Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2156 Don’t kill people easily

Everyone was stunned and looked at this scene in horror.

When entering, everyone had to be searched.

Not only pistols, but even knives were not allowed.

I didn't expect that weapons that kill people could not be banned.

This man actually killed Cui Haozhi's bodyguard with a hairpin.

How strong is this Dajing's fighting power? Everyone present has seen it.

After Cui Haozhi's previous boss left, he was able to stand out among the Dongchao people and become the new boss. Dajing must have contributed a lot!

Even if there were constant conflicts in the early stage of doing business with the Murphys, Dajing's ability to fight was also somewhat famous in the Murphys' circle.

But now, just such a thin guy took less than a second to solve him!

You can imagine how terrible this guy is!

No wonder Heyman dared to be so fearless. With such a bodyguard, he didn't have to worry about anyone!

Cui Haozhi's face turned pale. He stared at the murderer and said in a trembling voice: "It's you! Mr. Yu!" The man holding the hairpin smiled slightly, took off the hat on his head, revealing a head of black hair, and looked at him and said: "Haozhi, your temper is getting more and more stubborn! This is not good, it's easy to die quickly!" Cui Haozhi turned around, gritted his teeth and looked at her and said: "Zhang Jiayu, where is my eldest brother?" His eldest brother Cui Yucheng was the previous boss of Dongchao people in Yingqi Country and her nominal husband. Zhang Jiayu shrugged and said: "I've said it, he's really dead!" "You killed my eldest brother! I will never let you go!" Cui Haozhi clenched his fists and shouted at Zhang Jiayu. Zhang Jiayu smiled and waved his hand and said, "Cui Haozhi, I repeat.

I really didn't kill Cui Yucheng.

He died at the hands of a man named Chen Xin'an in China.

If you want revenge, go find this person!

I'll tell you a good news, this person is in Ledon City at the moment.

This is a good opportunity for you to take revenge!"

Cui Haozhi cursed angrily: "If it weren't for your instigation, my eldest brother wouldn't abandon us and marry you!

He wouldn't have traveled thousands of miles to China and been killed!

You are the culprit who killed my eldest brother. I will kill you first, and then kill that Chen Xin'an!"

Zhang Jiayu looked at him and smiled, and said softly: "Cui Haozhi, it's not that I look down on you.

You don't deserve to kill me!

Now I'm in front of you, I want to avenge your brother, come on, kill me!"

Cui Haozhi didn't move, because he knew he was no match for this woman!

The name Mr. Yu is very famous in the underground world of Eagle Flag Country.

As the external spokesperson of Paros, how could a woman be qualified for this position without some tricks?

What's more, some people call her "Black Spider"!

No one knows how many lovers she has.

But in the end, none of them can stay with her all the time, and they all died.

In fact, this woman is not very beautiful, but there are many men who are obsessed with her.

It is said that this woman has a kind of magic. As long as you have an intimate relationship with her once, it will be difficult to get rid of her clutches!

Zhang Jiayu took the hairpin and slid it gently between her lips, and put all the blood stains on it into her mouth.

This made her red lips look more charming.

But for others, it was disgusting and terrifying!

Cui Haozhi also looked terrified, and he didn't even dare to look directly into Zhang Jiayu's eyes.

Heyman couldn't hide the pride on his face, deliberately frowned, and shouted to Zhang Jiayu: "Yu, kill him!"

At this moment, Cui Haozhi's whole body was tense, looking at Zhang Jiayu vigilantly, and took a step back.

Zhang Jiayu seemed not to hear it, but just put his hands on Cui Haozhi's shoulders and made him sit back on the chair. Then he whispered in his ear: "I don't kill you because you are still useful. You are smarter than your brother and know how to judge the situation. Otherwise, you would be dead now. You must remember my kindness, okay? Hehehe!" Zhang Jiayu laughed, but the sound made Cui Haozhi feel cold all over and his hair stand on end! When she walked back to her seat leisurely, Heyman, with a gloomy face, said to her with dissatisfaction:

"Don't you listen to me?

We have discussed it before.

I will tell them that you only need to deal with those opposing voices!"

Zhang Jiayu glanced at him, smiled and said: "I am already dealing with it?

It is not necessary to kill people!

If we kill all the useful people, who will cooperate with us?

Don't forget, we are here to do business, not to kill people!"

Hyman frowned, but knew that what she said was right. He snorted and pointed at Hans and Peder and said:

"I don't care about other people, but these two people must die tonight!

Block 11 must be controlled by me alone!

Especially Peder, that bastard, he has wanted to get you more than once!

He also wants to get his hands on my girl?

He is simply ignorant of life and death!"

Peder and Hans' faces changed drastically, and they all stood up from their chairs, ready to rush out regardless of everything.

But at this moment, the two walked up to them and held them down!

Hans turned his head and looked at the one-eyed man who was holding him down and preventing him from leaving. An expression of disbelief appeared on his face, and he blurted out, "Phil!"

Ped also looked at his bodyguard in horror.

Heyman burst out laughing and said with a disdainful look: "You can't think of it, right?

The people around you have already become my people!

Phil, Rod, kill them! "

The two bodyguards remained motionless.

Heyman shouted angrily: "Are you deaf? Can't you hear my orders?

I'll let you kill them both! "

Zhang Jiayu sighed and said helplessly: "Haiman, I told you, we are here to discuss business tonight, not to kill people..."

"Shut up!" Heyman interrupted her angrily and cursed: "Forget about others, but do these two guys need to live?

The Mofei people can only have one leader. As long as they are alive, the Mofei people will still fall apart!

Don’t forget, if you want to benefit from Mo Feiren, you can only cooperate with me!

I have been supporting you for so many years!

These two bastards don’t buy your fault at all!

Also, I have the final say here!

You stinky cousin, don't always point your fingers at my territory!

Without me, you, this cousin..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zhang Jiayu had already stood up, pulled out the hairpin again like lightning, and stabbed it into his thick neck!

And after piercing it, he quickly pulled it out, and then stabbed it a second time and a third time!

Several blood arrows shot out from Heyman's neck, and blood splattered all over Mo Feiren next to him!

Heyman put his hands on his neck, blood dripping from between his fingers.

He stumbled to his feet, pointing at Zhang Jiayu with a look of disbelief on his face.

Mo Feiren, who was sprayed with blood, glared at Zhang Jiayu and cursed at her: "What are you doing! Boss..."

Before he finished speaking, a belt was strangled around his neck!

Phil grabbed the belt with both hands and pulled him back!

Rhodes also covered his mouth and nose at the same time!

With the combined efforts of the two of them, in less than a minute, the Mofeiren had stopped struggling!


He died faster than Heyman, and his body fell heavily to the ground!

Heyman looked at Phil and Rhodes in disbelief.

Even Hans and Peder were so frightened that their whole bodies shivered.

It turns out that the person who bribed these two bodyguards was not Heyman, but Zhang Jiayu!

Zhang Jiayu took out a white handkerchief from his body, wiped the blood on the hairpin, sighed and said:

"I said don't kill people easily, why don't you listen?"


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