Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2153 Entering the Octopus Tower

Before I came to the Eagle Flag Country, whenever I heard that this country had a very relaxed policy on firearms, I thought that the streets were full of people with guns.

Everyone has an assault rifle, and the entire territory is a battlefield. If they disagree, they will burst into flames!

In fact, only when we got here did we realize that powerful spears were still uncommon.

What ordinary people use for self-defense are small pistols.

In addition to being easy to carry, the biggest reason is that this thing is cheap!

Not everyone can afford a long gun that costs thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars.

Especially for this kind of Mofei gangster, except for the boss and his cronies, no one else has the ability to own such a weapon.

Even if they get a gun, they can't afford expensive bullets!

The entire bar was filled with a strong, nauseating smell of blood.

The surrounding area was a mess, like a slaughterhouse.

The corpses of Murphys were scattered in every corner of the bar.

Chen Xin'an held a pistol and reloaded the gun for everyone who fell on the ground to prevent anything from slipping through the net.

"Let's go!" After checking the bar, Chen Xin'an made sure there were no survivors and greeted the three brothers.

Luo Xiaoman kicked open the wooden door, and then forced the rolling shutter door up.

Everyone left one after another, and Luo Xiaoman let down the rolling shutter door with another clatter.

Target Octopus Tower!

The four of them quickly disappeared into the darkness.

"Wow!" After taking just two steps, Xiao Zhang bent down and vomited.

Luo Xiaoman grinned and said: "Old Xiao, your mental quality... ugh! It's so bad! ugh!"

Xiao Zhang rolled his eyes!

Sir, could you please stop laughing at me while vomiting?

Where did you get your face?

In comparison, Luo Qianhe was much calmer.

Although his face was pale, he did not vomit in the street.

After all, he is a doctor and has seen many bloody scenes, so his psychological quality cannot be compromised.

As for Chen Xin'an, she couldn't even feel the slightest disturbance in her heart.

He has encountered this kind of scene so many times since he came down from the mountain that even he himself can't count!

Luo Xiaoman scolded Chen Xin'an with a dissatisfied look on his face: "Old Chen, can you throw away that thing in your hand?

Do you know that you are carrying this thing in the dark, making people panic? "

When Chen Xin'an left the bar, she even took out Yuan Dongxu's head.

Just hold it in your hand.

Under the dim street lights, Luo Xiaoman saw the eyes of the dead head looking straight at him.

Staring at him until his whole body became hairy, it would be strange not to be afraid!

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to him: "This thing is useful to me!"

Glancing in front, he said to Luo Xiaoman: "Give me the backpack.

We're going up to see you.

Did the two people at the door see it?

Solve it as soon as possible without making any noise.

Lao Xiao, put a clipper on the pistol.

Try not to shoot when you can, so as not to alert the large troops! "

Luo Xiaoman put down his backpack, and Luo Qianhe said, "I'll carry it!"

He took it over smoothly, and the moment Luo Xiaoman let go, his body fell suddenly and his steps staggered.

Good to go! So heavy?

Chen Xin'an grabbed the backpack, threw it on his back, and said with a smile: "Four rifles, nearly a thousand rounds of ammunition, and some gadgets, all weighing nearly a hundred kilograms.

It's not light to carry on your back. If you carry it on your back, it will affect your movements. It's better for Aman and I to do it instead! "

Luo Xiaoman made a silent gesture, quickly moved to the door of a building, and stood in the shadow.

Everyone chose the entrance to the auxiliary building on the west side of the Octopus Building.

There are only two Murphys guarding here.

Luo Xiaoman, who was hiding in the darkness, quietly and quickly approached the two people.

Before they could react, they had already held one person's head with both hands and squeezed it hard!


The guy's neck was broken!

The other person wanted to scream, but Luo Xiaoman swept his legs backwards, but his knees clamped the man's neck, and then he pressed his body down!

Before the man fell to the ground, he had already been suffocated by Luo Xiaoman with his internal joints!

When the man collapsed on the ground, Luo Xiaoman stood up, raised his foot and stomped down. With a click, his skull shattered!

"Let's go!" Seeing Luo Xiaoman waving, Chen Xin'an whispered to Xiao Zhang and Luo Qianhe:

"Have your pistols ready. No matter what the situation, you must protect yourself!"

The environment inside is complicated, and Chen Xin'an can't predict what will happen, and whether he can fully protect his brothers around him.

In extreme cases, everyone has to rely on their strong self-protection capabilities.

After hiding the two bodies, the four people quickly went upstairs.

The terrain of the Octopus Tower is really complex, with messy garbage everywhere and countless rooms.

What's even more frightening is that the Mofei people can be seen everywhere here. As long as one of them finds the four people, they may be exposed.

Fortunately, this is a slum area after all, so not everyone has access to electricity.

The wires in most of the rooms had been cut, and there were no candles. People in the rooms went to sleep at night.

According to the information from Zhang Jian and Li Qi, the meeting place of the big guys was on the third floor of the main building of Octopus Building.

The two of them are also trying to get closer.

What Chen Xin'an and the other four want now is to enter the main building from the auxiliary building, try not to fight with others, and avoid it if possible.

There is rubbish everywhere in the corridor. Mofei people are lazy and dirty, so they never clean up and their bodies are full of stench.

I remember that in China, many young women like to find boyfriends like Murphy. I really don’t know if they are mentally ill, how can they endure it?

The four of them had to be careful and spend a lot of effort just walking through the corridors.

Because in the pitiful dim light, no one can be sure what they are stepping on!

It's even possible that he died of illness and no one knew about it, and the body was lying in the corridor all the time!

It took the four of them almost half an hour to enter the main building.

The light is much brighter here, and there are more people around.

All four of them were wearing jumpsuits, and they put their hats up to cover their faces.

The head in Chen Xin'an's hand has also been put into the backpack behind him.

There were Mofei people swaying around, many of them drunk, shouting so loudly that even Luo Qianhe couldn't understand what they were shouting.

In fact, this is the current situation of the Mofei people in the Eagle Flag Country.

They are intoxicated every day, relying on alcohol and banned drugs.

If you don't have money, rob, steal, or kill for reward.

The transactions with Dongchao people and Da Ying people made a lot of money, but all of it was given to the boss.

The little they were given was spent in just one night.

"Hi!" A Mofei man called from behind. Chen Xin'an ignored him, winked at the brothers, and continued walking forward.

But the boy cursed and chased after him, grabbing Chen Xin'an's backpack!

"Damn it, I've been calling you, didn't you hear me?

Stop! "

He held a pistol in his hand, staggered, and smelled of alcohol all over his body.

Chen Xin'an pushed his hand away and glanced at him, "Here we go, we're still acquaintances!"

This guy is the same Murphite who was at the bar before, asking them to load the drinks and then pushing the trolley over!

The boy also recognized the four Chen Xin'an, his face was full of surprise, and he laughed and said:

“It turns out it’s you guys!

Damn the Ying people!

Just in time, do you have the goods?

Give me a pack! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head.

"Tyler!" someone shouted to the drunk: "Who are they?"

The drunkard laughed and said: "It's those big Ying guys! Kuqi, give me a pack of goods, I'm excited now!"

Mo Feiren, who was standing not far away, curled his lips and said, "Taylor, you know my rules. If you want something, bring your money!"

The drunkard nodded, then suddenly put the pistol on Chen Xin'an's head and said to him: "Hey, man! Give me some money!"



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