Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2176 Why do you have to ask clearly?

Han Xiaolei contacted a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown and ordered a lot of dishes, all of which were delivered to the presidential suite of the Four Seasons Hotel.

Everyone sat at the dining table and ate together.

After eating too much Western food, they finally had Chinese food. Everyone was not polite and ate and drank.

Mu Yezhen and Guo Zhaodi, Du Yunyan, and Catherine went to Desa City in the morning.

Without them, the dinner table was less lively.

But it was full of warmth.

Duan Yu looked at Li Yinuo with a face full of complaints and said, "Brother Nuo, where have you been all these years? Why don't you contact Mr. Li?

I admire you for being a man for all the things you have done, why don't you dare to tell Mr. Li?

Even if we don't meet, just call to report safety!"

Han Xiaolei nodded vigorously and said, "That's right!"

Li Yinuo smiled slightly, stood up and poured a glass of wine for Duan Yu, and held the glass in front of Duan Yu with both hands.

He poured another drink for Han Xiaolei and held it to her with both hands.

Then he picked up his teacup, looked at the two and said, "Yinuo is grateful for your care of my father over the years! I can't drink, so I'll use tea instead of wine, toast to you two!"

Before Han Xiaolei and Duan Yu could speak, Li Yinuo had already picked up the teacup and drank it all!

There was no way, Han Xiaolei and Duan Yu also hurried to toast.

Duan Yu burped and said to Li Yinuo with dissatisfaction, "Brother Nuo, this is not okay!

We haven't seen each other for so many years, and you just drink a cup of tea?

Even if you can't drink, one or two cups are fine, right?

And if you get drunk, just sleep here, don't worry about anything!"

Li Yinuo smiled slightly and said to Duan Yu, "I'm sorry, brother, I really can't drink!"

Duan Yu wanted to say something, but Mr. Li held Li Yinuo's hand next to him, looked at him and said, "I am satisfied to be able to sit together and have a meal!

It doesn't matter whether you drink or not, just sit together and chat!"

Since Mr. Li said so, Duan Yu didn't say anything.

In order to ease the atmosphere, Han Xiaolei smiled and said to Li Yinuo: "Brother Nuo, I remember you lived with your aunt.

Which city has your aunt gone to now?

Do you still keep in touch often?"

A gloomy look suddenly appeared on Li Yinuo's face, but it was fleeting.

He said calmly: "My mother passed away four years ago!"


Old Li's chopsticks fell on the plate, and he sat quietly on the chair, motionless.

Han Xiaolei also turned pale, and said to Li Yinuo with an apologetic look: "Brother Nuo, I'm sorry!"

Li Yinuo shook his head and said calmly: "Birth, aging, illness and death are common human nature, I can take it easy!"

"Where is she buried?" Li Zecheng asked in a deep voice.

The tone was obviously suppressing his emotions.

Li Zecheng poured him a glass of wine, picked it up and said, "In a very quiet place. Dad, you know my mom likes quietness and doesn't like to be disturbed. Don't worry, I'll go to accompany her when I'm free." Li Zecheng opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything. Li Niandong's phone rang suddenly. She took it out and took a look, then took a deep breath and said to the phone, "Come up!" Soon the doorbell rang, and Li Niandong walked over to open the door. A chaotic footsteps came, and soon a woman in a red dress stumbled into the restaurant, stood not far away, and looked at Li Yinuo without blinking. Everyone's eyes fell on Li Yinuo. Li Yinuo, who originally wanted to pretend that he didn't know or couldn't see her, had to stand up, looked at the woman in the red dress and smiled, saying, "Xiao Hu, long time no see!"

Red Fox's chest rose and fell violently, staring at Li Yinuo, tears in her eyes, and she cried out heartbreakingly, "Where have you been all these years!"

She cried and shouted to Li Yinuo, "Do you know that I have been looking for you everywhere! I went to all the places we have been to! Why did you leave me and leave without a word? Why!"

Seeing her crying and falling to the ground, Li Yinuo's face showed a distressed look.

He was about to come over to help her up, but at this time another person rushed over and hugged Red Fox!

"Red Fox, what's wrong with you? Get up and talk. Your cold hasn't healed yet and you're still weak!"

Xiao Baiyang helped Red Fox up and looked at Li Yinuo and said, "You are Black Dragon, right? Red Fox has been sick these two days, don't irritate her!"

Li Yinuo's face returned to its previous calmness. He glanced at Xiao Baiyang and said lightly:


Is this your boyfriend?

He cares about you very much.

Seeing you like this, I feel relieved!"

Red Fox's face turned pale in an instant, and he pushed Xiao Baiyang away and said, "Go away!"

Xiao Baiyang also blushed and said to Li Yinuo, "No, it's not what you said!

I, I and Red Fox didn't..."

Li Zecheng sighed and said to everyone, "Come here first, sit down and have a meal together!

Other things, let's talk about it after we finish eating!"

Everyone nodded.

Chen Xin'an looked at everyone with a stern face and whispered, "Who called Red Fox back?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Li Niandong snorted and whispered: "I called! Ye Zhen also supported me on the phone!

Shouldn't Red Fox know?

She went to Black Eagle Island just to find the black dragon! "

Chen Xin'an was speechless. When he saw Ning Xiruo shaking her head at him, she could only sigh and stop pursuing it.

Dao Lei pulled out the chair with a straight face, strode up to Little Bai Yang, took his arm and said:

"You're still injured! Don't stay here, go sit down and eat! There's no need to explain so much!"

But Xiao Baiyang was worried about Red Fox and said to her: "Let's go there first!"

But Red Fox shook off his hand, just stared at Li Yinuo and asked: "Heilong, I just want to ask you one thing. Why did you leave me quietly back then?"

Heilong glanced at her, then at Little Baiyang, and said with a smile: "Let's eat first, okay? Let's talk after we're full..."

"I can't eat it!" Red Fox looked at him with tears in his eyes and said, "Do you know how I got here all these years?

I remember every moment of our time together every day!

All thinking about where you might go back!

I went to find you desperately, just to ask why you left me! "

Li Zecheng wanted to say something, but looking at Red Fox's grief-stricken look, he didn't know what to say.

Little Baiyang stood beside Red Fox, feeling extremely distressed. He wanted to help her but didn't dare.

Ning Xiruo and Li Niandong walked to Honghu and held her arms.

Li Yinuo took a deep breath, looked at Red Fox and said, "Why do you have to ask clearly?

Wouldn't it be better to have a thought like this?

Since you want to know why, let me tell you!

Don't you think we've been together for too long?

What is familiar is no longer familiar!

Aren't you tired of it?

I don't like you following me wherever I go.

So clingy!

Men should have their own private space, right?

And my feelings for you have always been like that of a brother taking care of his sister. Don’t you feel that at all? "

"Red Fox!" Ning Xiruo and Li Niandong screamed at the same time, hugging Red Fox tightly who almost fell down.

Li Yinuo glanced at her, without the slightest hint of unbearability, but full of teasing. He looked at Xiao Baiyang next to him and said:

"I also know that you are not a woman who lacks care.

Isn’t there already a successor?

Since someone treats you so well, why do you still think about a man who dumps you? "



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