Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2171 Everything here is mine

The room fell silent, and everyone stared at the red-hooded boss with wide eyes.

The man was also a little surprised. He looked at Chen Xin'an and smiled and said, "How does Mr. Chen know my name?"

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and said to him: "Do you know that your father, Li Zecheng, has been looking for you for many years?

Do you know that there is a woman named Honghu who has been looking for you all these years? "

Li Yinuo's expression changed, and his expression was a little painful. He nodded and sighed: "I know! I'm sorry for them!"

Just saying sorry will suffice?

Chen Xin'an shook his head. It was not easy for him to interfere in other people's family affairs. He looked at Li Yinuo and said:

"Your father is at the Pearl Hotel in London City right now. If it's convenient, go and see him!

The red fox just left and went to Black Hawk Island to find you! "

Li Yinuo opened his mouth, then sighed and said: "This silly girl! Why is it still like this after so many years!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him sideways, but didn't say anything after all.

He turned his head, looked at Long Sheng and asked, "You said you came to attend the GBSA meeting?"

Long Sheng shook his head and said: "It's not about participating, it's about doing something.

In fact, in the end, he supported his sister-in-law to become the secretary-general. "

I didn’t expect that the secretary-general’s position would be so important, that even Long Sheng would come here in person to make this trip!

Seeing the shocked look on Chen Xin'an's face, Long Sheng said with a smile: "Boss, the significance of my sister-in-law's election for secretary-general is definitely greater than you think!

It even determines the policy and trade direction of the global trade circle towards China in the next few years!

So the higher ups will fully support my sister-in-law.

In view of the development and international trade trends of the Eagle Flag Country in recent years, GBSA executives even have the intention to move the headquarters to Huaxia Outerport.

If my sister-in-law can become the secretary-general, this proposal will be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

If GBSA is headquartered in China, it will be a great boost to China's economy! "

Chen Xin'an doesn't understand these things and doesn't want to understand them.

Just understand that what your wife does is very important.

"Is there anything else?" Chen Xin'an turned to look at Long Sheng.

If it was just for this matter, it would be impossible to let the two boys, Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng, come together.

It can't really be just to pick up girls, right? "

Long Sheng would definitely not hide anything from his boss.

He nodded and said: "There is one more thing, deal with the Hollaine family!"

"I'll go!" Long Xiang was startled and cursed at Long Sheng, "Are you crazy? Why provoke them when you have nothing to do?"

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "A very powerful force?"

Long Xiang said with a straight face: "The world's largest weapons supplier, do you think it is powerful?"

It’s already crowned the world, how awesome can it be?

Long Sheng said to Chen Xin'an: "The last secretary-general of GBSA was a member of the Huo Laiying family."

Chen Xin'an suddenly realized and said: "So this time, they will send someone to run for the secretary-general?"

Long Sheng shook his head and said: "You are not running for secretary-general, but you are running for the chief executive of the Eagle Flag Country!

The Hollaine family has always been hostile to China and their methods are quite radical.

If they are elected as the leader of the Eagle Flag Nation, it will be a big obstacle to China's development.

Therefore, we will support Boorman's election and block or directly destroy the Hollein family's campaign. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to him: "Is this Huo Laiyin family also in Lidden City?"

Long Sheng shook his head and said: "On Black Eagle Island!"

"Huh?" Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment.

Long Sheng looked at him and said: "The Hollaine family is also one of the shareholders of Pyroses!"

Chen Xin'an's face darkened.

Found the rightful owner!

It's daybreak. After working hard all night, everyone is tired now.

Chen Xin'an said to Long Sheng: "I will probably go to Black Eagle Island in the next few days, and I will do this.

You stay in London and keep in touch with your sister-in-law. "

"Boss!" Long Sheng looked at him with a worried look, thought for a moment, turned around and shouted: "Brother Qi!"

A man in a suit walked in and said to Long Sheng, "Master Long, what are your instructions?"

Long Sheng pointed at Chen Xin'an and said, "Brother Qi, during this time, you guys must cooperate with Mr. Chen!

He is Chen Xin'an, and he is also my boss. You have heard of his name!

The boss, his name is Liao Qi, is also the security team leader this time.

I brought a total of six people here. Whenever you go to Black Hawk Island, take them all with you!

You don’t have to worry about me, someone is following you! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at Liao Qi, nodded and said, "Okay!"

There's no need to be polite, Chen Xin'an knew what he was going to do on Black Eagle Island and what kind of existence he was going to deal with.

Naturally, the more high-quality helpers, the better.

For safety reasons, Zhang Jian was not allowed to stay in the clinic for observation and treatment, but was taken back to the hotel.

Qinzi was also picked up by the red hooded people, and they had their own place to stay.

This group of people has more experience than anyone else in dealing with the pursuit of officials and enemies.

Arrangements were made for everyone to return to the hotel, but Chen Xin'an stayed in the clinic, with Li Qi and Yan Huilan next to them.

The three of them sat on the sofa in the office, and soon they all fell asleep.

It felt like not long after I fell asleep, there was a crashing sound in my ears. Someone seemed to have broken the glass!

Yan Huilan's scream came from the hall.

Li Qi stood up and said to Chen Xin'an, "I'll go out and take a look!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and lay on the bed without moving.

In the hall, a group of tall and thick men surrounded Yan Huilan, shouting and cursing at her loudly.

Yan Huilan stood among these people, her petite body like a child being bullied by a group of big men.

Her face was pale and she was too scared to say a word!

“We already told you, we must move out before today!

Why haven't you moved yet? "

"Since you don't want it, then everything here becomes ours! Let's use it to help you pay your bills!"

"You can get out now! We will seal this place and seal it! From now on, everything here belongs to Black Flag Bank!"

Yan Huilan stretched out her hands, stopped everyone and said, "You can't seal it! I have applied for a repayment extension.

The boss hasn't come back yet, we still need to use the things here, you can't take them away! "

A big man pushed Yan Huilan in the chest, pushed her to the ground, and cursed at her:

“Get away you bitch!

I've already said, either you pay up the debt now, or get out right now!

If you hinder us again, we will call the police and arrest you immediately!

You guys come here, pack up these equipment and sell them, and see how much they are worth! "

Yan Huilan got up from the ground, hugged the big man's leg and said, "Please don't take away these equipment!

We spent a lot of money to buy them all, so we can’t sell them!

With these equipment, our clinic can still be open, we can still make money, and we can pay off our debts..."

"Go away!" The big man shouted and kicked Yan Huilan.

Still feeling uneasy, he picked up the vase on the service table next to him and hit Yan Huilan hard on the head!

There was a crash and the vase shattered!

Yan Huilan screamed, holding her head with both hands, and blood flowed from her fingers!

The big man kicked Yan Huilan again and cursed: "Damn it, you soiled my pants!

I said, everything here belongs to us!


Before he finished speaking, a man suddenly rushed over and kicked him directly in the stomach.

The big man groaned and bent down, holding his stomach with both hands.

Before he could see clearly who hit him, someone hit him on the head and knocked him to the ground!

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