Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2164 I Want to Kill Him and You Can't Stop Me

This guy actually speaks Chinese!

Although it has some weird accents, at least Chen Xin'an can understand it!

And this boy also had an oriental face, and he had been standing silently behind Ped just now.

Even when Chen Xin'an was killing people, he didn't care or move.

Only when Chen Xin'an was about to attack Peide, he shot Chen Xin'an's knife in half!

Seeing Chen Xin'an stop, the man immediately said: "I am not one of their people, but we have a deal with Ped.

So my mission tonight is to protect Ped. As long as nothing happens to him, I don't care even if you kill everyone here!

I'm not your enemy, you can do what you want, just don't deal with Ped, understand? "

Chen Xin'an looked at him sideways and said coldly: "So what if I don't understand?

I want to kill him, can you stop me?

Or do you think that because you have a gun, you can tell me what to do?

Come on, I'll let you shoot.

For five seconds at most, let me show you who the body lying on the ground is, okay? "

The man frowned and looked at Chen Xin'an, as if he was considering how true Chen Xin'an's words were.

Chen Xin'an didn't have time to waste time with him, so she turned around, did a backflip, and jumped to the side of a Murphy who was about to shoot him!

She pressed her body against the opponent's body, held his right hand, and pulled the trigger with him!

Da da da!

The AK in the guy's hand kept firing bullets, knocking down his companion next to him.

At the same time, the bodyguard also pressed Ped under the table!

The muzzle of the gun rotated half a circle and was aimed at the door.

Push back the group of Murphys who are about to rush in!

Someone was hiding behind the wall at the door, sticking his gun in and shooting randomly without even taking aim!

The unlucky man in front of Chen Xin'an was shot several times, and his whole body shook violently like a convulsion!

However, the guy who fired the gun also had his wrist broken by a stray bullet. The AK fell to the ground, and a pig-like howl came from outside the door!

Chen Xin'an turned around and the body in front of him was thrown over and hit hard on the table in the room.

The bodyguard pulled Ped back, but his eyes were blurred when a figure followed closely and grabbed Ped by the throat!

The other hand also grabbed the bodyguard's left hand holding the gun like a ghost!

The bodyguard was shocked and struggled hard, but he was unable to resist the opponent's powerful force. His entire left arm seemed to be broken off!

At this moment, that powerful force suddenly disappeared!

The bodyguard gasped for breath and looked at the man in front of him in horror.

He has never seen such terrifying Chinese people!

I thought before that since I had a gun and my marksmanship was very good, I should have no problem dealing with this Chinese.

Although he doesn't want to be an enemy of this Chinese, he doesn't mind giving him a little pain if he doesn't listen to his suggestions.

As for whether the other party will be beaten to death by these Mofei people because of this, that is none of his business.

But he never expected that the other party would be so strong.

Even if he had a gun, he wouldn't have time to react!

The opponent's strength was so terrifying that he could hardly resist it.

It's just that he could be seriously injured easily, so why did the other party suddenly let him go?

The bodyguard followed the other person's gaze to the ground, and then realized that during the struggle just now, the hood he had in his pocket fell to the ground!

Chen Xin'an squinted at the bodyguard and asked, "Are you from the Red Hood?"

The bodyguard's expression changed, he looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "How do you know..."

Chen Xin'an didn't wait for him to finish, and shouted impatiently: "I just saved one of your red-hooded women tonight, and now I see you here!

If I had known that you Red Hood and Murphy were working together, I should have killed that woman! "

The bodyguard looked overjoyed and looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Isn't the woman you mentioned very young and beautiful?

It turns out that Kotoko is fine, that’s great!

Did you save her?

Thank you so much, we will definitely repay you! "

Chen Xin'an said coldly: "I shouldn't have saved a bunch of bastards who colluded with Mo Feiren!

But it doesn't matter, I'll just kill her when I get back.

Perhaps, it can also be handed over to the police and security bureau in Jordan City.

They are looking for you! "

The bodyguard's expression changed and he said to Chen Xin'an: "Things are not what you think! Now is not the time to explain, but please believe me, the Red Hood is not a bad person!

I can help you get out, but please don't kill Ped, even if you kill me, it doesn't matter! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and slowly released the hand holding Pede's throat.

Ped was breathing heavily, with a look of fear on his face.

Unexpectedly, he was surrounded by his own people, but he still let him die just now!

This Chinese is really terrible!

The voice of the bodyguard came to my ears: "Pede, if you want to live, just listen to me. Do whatever I tell you to do, otherwise this Chinese will kill you without hesitation!"

Ped nodded vigorously.

At this moment, Luo Xiaoman's voice came from Chen Xin'an's headset: "Old Chen, I have succeeded here, how are you?"

Chen Xin'an said: "Get ready to take Peide to the fifth floor. Be careful and quickly meet Aqi and the others!"

Luo Xiaoman's muttering came from over there: "Damn, you still keep that guy alive? I'll just send that guy to the sky with a little pineapple!"

Chen Xin'an: "..."

I mean try to stay alive, you are so lucky, you will blow up the person as soon as we meet!

How do you meet everyone now?

Aren't those Mofei people going to hunt you down at all costs?

Chen Xin'an didn't have time to think too much, and said to the bodyguard: "Tell Pede to let his men deal with Hans' people, and let's go to the fifth floor together!"

The bodyguard nodded quickly and explained to Ped in Eagle Flag Language.

Although Ped was a little reluctant, but now his life was in someone else's hands, he had no room to refute, so he had no choice but to shout a few words to the people outside.

Although Chen Xin'an can't speak, she can understand.

Knowing that these two people were not fooling him, he said to Luo Xiaoman: "Meet us at the west stairway later while you are in chaos! Let's go to the fifth floor together!"

"Okay!" Luo Xiaoman responded, accompanied by dense gunfire in the background.

Chen Xin'an also heard the gunshots in the corridor and was a little worried about Luo Xiaoman.

"Let's go!" Chen Xin'an waved to Ped and the bodyguard.

Ped's face was overjoyed. It seemed that his bodyguard could talk to this guy.

When we get outside later, we are surrounded by our own people. It shouldn't be difficult to find a chance to get rid of this guy, right?

But just as he was talking, Chen Xin'an had already removed the bodyguard's pistol with his own hands, so fast that neither of them could react!

"I'll keep the gun for you, and I'll give it to you when I get up there!" Chen Xin'an put on his hat, leaned against Ped's body, and pointed the hard muzzle of the gun at his head.

Peder's face turned pale, knowing that he could not think of anything else.

No matter how fast he is, he can't be faster than other people's bullets!

The three of them walked out of the room full of corpses. The Mofei people around them all pointed guns at Chen Xin'an, but no one dared to shoot!

No one can guarantee that their marksmanship is so accurate that they can save the boss from this guy.

Anyone who dares to mess around at this time will only end up being shot to death by everyone!

The bodyguard was quite sensible, and kept telling the people around him to calm down. He and Chen Xin'an were on the left and right, sandwiching Pede in the middle.

In fact, he could escape, and Chen Xin'an didn't know how to shoot.

But even Chen Xin'an didn't expect that he didn't run away, but was very cooperative.

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