Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2158 We are all in the same boat

Rhodes walked to the door and opened the heavy wooden door.

It is estimated that the safest place in the entire Octopus Building is this conference room.

The door of this room was specially reinforced by Hans, and the windows were also reinforced.

The thing to be prepared for is that if you have a fight with your opponent one day, you can hide here with some brothers and use defense as offense.

When the door opened, everyone was stunned by the gunshots outside!

The crackling sound was like setting off firecrackers, it was really lively!

"What's going on?" Rhodes shouted outside.

No one answered, but a bullet hit the door next to his head, which scared him so much that he quickly retracted his head!

The group of big guys inside also looked baffled.

These subordinates have obviously been told, so they must exercise restraint.

Why is there a fight now!

A group of big guys took out their mobile phones one after another.

During the meeting, turn off the phone or mute it, so no one heard the phone ring just now.

Now when you turn on the phone, boy, everyone has a dozen missed calls!

The whole conference room became lively and everyone was shouting and cursing!

"Do you really want to kill me? Why are you still fighting? Stop it!"

"I don't care who makes the move first, you must give me a ceasefire now!"

"What? Dongxu was killed? Is the head still on the ground? Are you sure it was done by people from Daying? What the hell!"

Cui Haozhi hung up the phone, turned around and cursed Ikeda Heiya angrily: "Ikeda Heiya! Your people killed my cousin! How can you explain this to me?"

Ikeda Heiya immediately shook his head and shouted: "Impossible! I don't even know your cousin! My brother has nothing to do with this person!"

"Do you still want to deny it?" Cui Haozhi shouted through gritted teeth: "Everyone outside has seen it, you can't deny it!"

Ikeda Hei was really panicking now. He even had doubts. Did his men really kill the Dongchao people?

The Ying people and the Dongchao people are constantly at odds, and they want to destroy each other for more than a day or two.

If the protection is not complete, the men on both sides will have a conflict, and they will kill the other side's people with a fierce attack!

Ikeda Heiye coughed twice and shouted to Cui Haozhi: "I want to investigate this matter, but I can't answer you now!"

Cui Haozhi gritted his teeth and said, "Remember, Yuan Dongxu is my cousin. If your people kill him, I will definitely avenge him!"

Ikeda Ping also snorted, and just when he was about to speak, Zhang Jiayu said loudly: "Don't talk nonsense now!

Let the people outside cease fire first!

We are all in the same boat now, let’s put anything on the table! "

Although the two of them were unhappy inside, they still snorted, picked up their phones and asked their subordinates to turn off the phones.

The gunshots outside were indeed sparse.

The big guys inside also breathed a sigh of relief.

Rod pushed the door open and, together with Phil, dragged Heyman's body and prepared to throw him outside.

At this moment, suddenly a round little thing rolled in from outside and stopped not far in front of Phil.

At this moment, Phil only felt his scalp numb!

A group of big guys were also frightened out of their bodies, and someone shouted: "Grenade!"

Almost subconsciously, Phil and Rhodes used their strength at the same time to throw Heyman's body on top of the grenade!


With a loud bang, Phil and Rhodes felt like they were covered in blood!

Along with the broken bones and minced meat that were blown to pieces, the entire area of ​​three to four meters in radius turned into a scarlet color!

Not only the two of them, but also a table of people not far away were affected to varying degrees.

Even Zhang Jiayu's face and mouth were splashed with things.

She had always been cruel and ruthless, but now she was so disgusted that she wanted to vomit her stomach!

Seeing her miserable appearance covered in blood, Zhang Jiayu was angry and scared!

None of these bastards are easy to deal with!

I originally thought that I had control of the overall situation and was controlling them from beginning to end.

But I never expected that these bastards would bring such a thing!

It’s clear that we are ready for a big fight!

Maybe the compromise just now was all an illusion. Once they are allowed to leave here, they will turn around and attack themselves and start a killing spree!

The gunshots that were originally sparse began to become denser after this explosion!

Someone yelled from outside: "Be careful of those Dongchao people, they have grenades! Kill them!"

"What the hell!" Zhang Jiayu roared, rushed towards Cui Haozhi, and stabbed his neck hard with the hairpin in his hand!

Cui Haozhi stepped back, with a look of horror on his face, and shouted loudly: "No, we don't have that kind of thing at all!

Zhang Jiayu, you know that we Dongchao people never play with that, we only play with guns! "

Zhang Jiayu, who missed a move, paused.

Dongchao people are greedy and stingy, but they are also timid and cunning.

Carrying a gun in the Eagle Flag Country won't be a big deal, but once you equip a grenade, you will be targeted by the authorities.

They don't dare to cause too much trouble for themselves, so they won't touch this at all.

But the people outside were clearly shouting that the grenade was thrown by the Dongchao people just now. Could it be that the people outside saw it wrong?

At this moment, the gunshots outside are more intensive than before!

Big bosses from all parties in the conference room, you are guarding me, and I am guarding you, with vigilance in their eyes.

Zhang Jiayu knew that the so-called joint cooperation was now in ruins.

She was so angry and angry that she worked with these idiots all night, but still failed!

Now she wants to kill all these losers!

But this is not realistic either.

Not to mention that she doesn't have the ability to kill everyone by herself.

Just because these people are dead, she cannot control the order of the entire underground world in London City.

It doesn't matter if the city of London is in chaos when the time comes, but if the big boss's mission is not completed, she will die!

During this time, the big boss was already dissatisfied with her in various ways.

All arrangements in China were uprooted and set back one after another.

At least fifteen years of hard work by Pyroses has now been ruined!

Moreover, it suffered heavy losses and numerous casualties!

Even if these are not entirely her responsibility, she can't escape the blame!

Now that she's back at the headquarters, if she can't even do this little thing well, she probably won't be demoted!

The punishment of Pyroses is no joke. Even if it can save your life, living like that is not as comfortable as dying!

In the current situation outside, we can only rely on these bosses to restrain their subordinates, go back separately first, and then look for opportunities to renegotiate cooperation later!

"Listen!" Zhang Jiayu gave up chasing Cui Haozhi and said to everyone:

"There's something fishy about tonight, let's go back and investigate individually to see who is sabotaging our cooperation!

Maybe there is a traitor among us!

Next time I will find time to make an appointment and we will discuss this matter!

I warn everyone that only cooperation is the way out for those of us.

Otherwise, when Boorman becomes more powerful, he will easily catch us all!

You go back and think carefully about whether what I said makes sense.

Now take your own people back! "

Everyone looked at the people next to them carefully, and each took out their mobile phones.

The gunfire in the corridor had stopped, but there was still gunfire upstairs and downstairs.

The fighting has spread, which is why Zhang Jiayu asked everyone to disperse and leave.

If this continues, the situation will no longer be controllable.

"Mr. Yu!" Phil and Rhodes looked at Zhang Jiayu eagerly.

They have now exposed their identity in front of their boss. If they still stay with the boss, they will probably be chopped into mincemeat by tomorrow morning!

Zhang Jiayu glanced at them with a frown and said in a deep voice, "Follow me!"

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