Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2160 No excuse is a reason for you to be a traitor

Seeing Zhang Jiayu laughing like a madman in front of him, Zhang Jian, who is also a member of the Zhang family, also felt a creepy feeling.

It was beyond his wildest dreams that the uncle could have such ruthless methods.

But now that he is dead, his merits and demerits have all been offset, so he doesn't want to explore or evaluate.

Zhang Jian glared at Zhang Jiayu and said, "Is this the reason why you betrayed China and harmed the Zhang family?

Zhang Jiayu, no matter what you say, you can't cover up your crime! "

"I didn't cover it up!" Zhang Jiayu shrugged, looked at Zhang Jian and said:

"I'm just telling you, don't tell others to be kind without their suffering.

Do you know what hurt me the most after I studied abroad?

It’s those compatriots who lied to me, played with me, and abandoned me time and time again!

There is also the indifference and heartlessness of the family.

Second brother, you’re gone. I can’t even reach you even if I want to!

Then do you know how the Zhang family treated me in those years?

I was bullied, had a miscarriage and almost died, but I still had to work to support myself.

I was only seventeen at that time!

If Pyroses hadn't given me a bite to eat and treated me for free, I would have died long ago!

Do you think I should thank others? "

Zhang Jian gritted his teeth and cursed: "So you use betrayal to thank me?

Do you know that this was originally the method used by Josés to recruit spies? "

"So what?" Zhang Jiayu shrugged and said, "After all, I have indeed enjoyed the benefits!

My life is almost gone, why do I care about their purpose of saving me?

Should I reject it if the purpose is not pure and wait for death?

What a joke!

Second brother, I am not as noble as you, and I have not harmed the Zhang family.

I just take them out and let them see the outside world.

As for what they will choose, I will not interfere! "

Zhang Jian cursed angrily: "You bring them to the environment you want, and then you subtly influence them and change them every day."

Now you tell me that you will not interfere with their choices. Do you think it is possible?

Zhang Jiayu, no matter how clever you talk, you can't cover up the crime of a traitor like you!

I want to clean up the Zhang family today. The Zhang family cannot be completely destroyed in the hands of a woman like you! "

Zhang Jiayu laughed loudly, looked at Zhang Jian with a sarcastic look and said: "The Zhang family was destroyed by myself, not me.

You can't kill me, but you can't protect yourself!

Do it! "

Following Zhang Jiayu's loud shout, two gunshots suddenly sounded behind Zhang Jian!

Phil and Rod are already up!

But the sneer on Zhang Jiayu's face suddenly froze.

Gunfire rang out, but Zhang Jian was unscathed.

Instead, it was Phil and Rhodes who looked at the hand holding the gun in disbelief.

Blood was left on their hands, and each wrist was shot through!

Li Qi came from the darkness with a pistol and said to Zhang Jian: "Instructor, do you want me to help you?"

He raised his arm and pointed the gun at Zhang Jiayu's head.

Zhang Jiayu's face lost all color in an instant. She looked at Zhang Jian in horror and said in a trembling voice:

"Second brother, don't kill me! We've hooked our fingers, and you will always protect Xiao Yu'er!"

Zhang Jian's face showed a look of pain, and he said in a deep voice: "Aqi, let me do it myself! Go help the boss and the others!"

Li Qi quickly fired his pistol, nodded and said, "Okay, we'll wait for you on the fourth floor!"

The footsteps below were chaotic, and no one knew how many people were rushing up.

Looking at Phil and Rhodes in front of him, Li Qi grinned and said with a smile: "It would be more interesting to hand you two guys over to your original boss!"

Phil and Rhodes couldn't understand what Li Qi was talking about, but they would definitely not end well if they could come out!

The two of them were suddenly aroused to have a survival instinct. They handed the pistol to the other hand and tried to resist desperately!

But with the sound of two gunshots, Li Qi shot them each in the shoulder!

This is equivalent to directly destroying both of their arms!

The fear in their hearts even surpassed the pain in their bodies!

What kind of opponent is this?

This gun fired so fast that there was no need to aim!

And he can hit wherever he wants, so accurately and hard that his opponent has no time to react!

Then the two of them were carried by the collar to the stairs, and each was kicked down the stairs!

Chen Xin'an ran up with three brothers, followed by a large number of pursuers!

Now the Mofei people have the upper hand.

The Dongchao and Daying people on Octopus Tower have all been cleared away.

It wasn't that easy.

But those guys fell asleep while snoring.

Except for a few bosses who escaped, the rest of the younger brothers were all eliminated effortlessly.

In fact, there are more people sleeping here in Mofei, but this is their base camp.

The sleeping ones were carried to the corner and left alone. Hans and Pede called their other brothers and quickly found another batch!

There was a melee at the entrance to Block 11, and the winner had not yet been decided.

On the Octopus Tower side, there were only two forces left fighting.

Ped wanted to rush out at first, but was stopped by Hans' people.

Dabailou quickly mobilized troops to attack Octopus Tower.

Now Ped doesn't want to run away and wants to lead his brothers to occupy the Octopus Tower.

As long as this place is occupied, the leaderless H Building will become a piece of the puzzle, and the entire 11th block will be dominated by him!

What Zhang Jiayu is not allowed to do does not mean that he cannot do it.

I never took Pyrothys seriously!

A group of local people still want to control us Mofei people. It is simply a dream!

As long as Hans is killed, all the Murphys in Jordan City will surrender to me!

In the corridor on the fourth floor, Stoker held an AK and shouted loudly: "Damn Chinese people, I know you are here.

Come out!

You bunch of worthless cowards!

Death is on your doorstep, so stop hiding!

I'm going to beat you all into a sieve!

You are a bunch of shit!

You are the lowest, filthiest, and lowest-class people!

In my eyes, you are not even human beings, just a bunch of beasts walking on two legs!

Come out!

How long do you want to hide? "

In the chaos, he and Chen Xin'an came face to face.

So I immediately recognized that they were Chinese!

And they were the same Chinese people who suffered a huge loss in the subway tunnel!

The people of Stoke were bewildered.

How did these guys come to Block 11?

How could he come up to the Octopus Tower?

The brothers below told him that all the Murphys in the bar were dead, and the two guards at the door of the west building were also dead.

Stoker finally understood that these Chinese people were behind everything!

When Hans found out about this, he was also furious.

Each of them led a team of troops. One team was chasing these Chinese people, and the other team was going to deal with Pede's gang.

Stoker chased Chen Xin'an and the others to the fourth floor. He learned a lesson and had people block the stairs so that they could not go up to the fifth floor.

This is equivalent to blocking them on the fourth floor, and just search them room by room!

What's irritating is that the Mofei people like to live in groups. Even though there are many rooms separated here, they still made holes in many rooms to facilitate communication.

This only makes the search more difficult.

Those Chinese people just disappeared on the fourth floor like ghosts!

"Come out!" Stork raised his AK and fired toward the ceiling.

A dark thing suddenly flew out from the next room.

Stoker was frightened and shouted: "Grenade! Get out of the way!"

The group of Chinese people took those small pineapples and put them among more than thirty people!


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