Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2155 This is the person you killed

Pu Dongchang, who was knocked dizzy from the impact, almost fell down and shook his body a few times before he stood up.

He wanted to see clearly what hit him, and saw a pair of gray-white eyes on the ground, staring straight at him!

At this moment, Park Dongchang suddenly woke up and broke out in a cold sweat!


The people around him slowly listened, and all eyes were fixed on the dark thing on the ground.

Why is there a head here?

Who the hell lost this?

The group of Murphys were also stunned.

Throwing bottles is nothing, but throwing heads changes the nature of it!

Pu Dongchang gritted his teeth, glared in the direction of the Japanese people, and cursed: "You lost it!

I was facing you just now, and this head hit me on the forehead!

You threw it here! "

A Dongchao boy had the courage to kick someone in the head, and his whole face suddenly turned white!

He pointed at the head and said to Park Dongchang in horror: "Brother Dongchang, it's Yuan Dongxu's head!"

"Ah?" Pu Dongchang was also startled. He glanced at the head on the ground and recognized the appearance!

He pointed at the group of Da Ying people and cursed through gritted teeth: "You damn Da Ying people actually killed our brother Yuan Dongxu!

Did you know that he is Haozhi’s cousin?

Brother Haozhi will not let you go! "

The people in Da Ying also panicked and looked at the leader: "Mr. Sada, what should I do?"

Sada cursed angrily at Park Dongchang: "Park Dongchang, do you want to frame him?

I have never seen this person before, let alone where this head came from!

We didn't throw it away at all, you are talking nonsense! "

The Mofei people not far away gloated: "It was your people who threw it over. We can see it clearly here!"

Sada said angrily: "Stoke, you have to take responsibility for what you said!

We have never seen this man, why should we kill him?

Even if you really kill him, you should hide the body so that the Dongchao people don't see it.

Why would they cut off his head and throw it to the Dongchao people in front of so many people?

This is frame-up!

You have no evidence, so don’t talk nonsense! "

"Who said there is no evidence!" Someone suddenly shouted from behind.

Taylor came out, pointed at Sada and said:

"You Da Ying people killed this Dongchao man. I saw them arguing in the bar with my own eyes!

He also gave me five hundred yuan and asked me to bring them up.

He said he had something important for Heiya, but it turned out to be this head! "

He was already drunk and talking incoherently.

Thinking of the scene where I met Yuan Dongxu and those Da Ying people in the bar, I made up a lot of plots on my own.

It turned out that they didn't want to join forces, but had a dispute.

No wonder the Dongchao man kept shrinking and seemed very scared!

Unexpectedly, these Japanese people are so bold that they dare to take action in Block 11!

He also blatantly came up and threw his head to the Dongchao people. This was not just a slap in someone's face, but a pee in their face!

A group of Dongchao people's faces turned purple and they all took out their pistols.

However, Pu Dongchang still had some restraint and just shouted to Sada sternly: "What else do you have to say now?"

The Da Ying people also quickly took out their pistols and confronted the Dongchao people.

Sada looked aggrieved and shouted loudly: "This is nonsense!

None of us go to the bar!

This guy is drunk and talking nonsense!

Don't be impulsive, there's something fishy about this! "

The surrounding Mofei people took a few steps back in tacit agreement.

If a dog bites a dog and you two start fighting, it has nothing to do with me.

Fight, the harder you hit, the better!

Taylor cursed angrily: "I'm not talking nonsense! The money is still here with me!

People are with you..."

He pointed his hand, but at this moment, a gunshot rang out, and a bullet hole appeared in Taylor's head.

His body stiffened instantly and he lay straight on the ground, dead!

"Damn it!" Mo Feiren was angry. He didn't expect that these Ying people would be so bold and dare to kill people in public!

They also took out their guns one after another, pointed them at the Da Ying people and started shooting!

"Who fired the gun? Who the hell fired the gun?" Sada collapsed. Wasn't he looking for death by shooting at this time?

But the boy next to him held down his head and shouted while looking for cover:

"Now is not the time to pursue this matter, let's fight it out first and then talk about it!"

"But Mr. Heiya is still inside..." Sada hesitated.

The boy next to him said: "The door of the conference room is thickened and soundproofed, so the inside doesn't know what is happening outside.

As long as we rush out and gather people as soon as possible, Mr. Heiya will be fine! "

Sada's face was gloomy, but now there was no good solution.

The situation is no longer controllable by one or two people.

Thinking of being squeezed and bullied by the Mofei and Dongchao people in the past, Sada's eyes began to turn red, and he shouted with a pistol: "Asshole! Come on, let's fight!"

The boy next to him asked him: "Who are you beating?"

Sada was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth and cursed: "Fight them all! Kill them all!"

The Ying people have always been war madmen, and like the Incas, they have mysterious self-confidence.

Even though he has become the target of public criticism, he is not afraid at all. He shoots indiscriminately, and anyone who is not a Japanese is his enemy!

For a moment, the entire corridor turned into a battlefield filled with bullets and bullets. Everyone quickly hid in a nearby room to find cover and shoot at each other.

A chaotic battle unfolded, and Chen Xin'an and the other three also successfully retreated and sneaked into the darkness.

In the large room, all the underground bosses of Jordan City gathered together.

Beside a round table, there were more than a dozen people sitting, all with solemn expressions.

An Oriental turned his head, looked at the African man opposite him who was twice his size and asked, "Heyman, is this your plan?"

Heyman held a cigar in his hand, nodded and said, "Yes, do you have any objections?"

Unexpectedly, Dongfangren hadn't spoken yet, and the Mofeiren next to him turned to look at him and said:

“I don’t know if others have it, but I do!

Heyman, you really have a big appetite. If so, what profit will my Octopus House have? "

Another Mofei man banged the table and said, "My Dabailou is even worse. I might as well not sell it. I'll give it all to you!"

Heyman smiled slightly, looked at the two of them and said, "That's exactly what I mean, Hans, Ped. From now on, one of you will be in charge of arms and the other will be in charge of smuggling. Just leave the rest of the business to me!"

He turned his head, looked at the people around him and said, "If you want goods in the future, just ask for them directly from me.

I can supply it to you at a lower price than now!

As for Choi Ho-sik and Ikeda Heiya, only one of you two can enter Block 11 from now on.

As for who comes in, you decide for yourself! "

"In this case, there is nothing left to talk about!" Cui Haozhi stood up and said expressionlessly: "I'm leaving first!"

He turned around and said to the bodyguard beside him: "Dajing, let people continue to supply tomorrow. Whoever pays the highest price will sell to them!"

Dajing nodded and said: "Okay!"

The moment the two turned around, a man suddenly stood up next to Heyman, pulled his right hand to his head, and then raised it fiercely!


A cold light passed by, and a hairpin used by women to tie their hair was deeply inserted into Dajing's forehead!

The man dressed in androgynous clothes, who just now everyone thought was the same-sex lover of the unisex Heiman, came over with a smile, clamped the hairpin between his two fingers, and pulled it out with a pop!

Dajing's body fell to the ground with a thump, and the hairpin was still dripping with blood. It was held in the mouth of the man, who was neither male nor female, and looked at everyone with a smile.


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