Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2170 I am from the Long family after all

In the clinic office, Long Xiang, who was so aggressive just now, is now huddled in the corner of the sofa, like a little daughter-in-law who has been insulted.

When Long Sheng told him about his relationship with Chen Xin'an, he felt as if he had seen the end of the world and his energy collapsed!

There is no hope for revenge!

Unexpectedly, my cousin actually participated in the special training.

The instructor is this guy Chen Xin'an.

This wasn't what made him most uncomfortable.

What really shocked him was that not only Long Sheng called Chen Xin'an boss, but also boys like Xia Hongfeng and Hua Youlin called this guy boss!

In other words, this guy has turned all the top princes in China into his younger brothers!

He can walk around all over China and pull out a younger brother who is not lower than his origin. How the hell can he do this?

There is no hope for revenge!

Long Xiang has never been so desperate as now!

Do you really want to be exiled in this damn Eagle Flag Country for the rest of your life?

Chen Xin'an looked at Long Xiang with a playful expression and asked: "I'm very surprised, since the old man drove you here, why did he give you such great power?

So that you can monitor me anytime and anywhere and know my whereabouts? "

Long Sheng smiled and said: "Nothing.

Because I am coming over, my cousin has been paying close attention to the entry of Chinese people at the customs.

I probably got your customs entry information accidentally, boss.

As for checking your movements in Jordan City, it's not difficult.

My cousin also has frequent dealings with Jordan City officials, so he knows that the Gloria Commercial you are driving now was given to you by Boorman.

It has an official tracker on it, so it’s not hard to track your whereabouts. "

Chen Xin'an suddenly realized.

At first glance, I really thought that this guy Long Xiang was going smoothly in the Eagle Flag Country, with his hands and eyes reaching the sky!

In fact, there is nothing surprising about it.

Chen Xin'an pointed at Long Xiang and asked the red-hooded boss: "Is this your boss?"

The man nodded and said to him: "Mr. Long has helped us a lot, and he is also our sponsor and my boss!"

Chen Xin'an curled her lips, looked at Long Xiang with disdain and said, "How can a person like you have such a consciousness and establish an organization like the Red Hood? I don't believe it!"

Long Xiang angrily scolded him: "Chen, don't be so arrogant! What I do is beyond the comprehension of a country bumpkin like you!"

Long Sheng said with a smile: "Actually, the Red Hood was not created by my cousin.

This organization has been around for five years.

It is only in the past two years that it has attracted the attention of Chinese officials.

It happened that my cousin came here, so my grandfather asked him to help contact these brothers for assistance and management. "

Long Xiang held his head with both hands and rubbed his hair vigorously, wishing to block Long Sheng's mouth!

Why are you telling him this?

Is it necessary to tell him the truth?

Chen Xin'an suddenly realized and said to Long Xiang: "Your grandfather saved your life again!"

Long Xiang was shocked, looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief and shouted: "Why, my brother is here, you still dare to kill me?"

Chen Xin'an looked at him with a smile and asked, "Do you want to try it?"

Long Xiang's face turned pale and he didn't dare to speak anymore.

He has experienced this guy's methods. If he really cared about the Long family, he would not have treated him like that when he was in China!

Chen Xin'an said coldly: "I will never show mercy to my enemies, because it will cause trouble for myself.

Just like now, if I spare you once, will you remember the lesson?

Will you cherish your life and never provoke me again?

Not at all!

You will think about revenge and look for opportunities in every possible way.

You think it's only worth it if you watch me die in front of you and make you cry and sacrifice.

You will do whatever it takes to achieve this goal.

Just like just now, you used my relatives and friends to blackmail me.

Do you think I need to give him another chance again and again to deal with such a person? "

Long Xiang licked his lips, looked at Chen Xin'an in horror, and then begged to Long Sheng: "Brother, do you want to watch your brother die in front of you?"

Long Sheng said helplessly: "Cousin, listen to my advice and don't think about how to deal with my boss.

Don't say you don't have the skills to deal with him.

Even if you really succeed, grandpa will not let you go.

I am no longer your cousin, but your enemy!

Even if I can't do anything to you, I will never forgive you in this life.

As long as I am in China for one day, I will not let you go back!

Brother, think about the feud between you and the boss. Who is it that you blame?

Wasn't it that you were at fault from the beginning? "

Long Xiang's face turned pale. He glanced at his cousin and then at Chen Xin'an, with a tangled expression. He sighed heavily and asked Chen Xin'an:

"I won't trouble you anymore, will you let me go?"

Chen Xin'an snorted and said, "It depends on how many bonus points you have!

Let me ask you something, are you colluding with the Murphy people? "

Long Xiang said angrily: "What does collusion mean? What we call cooperation!"

"Cooperation?" Chen Xin'an looked at him with a joking face and asked, "I can make sense if you cooperate with the Red Hood, but if you collude with the gangsters of the Eagle Flag Country, do you call this cooperation?"

Long Xiang cursed angrily: "If you don't cooperate with them, how can the things the Red Hood got back be sent outside the Eagle Flag Country?"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment.

Long Xiang continued angrily: "Do you know how many treasures I have sent back to China in the past year since I came to Eagle Flag Country?"

The red hooded boss on the side said: "Three hundred and seven! Among them, most of them are peerless treasures!"

Long Xiang snorted and said, "If I hadn't cooperated with the Mofei people and used their smuggling routes, all these treasures would have been lost overseas!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, looked at Long Xiang and said, "So, the Mo Feiren who is working with you is Peide?"

"How do you know?" Long Xiang's expression changed, as if he had thought of something, and he said with a look of shock:

"By the way, that car went to Block 11 tonight!

Ped called me and asked me for assistance, saying that there were several Chinese people who disrupted the negotiations!

It turns out those people are you!

Hahaha, good!

Pyroses wanted to divide the Mephitans, and the more they divided, the better.

But I want to integrate them.

Because only in this way can this route be safer, and you don’t have to worry about being missed!

So I secretly prepared guns and ammunition for Ped, and asked Red Hood to be his bodyguard.

It is to enable those treasures lost overseas to return to China smoothly.

By the way, he also helped other countries send back some treasures, so that those countries would remember the name Red Hood.

All grateful to them!

Does this count as a plus? "

Chen Xin'an looked at Long Xiang strangely, then turned to look at Long Sheng.

When Long Sheng nodded and told him that these things were indeed done by Long Xiang, Chen Xin'an laughed.

"I really didn't expect that this kid like you could actually do something serious!"

Long Xiang clenched his fists and cursed: "Don't insult me!

The grudge between us is, in the final analysis, just a struggle for interests!

But after all, I, Long Xiang, know that I am a member of the Long family, and I can distinguish between right and wrong more clearly than you! "

Chen Xin'an laughed and didn't care about him, nodded and said: "Long Xiang, remember, as long as you don't provoke me, I won't cause trouble for you!

So whether it's for your own life or for Long Sheng's sake, you have to take care of yourself! "

He turned his head, looked at the red-hooded boss, smiled slightly and said, "What's your name?"

The man glanced at Chen Xin'an, shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "My name is not worth mentioning. Mr. Chen can just call me Black Dragon!"

Chen Xin'an stood up suddenly, stared at the man and said, "Black Dragon? Are you Li Yinuo?"

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