Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2167 Is this how you repay me?

Outside the clinic building, Kailai Business was parked on the roadside.

Chen Xinan carried Zhang Jian out of the car, and everyone quickly ran to the elevator.

On the eighth floor, the lights of the clinic were on and the door was open.

Chen Xinan carried Zhang Jian in and put him on the bed.

Luo Qianhe had quickly found emergency equipment and medicines and pushed them all to Zhang Jian's side.

Lung lobe perforation, fortunately it did not cause hemothorax, otherwise Zhang Jian might have been killed by a small hairpin!

After treating the wound, Chen Xinan washed the blood stains on his hands.

Li Qi came over and said to Chen Xinan: "Boss, something is wrong!"

Luo Xiaoman also hurried over and asked Chen Xinan: "Old Chen, where is Dayangniu? Why is she gone? I just called Da Leizi, and Dayangniu didn't go back!"

Chen Xinan glared at him and cursed: "Do I need to call Da Leizi?

I knew something was wrong as soon as we went upstairs. Did you see the security guard?

The whole building seems to have been cleared out!"

Everyone thought about it carefully, and their faces changed drastically. It was really the case!

Luo Xiaoman said angrily: "Then why did you ask everyone to come up? Isn't this a trap?"

You are the turtle!

Chen Xinan glared at him and cursed: "Gian is in this situation, can't you come up?"

Luo Xiaoman was stunned for a moment and kept silent.

Chen Xinan turned his head, looked around, and said to everyone: "Be careful, those people may be coming for us!"

But Chen Xinan was a little surprised. If they were sent by Paros, why would they come here instead of going to the hotel?

And although the senior sister and Catherine were gone, there were no signs of a fight.

This was not like the behavior of the assassins sent by Pyrrhus.

But if it wasn't them, who would it be?

Could it be that the Red Hood had already found this place?

These people were really incompetent!

"Protect them well, I'll go around!" Chen Xin'an told Li Qi and Luo Xiaoman, and turned to leave.

The lights were still on in the ward. The quilt on the bed where the woman with the gunshot wound was lying was messy, and the sheets were no longer warm, indicating that she had been away for a long time.

However, with the injury of Qinzi, she couldn't walk independently at all, so she should have been carried away.

And she was carrying the medicine that was being infused.

Did she leave, or was she hiding in the dark?

Why did she take Yan Huilan and Catherine away?

Chen Xin'an turned around and found nothing, and was ready to go back to the emergency room.

At this moment, he suddenly stopped in the corridor, motionless.

Just now, he heard a very slight sound, like the sound of metal colliding.

If it were an ordinary person, even the thick-skinned Luo Xiaoman, they might not hear or ignore such a sound, but Chen Xinan caught it!

It was in the next room, which should be the clinic's warehouse.

Because it was a big iron door and there were no windows, he didn't know what was going on inside.

But Chen Xinan had a hunch that there was someone inside!

And it was not far from the door!

Almost without any warning, Chen Xinan took a step back, then suddenly turned around and kicked sideways, kicking the iron door hard!


With a loud bang, the locked iron door was kicked open, and the two people hiding behind the iron door were knocked out with screams!

The lights were on inside, and Chen Xinan could clearly see that Qinzi was lying on a bed receiving an infusion.

Yan Huilan and Catherine had been tied to the chairs next to them, with rags stuffed in their mouths.

There were three other people standing by the bed, looking at the door with shocked faces.

Two meters away from the door, the two were lying on the ground, and they got up from the ground with a painful look on their faces.

Chen Xinan walked in expressionlessly, his eyes fixed on Yan Huilan and Catherine.

From the faces and eyes of the two, Chen Xinan was relieved that they were not injured.

"Old Chen, what's wrong?" Luo Xiaoman ran over after hearing the voice, followed by Li Qi.

As soon as he saw the situation inside, he cursed: "Damn! I didn't expect them to hide here!

Big foreign girl, are you okay?

If you have any problems, how can I explain to Da Leizi!"

As he spoke, he had already rushed in and started fighting with the gang without saying anything!

Li Qi pointed the gun, but Chen Xinan pressed him down and shook his head.

The situation is not clear, so don't kill people first.

After all, the other party did not do anything else except tying up Yan Huilan and Catherine.

Why are they just hiding here?

If they came for Qinzi, why don't they leave now that they have found someone?

What Chen Xinan didn't expect was that the two opponents attacked Luo Xiaoman at the same time, and they were able to fight to a draw!

No one used any weapons, just fists and feet.

Although two people attacked Luo Xiaoman together, it didn't mean that they were weak.

In Chen Xinan's eyes, these two people's kung fu is quite good, the most important thing is that their body movements are very flexible, and their practical experience is also quite rich!

For a while, neither side could do anything to the other!

Chen Xinan estimated that the strength of any of these two people was above Gongsun Feiyang, and they were almost at the level of Master Luo.

The two people who had just stood up from the ground were about to go over to help, but Li Qi stopped them.

Putting the gun behind his back, and then tightening it with a cloth belt and sticking it to his body, Li Qi looked at the two people expressionlessly and said: "I'll play with you!"

Chen Xin'an looked at the man standing in front of Qinzi's bed.

For the first time, I felt familiar, as if I had seen this person before.

But he can also be sure that this is definitely the first time he has met this person.

As for why there was a sense of familiarity, Chen Xin'an couldn't figure it out.

But now was not the time to think about this. He ignored the fight in front of him and strode into the room.

Two groups of people were fighting, but no one affected Chen Xin'an, as if they automatically retracted their fists and kicks as soon as they got close to him.

But the man standing next to the bed shrank his eyes and showed a cautious expression on his face.

This is a master!

He could see Chen Xin'an's body quickly dodging as he approached the standing circle.

He doesn't have that kind of perception either.

And he can't do that kind of speed!

"I have no ill intentions towards you!" The man looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Can you ask your people to stop first?"

Chen Xin'an walked to a meter in front of him and stopped, pointed at the two tied women next to him and asked, "Is this what you said without any malice?"

The man said helplessly: "I just didn't want them to shout, so I took some measures.

But he didn't harm them, and he would let them leave safely soon! "

Chen Xin'an looked around and said to the man: "Are you the boss of the Red Hood?

Are you Chinese? "

The man's expression changed, he looked at Chen Xin'an in surprise and asked, "Who are you? Why do you know my identity?"

"Guess!" Chen Xin'an said calmly: "What is your purpose of holding them hostage here?"

The man said with a gloomy face: "Don't ask so many questions, knowing too much is not good for you!

For the sake of your compatriots, I advise you to stop your people immediately.

I don't want to fight with you, don't force me! "

Chen Xin'an laughed coldly: "Compatriots? We saved your companions, but not only did you not thank us, you also tied up our friends. Now you call me compatriots?"

The man's face turned red, he looked embarrassed, and wanted to explain a few words.

But Chen Xin'an didn't want to hear it at all, and said with a straight face: "What's wrong with forcing you to do something? You should do it!"

As he spoke, he kicked the man in front of him!

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