Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2161 The Gunslinger Overlord

I didn’t expect that these guys still have this thing now!

How many weapons did they bring to Block 11?

It's just four people, they still want to capture this place?

A group of Mofei people all lay on the ground in embarrassment!

But no explosion occurred.

Stoker raised his head and looked not far away, his face turned red, what he just threw out was half a stinky shoe!

"RPG!" Stork shouted angrily.

A Mofei man carried a big guy and pointed it at the room where the broken shoes had just been thrown. With a click of his fingers, there was a bang and dust and smoke filled the air!

Then, there was a huge explosion in the room, the whole building was almost shaking, and the eardrums were about to be shattered!

Twenty seconds later, Stoke waved back.

A group of Mofei people rushed into the room facing the diffuse dust.

It was a mess inside, with a big hole blown out of the wall.

A bloody man lay in the corner.

A Mofei man was overjoyed and turned the man over from the rubble.

Then I heard a soft sound, like the sound of a pin being pulled apart.

The bloody man who was bombed was actually a Mofei.

There was a small, round pineapple pressed under his body.

The faces of the surrounding Mofei people all changed, and they cursed in unison: "Shet!"


There was a loud noise, and the dust and smoke filled the air again. The few Mofei people standing closest were overturned by the shock wave, and they fell to various corners of the room with blood and flesh flying everywhere.

One person was even blown out of the door, hit the wall of the corridor with a bang, fell to the ground, and died on the spot!

Those living Mofei people were frightened and quickly backed away, with a look of horror on their faces!

Stoke was scared and angry. He kept shooting at the front with his AK, shouting and cursing loudly:

"You damn bastards! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to tear you all into pieces!"

But at this moment, several black muzzles suddenly stuck out from the door of the room not far away. Before he could react, tongues of fire spewed out of those muzzles!

With the rapid fire, the figures of Mo Fei gathered in the corridor were like chopped down straw, and fell into a large area!

Countless people screamed and fled backwards. Even if they had AKs in their hands and had many more spears than their opponents, they did not have the courage to shoot at them at close range.

This is the inhumane nature of Mo.

A group of ragtag people will only use the advantage of numbers to fight against the wind.

Even if they were given equipment that was not inferior to that of the enemy, they would use it indiscriminately and swarm them forward.

Once they encounter fierce resistance, they will turn around and flee, and their defeat will only take a moment.

Stoke wanted to run too, but he couldn't!

He was shot twice in the thigh and he couldn't even stand up!

The group of subordinates had no intention of taking him away.

At the critical moment of life and death, everyone only cares about escaping for their own lives!

So Stoke is desperate now!

Fortunately, the gun was not lost and there were still bullets!

He sat on the ground, put on a new magazine, and fired randomly while looking back.

As long as he climbed to the top of the stairs, the men would carry him away.

It was only a dozen meters away, and he could usually walk across it in a few seconds, but now, he felt that he had to use all his strength to take a single step, and he almost fainted from the pain!


The bullet jammed!

Stork quickly checked the firearm, but right here, a black figure suddenly rushed out of the door next to him!

Before he could react, he was kicked in the head, plunging him into darkness on the spot.

When he woke up, he found himself in a room.

The Mofei who originally lived here has turned into a corpse.

He was an old man and had no fighting ability at all.

Stoke opened his mouth to curse, but Luo Qianhe said expressionlessly: "See clearly, he was killed by your RPG!"

It turns out that this room is next door to the room that was blasted with RPG just now!

He endured the pain, looked at the four people in front of him and gritted his teeth and said, "You can't get out!

They are all our people inside and out!

You are surrounded by so many layers that you can't fly out even if you use your wings! "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at him and asked, "You're the one why should we go upstairs? Do you think you would have fallen into a trap otherwise?"

Luo Qianhe translated Chen Xin'an's words to him and said, "You are very lucky. We are here just for you!"

Stork's eyes widened.

Are these personnel crazy?

Just because I gave their friend a shot, they actually chased me directly to the Murphy people's base camp in Lieton City!

Just to avenge their friends?

Even risking your own life?

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and said word by word: "Remember, no one dares to hurt my brother without paying the price!

But who are you? As long as you hurt my brother, you are finished!

I will make you lose your life! "

Stoke's face finally showed a look of fear.

This is not his first time dealing with Chinese people.

But this was the first time I met such a crazy Chinese person!

In the hands of these lunatics, he might suffer even worse than death!

He looked at the Chinese people in front of him sternly and shouted: "Let me go, or I will let you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an flicked his pistol and shot him in the stomach.


Stoker curled up and screamed loudly.

Chen Xin'an quickly said: "I'm sorry, my shooting skills are not good! Lao Xiao, come here!"

Xiao Zhang snorted coldly, took out a pistol, pointed it at Stoke, and pulled the trigger!

The shot struck Stocker in the right leg.

It hurt so much that he almost stood up when he jerked away!

Chen Xin'an saw his eyes rolled up and looked like he was about to faint, so he immediately took out a silver needle and stuck it on the top of his head!

Stoker regained consciousness, but the severe pain from the wound made him worse than death!

Xiao Zhang looked defeated, shook his head and said, "I clearly aimed at the heart, but why did I hit the thigh instead? My marksmanship has also deteriorated!"

Luo Xiaoman held a pistol and looked at Xiao Zhang with contempt and said: "Your marksmanship has never improved! It's up to you!"

He also pulled the trigger hard, and shot Stoker between the legs with a bang!

Stoke was in so much pain that he couldn't even scream, he just hit his head hard against the ground!

Naturally, Chen Xin'an wouldn't let him get his wish and held his head down.

Smiling and scolding Luo Xiaoman: "Your marksmanship is very tricky! It's just such a small thing, but you actually hit it!"

Luo Xiaoman blew on the muzzle of his gun, curled his lips and said, "Brother, is this nickname of the Gunslinger Bully for nothing?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and smiled: "That's the other way around, right? The other way around is just right!"

Luo Xiaoman was really excited for a while, and he laughed and said: "You can also be a gun god!"

Then his expression changed and he cursed at Chen Xin'an: "Damn, you are the bastard!"

Stoker has completely collapsed, and now he doesn't even have the power to pass out!

He looked at Chen Xin'an and the others with a pleading look on his face and said, "Let me go, don't kill me!

I'm Hans' brother!

I can send you out, I just ask you to spare my life!

Without me, you can't leave here at all! "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly: "Don't think that this 11th block is some kind of dragon's pond and tiger's den.

I want to come in and go out, and you trash can't stop me! "

Listening to Luo Qianhe's translation, Stoker shouted: "Impossible! You don't know how many Mofei people there are in Block 11!

You cannot escape unscathed unless you are all gods! "

Chen Xinan stopped talking.

In fact, this guy was right. The current scene was exactly what Chen Xin'an wanted to create.

It would not be difficult for him to take advantage of the chaos and leave.

The difficulty is that he can't guarantee 100% that he can take all these brothers away unscathed.

Since this guy is very important to Hans, it can be regarded as a shield to let him live a little longer, it doesn't matter!


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