And he had the audacity to kill two Mofei people!

There is no way to hide this matter!

Rather than being implicated and killed by you stupid Chinese people, it is better to tell these Mofei people the real situation.

This is a grudge between you and has nothing to do with me!

To be honest, I also hate you Chinese people. You have made all your money, leaving us Dongchao people to sell goods to these Mofei people!

Go to hell you all!

Don't blame me when you go to hell! "

While he was talking, he grabbed Luo Qianhe's neck and suddenly hooked hard!

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an, who was beside him, did not move. He raised his left hand and grabbed his wrist.

With a click, Yuan Dongxu's right hand bent and deformed, and the knife in his hand fell into Chen Xin'an's hand for no reason!

Yuan Dongxu's expression changed instantly, he howled miserably, and begged Chen Xin'an for mercy: "I'm sorry! I don't want to do this either, please forgive me..."

Before he finished speaking, his hair suddenly tightened, and a cold light flashed before his eyes, and he didn't know anything anymore!

Chen Xin'an cut off Yuan Dongxu's head with a knife, and then threw it out like a ball!

A Mofei man was about to shoot here. As soon as he raised his arm, a bloody human head hit him!

The Mofei man seemed to have been hit by a stone. His entire arm seemed to have been broken, and he was in too much pain to lift it up.

The man also took two steps back and sat down on the ground!

"Damn Chinese people! Kill them!" Murphy shouted angrily.

I didn't expect these guys to be so reckless. They were already trapped in the bar, but they actually dared to kill people in front of them, and they dared to attack them!

The crowd cheered and rushed forward!

At this moment, Luo Xiaoman stood up, shrank his shoulders, and took off his backpack.

Then with a bang, he placed the backpack on the table in front of him and pulled down the zipper with a bang!

Chen Xinan grabbed the chair next to him and swung it with both hands!

How strong is the power of a master of the fourth level of internal strength?

This swipe knocked a Mofei man in front of him away, knocked down three or four people behind him, and fell to the ground and couldn't get up!

The Mofei man who had already rushed to the front saw clearly what the Chinese took out of the backpack, and was scared to death!

There was no time to say hello, they turned around and ran!

Luo Xiaoman, Xiao Zhang, and Luo Qianhe rushed one by one, pointed their guns at the Mofei people, and shouted to Chen Xinan: "Get out of the way!"

The moment Chen Xinan moved to the side, the three of them pulled the trigger at the same time!

Da Da Da!

Bullets poured out!

In the close-range shooting state, almost every bullet hit the target, and a large number of people fell down instantly!

However, only Xiao Zhang was firing, and the other two guns were making clicks.

Chen Xinan took a look and had a headache.

The fucking gun safety was not even on!

Luo Xiaoman and Luo Qianhe, these two idiots, can't even use guns!

Angry, Luo Xiaoman threw the gun back into his backpack, pulled out a sword from it, and cursed: "It's better to use this thing! Lao Xiao, aim and shoot!"

As he rushed out, Chen Xinan also rushed into the crowd!

There were about 30 people in the whole bar, and seven or eight of them fell in a round of shooting just now!

The rest were shocked. They didn't expect that these Chinese people were prepared. They were caught off guard for a while, and they were also scared. They wanted to escape in a panic.

It's a pity that the door was locked by themselves, and all the exits were locked. Originally, I wanted to catch a turtle in a jar, but I didn't expect that I would become a turtle!

Chen Xinan could only give these guys one sentence: a bunch of idiots!

Since they knew that they were Chinese, they would naturally not let the people here go out, not even one.

I didn't expect them to be so suicidal and block their own retreat.

It's just right, tonight I will bloodbath the black skeleton and give these Murphys a big gift!

With Xiao Zhang holding a spear and Luo Qianhe holding a pistol, no one could rush to the table two meters away.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman also let go and rushed into the crowd.

After the knife flashed, blood splattered!

After killing three people, Luo Xiaoman's eyes began to turn red, and the whole person was excited!

This was the excitement after killing.

But for Chen Xin'an, it was already commonplace.

He couldn't even count the number of people who died in his hands. Killing people was like killing chickens and sheep.

What's more, in his eyes, these Murphys were simply animals. The blade cut their throats, and his heart was no longer moved!

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