Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2157 What is your real purpose?

Like a felled tree, Hyman finally lay on the ground.

A large amount of blood had stained his body red and blocked his trachea.

His vitality quickly faded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Zhang Jiayu pulled up a chair, sat down, looked down at him, and said with a smile:

"You are so right, you are indeed the most useless one, so I have no choice but to ask you to die!

No one tells you that the Murphians can only have one leader.

But whether there are two or three, the difference is not big.

Since you can't tolerate others, then you can only be sacrificed?

You're right, I'm just a cousin.

But you must not think that you can have a beauty like mine to yourself! "

Hyman was lying on the ground in a pool of blood, his body no longer twitching. He looked at the woman who slept with him last night and breathed his last breath.

Zhang Jiayu raised his head, looked at Hans and Pede and said, "From now on, the 11th block will be divided equally between you two. Do you have any objection?"

Hans and Peder looked at each other. Neither of them felt surprised. Instead, they only felt a chill on their backs.

Hans looked around and smiled sadly: "Mofei people, Dongchao people, and Da Ying people, I'm afraid no one expected that they would lose to the Chinese in the end!

And she is a Chinese woman! "

Zhang Jiayu's smile faded, her eyes were like poisonous snakes, staring at Hans, and said in a gloomy tone:

"Remember, I am an Eagle Flag man!

Although I was not born in the Eagle Flag Country, I already obtained a green card from the Eagle Flag Country when I was eighteen years old! "

Hans nodded and said: "That's right, your boss is Pyroses!

So now it's Pyrozes who wants to take control of District 11?

Ped and I, nominally the bosses of the Murphys, are actually just puppets of Pyrothes, right? "

Ped looked at the crowd, shook his head and said: "They just took a fancy to this place in Block 11!

They want to control the entire underground world of Jordan City! "

Everyone looked at each other with shock on their faces.

Pegasus's appetite is really getting bigger and bigger!

Zhang Jiayu did not refute, Yingying said with a smile: "So I say you two are much smarter than this big stupid elephant!

A woman from Murphy couldn't help but asked Zhang Jiayu: "What on earth does Maigret want to do? Are the rumors outside false?"

Zhang Jiayu looked at her with a smile and said, "What kind of rumors?"

The woman snorted and said, "He wants to be the leader of Jordan City!

But now that he's doing this again, isn't that making him even less worthy? "

Zhang Jiayu smiled, shook his head and said, "The big boss didn't do this!

Because I am the one who does these things!

So if the big boss wants to run for office, it won’t be affected at all! "

The woman looked at Zhang Jiayu and asked, "Then why are you doing this?

Don't talk nonsense about how everyone can make money, these are all tricks to deceive children! "

Zhang Jiayu nodded and said to her: "You are all smart people, so I will tell you the truth.

The reason for doing all this is to undermine Boorman's campaign and prevent him from becoming the leader of the Eagle Flag Nation!

You also know that he has always been indifferent to Pyrothys, even very specific.

So once he is elected as the leader of the Eagle Flag Nation, Peroses will not be able to survive!

Now I want to unite with you to fight against Boorman!

I know that you have also been suppressed miserably by him over the years.

But the power of an individual is small. Only when everyone cooperates and unites can we fight against him!

Of course, our goal is not only to prevent him from becoming the leader, but also to drive him out of the city of London!

When Mr. Maigret takes control of the city of London, it will be a good day for us people!

This is our grand plan, and anyone who hinders it is our enemy!

For our mutual benefit, I hope everyone will seriously consider my suggestions! "

Everyone was silent.

I didn't expect Zhang Jiayu to be so honest and tell the whole story.

But everyone is not stupid, and they all know that being honest is more terrifying than not being honest!

Do you really think it’s okay to just listen to these things?

Now that you know the entire plan, you only have two choices.

Either obey or die!

Hans took a deep breath, looked at Zhang Jiayu and said, "Actually, I don't like Perose!

Its reach is too long and its ambition is too great.

What we people in Africa want is just to have a better life in the Eagle Flag Country and not suffer as much as in the Africa continent.

But what Pyroses wants is something we never dare to think of! "

Zhang Jiayu looked at him with a smile and asked: "So what is your choice?"

Hans put on a serious face, snorted and said, "But what I don't like even more is Boorman and his Cecire family!

With them here, life for us African Americans will only become more and more difficult! "

Ped beside him also nodded.

Phil and Rhodes, who had already walked behind Hans, slowly took two steps back.

Hans looked at Zhang Jiayu and said expressionlessly: "I hope you won't let us down!"

Zhang Jiayu smiled like a flower, looked at everyone and said, "What about everyone?"

Everyone, look at me, and I'll look at you.

Who dares to object at this time?

Seeing that everyone no longer refused, Zhang Jiayu nodded and smiled: "Now we can bring the wine to celebrate our happy cooperation!"

Even if they knew that this cooperation was very weak, the people in front of them were just under pressure, and no one was willing to really follow Pyroses' orders.

But Zhang Jiayu is not afraid, as long as temporary cooperation is enough, what she needs most now is manpower.

It was enough that these people could do something for her.

After things succeed, she can throw all these away!

A fool like Heyman still wants to dominate the world?

Brainless, right?

The more you people spread out, the better!

We must let you fight among yourself and work on your own.

In this way, Pyroses can be easily controlled and will not form a force that can compete with him.

That is to say, the Dongchao people and Daying people are not large in number, so there is no need for this trick.

Otherwise, it will also be divided by Pyruses.

In fact, the people Zhang Jiayu wants to win over the most are the Chinese people.

They seem to be in a group, but in fact they are scattered and are easiest to defeat one by one.

But that bastard Chen Xin'an came to Lieton City, and Zhang Jiayu didn't dare to show his face in front of the Chinese people.

Otherwise, if that bastard catches you by the tail, your little life will be gone!

And the most terrifying thing now is not Chen Xin'an, but her family member Zhang Ji'an!

This is the funniest thing!

The few relatives I have in this world are willing to travel across oceans and thousands of miles to hunt me down!

I am not doing all this for the sake of the entire Zhang family!

As a cousin, not only do you have no understanding at all, but you also want to kill me!

Thinking of this, the hatred in Zhang Jiayu's heart became somewhat uncontrollable!

The wine has been served, but no one is in a hurry to drink it.

After all, there are several bloody corpses nearby. Who has the appetite to drink while guarding this!

Zhang Jiayu said to Phil and Rhodes: "Carry the body out first.

Tell Heyman's people that their boss is dead and that they will be under the control of Hans and Peder from now on.

Those who are willing to obey, stay, and those who are unwilling, let them go.

Remember those who left, and when we are finished, we will deal with them specifically, and don't let anyone escape! "

Phil and Rod nodded and walked towards the door.

All the big guys stretched their necks and swallowed.

This woman is really cruel and ruthless!

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