Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2162 The reluctance is gone

The sound of gunfire was very close below, and more Mofei people rushed to the fourth floor.

Moreover, people were coming from two directions. Before they saw Chen Xin'an and the others, the other party had already started exchanging fire!

It looks like Hans and Peder have already reached the top!

These two old enemies are now at odds.

All his elites lay down. They were not beaten to death, but fell asleep inexplicably.

The rest of them won't fight and are a waste of bullets.

But the victory lies in numbers, and human life is devalued, so the fight seems very lively.

The entire Octopus Tower was filled with screams and gunfire, and bullets were flying everywhere.

Chen Xin'an winked at the people around him, and everyone evacuated upwards, preparing to meet Zhang Jian and Li Qi.

Stok was held by Chen Xin'an with one hand, and a group of Mofei people behind him could only watch helplessly, not even daring to fire their guns.

As soon as they reached the fifth floor, large troops were already catching up with them, and the exchange of fire began as soon as the two sides met!

Hans looked gloomy and roared loudly, like a mad gorilla.

In all his years in Jordan City, he has never encountered such a situation and suffered such a big loss!

Now he has figured out that it was all those damn Chinese people who were causing trouble. It was their instigation and disruption that led to the current chaos!

He must kill these Chinese people first, and then use his energy to deal with Ped.

When he first heard that his men had a dispute with a few Chinese people in Century Plaza, he didn't take it seriously at all.

I randomly sent a few people to settle this matter, just to let those Chinese people know how terrible the consequences would be for provoking the Mofei people in Jordan City!

Unexpectedly, the people he sent also suffered a big loss. This group of Chinese people did not receive this lesson, but instead got revenge!

The humble Chinese people have the lowest status in the Eagle Flag Country, even worse than the Mofei people. Now they are being bullied by these guys. Hans doesn't agree!

Fortunately, Ped is not stupid. Although he and he are old enemies, at this time, they have reached a rare tacit understanding to resolve these Chinese people first, and then resolve the conflict between the two!

On the top floor, Zhang Jiayu knelt on the ground with bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

Zhang Jian stood in front of her expressionlessly, with the muzzle of the gun pressed against her forehead.

She tried to resist just now, but unfortunately her little skill was completely vulnerable in front of Zhang Jian.

There was no way she could escape.

Zhang Jian looked at Zhang Jiayu expressionlessly and asked coldly:

"I ask you again, where are Qi Gong and the others? If you don't tell me, I will beat you to death and then go find them myself!

I know your home on Black Hawk Island, you must be hiding there! "

There was no trace of fear on Zhang Jiayu's face, she just looked at Zhang Ji'an without blinking.

He stretched out his hand and grasped the barrel of Zhang Jian's gun, took it off his forehead and put it to his mouth.

“Don’t hit me on the forehead.

You have told me since I was a child that people with high foreheads are blessed!

Second brother, what exactly is blessing?

I have lived half my life, why have I never encountered this before?

But if I could die in the hands of my second brother, I would have a happy death.

It's more honorable than being killed by those people!

Second brother, shoot! "

She opened her mouth and put the muzzle of the gun into her mouth.

Then he looked at Zhang Jian without blinking and showed a smiling face.

Zhang Jian's face seemed to be still trying his best to remain indifferent and calm, but his eyes no longer dared to meet Zhang Jiayu's, and his hands began to tremble.

He pulled out his pistol, closed his eyes, and said to Zhang Jiayu: "You can commit suicide, I..."

"Second brother!" Before he could finish speaking, Zhang Jiayu had already stood up, hugged him, and said in his ear: "I'm sorry, I have to go!"

At the same time, Zhang Jiayu raised his arm and swung it fiercely!

Zhang Jian subconsciously tilted his head back.

With a pop, the hairpin pierced his chest!

With one successful move, Zhang Jiayu quickly pushed Zhang Jian away, turned around and ran towards the helicopter.

Even without a driver, I can still escape.

I can drive this thing!

Zhang Jian behind him did not catch up.

He just looked at her with cold eyes.

When the propeller above his head started to spin, Zhang Jiayu glanced outside and felt a tremor in his heart.

Zhang Jian stood there, looking at her motionless.

The gun in his right hand was pointed at the ground, with no intention of shooting at her.

He grabbed the hairpin with his left hand and slowly pulled it out.

Blood flowed out from the wound, instantly staining his chest red.

But he seemed to have no feeling. There was no pain on his face, just a chill!

The helicopter started slowly, and Zhang Jiayu looked at Zhang Jian in fear.

He was seen holding the hairpin that was still bleeding with his left thumb and index finger, and the remaining three fingers were spread out towards her.

It was as if he was showing her the hairpin, and also as if he was telling her.

He has let her go three times, and he will never let her go again next time!

Zhang Jiayu didn't know why he was so scared.

The last few times Zhang Jian wanted to kill her, she had never been so worried and scared.

Because she could feel the reluctance in this second brother's heart.

It is precisely because of this that she escaped many times.

But this time, she couldn't feel it!

To be precise, when she took out the hairpin, her reluctance disappeared!

She had reason to believe that when she saw Zhang Jian again, he would shoot her to death without hesitation!

No matter what she says, no matter how she plays the emotional card, the other party will never relent!

It doesn't matter!

During this period, I will stay at my home on Black Hawk Island and will not come out!

I don’t believe you dare to go to Black Hawk Island to hunt me down!

That's the base camp of Pyroses!

Watching the helicopter take off and fly away, Zhang Jian's face was expressionless. He didn't even care about the wounds on his face, turned around and walked downstairs with the gun in hand.

There was loud gunfire on the fifth floor!

Li Qi had already joined Chen Xin'an and others, and was shocked when he saw Zhang Jian coming down with blood on his chest.

The group of Mofei people had been suppressed at the entrance of the stairs and did not dare to show their heads.

Luo Qianhe threw the spear to Li Qi and said to him: "Aqi, come on! I'll go take care of it for Brother Ji'an!"

This weapon would not be of much use in his hands.

But it was different in Li Qi's hands.

With an assault rifle in hand, Li Qi could defeat a combat platoon on terrain like a corridor without holding its head up.

Of course, the number of Mofei people now is much greater than that of a combat platoon.

But the combat power is rubbish, no matter how many people there are, they can't reach the fifth floor!

However, there will always be a time when the bullets are used up, and the gang of Mofei people are also waiting for this opportunity, so although they shout loudly, no one really dares to rush up!

Chen Xin'an patted Xiao Zhang on the shoulder and said, "If you hit someone when you see him, don't hit him all the way. We have to save a little."

Xiao Zhang frowned and said: "This won't work, we have to find a way to rush out!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "So we have to take the initiative. You and Aqi are here to attract firepower, and Aman and I will take a turn!"

Luo Xiaoman threw the gun in his hand to Zhang Ji'an, who had just wrapped his upper body like a rice dumpling, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Tell me, Old Chen, what do you want to do?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "No rush, just wait for a while!"

He turned to look at Zhang Jian, observing his eyes and expression.

Zhang Jian knew that he was checking his injuries, so he shook his head and said sadly: "Boss, I have let you down again..."

Chen Xin'an walked over and patted him on the shoulder, and said to him: "As long as you are fine, nothing else matters!

This place is left to you and Ah Qi to protect Lao Xiao and Pigeon.

Aman and I are going to find Hans and Peder.

To capture the thief, capture the king first.

Aman, take out all the little pineapples in the bag! "

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