Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2166 It turns out you are friendly forces

A truck was parked downstairs in Octopus Tower.

Xiao Zhang pulled Mo Feiren down from the driver's seat, kicked him aside, and sat on it himself.

Li Qi was sitting in the passenger seat, the rifle in his hand already loaded with a magazine full of bullets.

There were some boxes stacked in the carriage behind. Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman sat on the boxes with Perot and his bodyguards in tow.

Luo Qianhe supported Zhang Jian and leaned against the car's baffle. Zhang Jian's face turned pale and he was breathing heavily.

At the entrance to Block 11, the battle had ended, leaving messes and bloodstains on the ground, and the gang had withdrawn.

This battle will cause heavy damage to the entire underground world of Jordan City, and there will be no winner.

Of course, if Ped can come back alive, then he will be the one who benefits in the end.

Chen Xin'an put the silver needle on Peide's head and asked him to sit upright, unable to move at all.

The car quickly passed through the neighborhood where fires and thick smoke were raging. From time to time, someone fired a cold gun, hitting the car with a loud bang.

Fortunately, the fender of this truck was high enough, and everyone huddled under the fender and were not injured by stray bullets.

Soon he arrived at the exit, and Xiao Zhang did not stop. He drove past two broken-down cars that had been burned into scrap metal and were still smoking.

After driving for three hundred meters, we stopped at a parking lot, where Gloria Business Park was parked.

Xiao Zhang and Li Qi jumped out of the car. They walked around the parking lot with guns in hand. Then they walked back and shook their heads at Chen Xin'an, it was safe here.

Chen Xin'an did not get out of the car in a hurry, but still sat in the back of the truck, looked at the bodyguard, frowned and asked:

"Who are you? Why do you have to steal those auction items when you go to Heiman?"

The bodyguard looked at the people around him and then at Ped.

Chen Xin'an said to him: "Now he can't hear and can only see what's in front of him. If you have anything to say, just say it boldly!"

The bodyguard felt relieved and said to Chen Xin'an: "My name is Arata Nagamoto. I'm from Japan..."

Luo Xiao's face darkened, he glanced at Chen Xin'an and said, "It turns out he's from Da Ying, just like Mo Fei, he's not a good person! Old Chen, kill him?"

The bodyguard was startled and looked at everyone warily.

Chen Xin'an ignored Luo Xiaoman's words and asked Nagamoto Arata:

"Are all the red hooded people from Japan?"

Nagamoto Shinta shook his head and said: "Qinzi and I are the only ones from Japan.

There are also Tailan people, Dongchao people, and our boss is Chinese.

I learned Chinese from him. "

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "Are you people an organization of thieves who specialize in stealing things?"

Nagamoto Shinta was not happy and said with a straight face: "We are not thieves!

The things we took away were treasures that belonged to our country.

They were just robbed of their country by those bandits.

What’s wrong with us getting it back through our own efforts? "

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly and said with disdain: "A thief is a thief, and he found a high-sounding excuse for himself!"

He pointed at Ped and said coldly: "You have colluded with this guy, and you want him to help you sell the stolen goods, right?"

"No!" Nagamoto Shinta shook his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "Pede has some smuggling routes.

Our cooperation with him is to use this route to return the treasures we got back to our country.

You, China, are also beneficiaries. Unknown to others, our boss alone has sent hundreds of national treasures back to China! "

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment and stood in awe!

If what Arata Nagamoto said is true, then the Red Hood organization is not a bandit, but a friendly force!

In fact, it is easy to distinguish between true and false, and Li Niandong will definitely be able to easily find out whether there is such a thing.

One phone call will solve it.

But now is not the time to check this, Chen Xin'an chose to believe Nagamoto Arata's words for the time being.

Luo Xiaoman patted Nagamoto Arata on the shoulder, gave a thumbs up, and said with a grin:

"I don't like you Japanese people.

But if you do such a thing, I think you are good and a man! "

Nagamoto Shinta curled his lips and said: "I don't have a good impression of you Huaxia either.

But my boss once told me that nationality is based on origin, but good people and bad people are not based on nationality.

If you saved Qinzi, you are a good person. "

Chen Xin'an looked at Nagamoto Arata and asked, "So the things you had to steal in Haiman tonight...are going to be returned to China, right?"

"I still have to pay it back, but not now!" Arata Nagamoto shook his head and said: "Every time you do something, it takes at least three months to deal with it.

Only if you save your life can you think about other things. "

"So you're hiding in Block 11?" Luo Qianhe frowned.

Arata Nagamoto waved his hand and said: "No! We are just cooperating with Ped, and we also have the same boss.

In fact, we also don’t trust them very much.

If these people know that we have a priceless treasure, they will definitely use their brains! "

Everyone nodded.

Mofei people are greedy and ignorant, and basically have no morality at all.

Cooperating with them is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger, and you have to be more cautious.

"Where is your boss?" Chen Xin'an asked Arata Nagamoto: "Are you the only one hiding in Block 11 now?

Block 11 is so busy tonight, why didn't your people show up? "

Nagamoto Shinta's expression changed, and he looked at Chen Xin'an in horror and said, "They... went to find Qinzi!"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, then his expression suddenly changed and he said to everyone, "We have to leave right away!"

Luo Xiaoman pointed at Ped and said, "What about this guy? Should he kill him or not?"

Nagamoto Shinta wanted to speak, but looked at Chen Xin'an and the people around him and didn't dare to say anything.

Chen Xin'an thought for a while, shook his head and said, "No killing!"

He reached out to pick up the needle for Ped and said to him: "Listen, I will let you drive back now.

I know you will definitely be dissatisfied and want to take revenge on us.

It doesn't matter, I'll wait for you to take revenge.

But remember one thing, since you choose to deal with me, I will kill you next time!

Even if you hide in Block 11, it's useless to be protected by so many Mofei people! "

Nagamoto Shinta translated Chen Xin'an's words to Peide.

Ped's face looked uncertain.

Chen Xin'an didn't care what he decided and said to everyone: "Get in our own car and go to the clinic."

Back in the business car, Chen Xin'an immediately gave Zhang Ji'an an injection and said to him: "Hold on, I'll bandage it for you when you get to the clinic!"

He and Luo Qianhe had already seen that Zhang Jian's injury was serious.

That hairpin might have stabbed the internal organs!

Zhang Jian coughed twice and blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth. He panted and shook his head at Chen Xin'an and said, "Don't worry, boss, you won't die!"

Peide and Arata Nagamoto watched the commercial vehicle leave, then looked at each other without saying a word, and turned around to get on the truck.

When the car drove back to Block 11, Ped jumped out of the car and took out his mobile phone:

"Hi, boss, I just had something to do and couldn't answer the phone.

Okay I get it, I’m going to do it, I know this is an opportunity!

Thank you so much, boss, I will send someone to get it now! "

After hanging up the phone, he dialed another number. When the call was connected, Ped said with a gloomy face:

"Migo, send twenty people to the station sign, and someone will bring something over.

Yes, it’s a gun!

Share it among the brothers. Tonight, we will unify the 11th district!

Anyone who does not submit to us will be killed! "

After the explanation, Ped put his cell phone in his pocket, gritted his teeth and cursed angrily:

“If only these things had come half an hour earlier!

None of those damn Chinese people can escape! "

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