Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2165 It won’t take a second to kill you

The Mofei people are killing each other, and the fighting is very fierce.

But the result of the battle was really unsightly. Hundreds of people were engaged in a shootout in a building, and the number of casualties was not even as many as Chen Xin'an killed by himself!

With this kind of fighting power, Chen Xin'an couldn't even complain!

Peide was not idle either, shouting loudly while being pushed away by Chen Xin'an.

It's not that those Murphys come to save him, but that Hans's gang of Murphys stop fighting and all submit to him!

He couldn't understand Chen Xin'an's words, so he didn't know that Hans had been killed.

I didn't think that shouting would be of much use, but I never thought that the gunfire actually became less and less!

Chen Xin'an understood the reason for this result.

As soon as Hans died, the Hip Hop Gang was in chaos.

It's not that no one wants to take Hans's place, but once he gets ahead, he will be targeted by others.

Even before you can secure your position, you will be attacked by Dabai Building and H Building.

There is definitely no one who stands out at this time, and they don’t have the ability to control it.

Ped is different.

The so-called disputes between Octopus Tower, Dabai Tower and H Tower were just caused by the bosses for their own interests.

For the Mofei people at the bottom, there are actually not that many barriers.

As long as you can eat and drink enough, it doesn't matter who you mess with?

We are all non-human beings, why should we kill each other?

We have arrived at the stairs, but there is still no figure of Luo Xiaoman in the corridor.

Chen Xin'an became a little anxious and shouted softly: "Aman!"

no respond.

His ears were filled with gunshots that resounded throughout the Octopus Tower, and explosions that appeared from time to time.

Chen Xin'an was a little anxious, but it was only one floor, so you could go up just by turning a corner.

What's more, the Murphys who were originally blocking the stairs had ceased fire after hearing Ped's order.

At this moment, everyone was huddled against the wall, staring at the three of them.

Chen Xin'an shouted again: "Aman?!"

There was still no response from there.

He no longer hesitated and said directly to Ped and the bodyguard: "Now that you are free, it's up to you whether you want to continue fighting or stop here!"

The bodyguards were stunned!

The stairs are right in front of you, but this person doesn't even go up!

He has already seen that there must be this Chinese accomplice on the fifth floor.

As long as three people go up, the Chinese's safety factor will be greatly enhanced.

Now his and Peder's lives are actually in each other's hands.

When there are so many enemies around him, he and Ped are his greatest defense talismans!

He really couldn't think of any reason for this Chinese to give up this chance of survival so simply!

And judging from his intention, he wanted to rush back again!

No matter how powerful you are, facing hundreds of people on the entire fourth floor, you can't turn into a fly and fly out safely!

He couldn't get rid of his doubts and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Huaxia people, why did you let us go at this time?"

Chen Xin'an rushed forward without looking back, shouting: "My brother is still behind!"

The bodyguard was stunned!

Peide on the side didn't understand what they said. He just watched Chen Xin'an abandon him and ran back, and asked with a puzzled face: "What is he doing?"

The bodyguard looked at Chen Xin'an's back and said with a complicated expression: "He asked us to wait here. He will be back soon!"

In fact, the bodyguard didn't even know why he said this. He just looked at the figure who rushed back without hesitation, and felt a little moved in his heart!

Peder was confused again.

Surrounded by my people, why the hell are you leaving me here, waiting for you to come back and hold me hostage?

are you crazy?

Just as he was about to give the order to the Chinese, there was an explosion in front of him!

Amidst the screams, a man covered in blood rushed out of the next room like a god, shouting loudly: "Here we come!"

Chen Xin'an finally felt relieved and shouted to Luo Xiaoman: "Come over here!"

Luo Xiaoman kicked the two Mofei people with a flying horse in the air, kicked them away, wiped the blood stains on his face that covered his eyes, and said with a grin:

"It's so enjoyable! I've never been chased by so many people with guns in my life!"

Chen Xin'an raised his hand and fired, knocking down a Mofei man behind him who was aiming an AK, and cursed angrily: "Why don't you use a gun? Are you going to keep it to give birth to cubs?"

Luo Xiaoman suddenly rushed in front of a Mo Feiren and punched him in the chest!

The man was shocked and subconsciously held the AK in front of his chest.

But with a click, AK was interrupted by a punch!

The Mofei man screamed and fell out, his face still filled with disbelief before he passed out!

The surrounding Mofei people were also frightened!

Is this even a human being?

One punch broke the barrel of the gun!

Luo Xiaoman then turned his head, caught up with Chen Xin'an, and said with a mean smile:

"I find it troublesome!

And don’t you think that using a gun in such a situation would take away the pleasure?

Only defeating the opponent with fists and kicks is the most satisfying! "

Chen Xin'an's face turned dark.

If you were on a real battlefield, surviving for five minutes would be considered a miracle!

"Are you still waiting here? Okay, let's go up together!" Chen Xin'an was also a little surprised to see Peide and the bodyguard still standing there.

Are these two stupid?

I gave you a chance to run, but neither of you moved!

They are all preparing to go on a killing spree with Luo Xiaoman and join forces with the brothers on the fifth floor to attack from above and below.

I didn't expect these two idiots to be so honest, so that would save trouble.

Ped's face turned dark!

Now he also knows what a good opportunity he has lost.

The main reason is the language barrier, which delays things too much!

The inexplicable person ran away.

Before he could react, the kid was back again!

There was less than a minute between before and after, and by the time he realized it, the opportunity had been lost!

He glared at the bodyguard fiercely, "Why didn't your idiot brother remind me?"

However, Chen Xin'an did not point the gun at his head again. Instead, he walked casually beside him, and the four of them walked up together.

If you are sincere, I will not embarrass you.

What's more, in front of two masters of internal strength, it doesn't make any difference whether they have a gun or not. Do they care whether it is aimed at your head?

It doesn’t even take a second to kill you!

The surrounding Mofei people all looked at the four people inexplicably.

Now they don't even know the relationship between their boss and these Orientals.

As for those who were chasing Luo Xiaoman, they had also been stopped by Perot's people.

"Boss!" Not far from the stairs, Li Qi and others were hiding at the door of a room. When they saw Chen Xin'an walking up, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Perot's eyes widened and he looked at Li Qi and the four of them in disbelief.

Just four people, with no more than four guns at most, actually blocked the attack of hundreds of people from him and Hans. How did they do it?

Chen Xin'an nodded to everyone, then looked at the bodyguard and said: "Tell Perot to prepare a car for us immediately.

He wanted to personally take us to the entrance of Block 11.

I'll get him back safe and sound, and I'll help him capture the entire 11th block. "

The bodyguard quickly translated Chen Xin'an's words to Perot.

With a dark face, Perot glanced at Chen Xin'an, snorted and said, "How can I believe his words?

And now that Block 11 is mine, I don’t need his help at all! "

Chen Xin'an didn't need to wait for the bodyguard to translate, she directly put the pistol to Perot's head and said coldly:

"Who said Block 11 is yours?

I want the Mofei people not to leave any boss behind!

Do you think I am begging you?

Let me tell you, I will give you another chance. If you don’t take advantage of it, you will end up like Hans and Heyman! "

Perot's expression changed greatly, he looked at Chen Xin'an and the Chinese people around him, and finally nodded helplessly.

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