Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2177 It’s been a long time since I smelled the smell of hometown

Seeing the indifference and sarcasm on Li Yinuo's face, the red fox turned pale and scary, staring at him as if he didn't know him!

"You fucking bastard!" Xiao Baiyang became anxious, pushed Dao Lei away, rushed to Li Yinuo's side, and punched him in the face!

Li Qi quickly stood up, hugged him and said, "Brother, calm down!"

Xiao Baiyang struggled to escape, pointed at Li Yinuo and cursed: "Are you still a human?

Why would you say such a thing!

I was the one who shamelessly followed Red Fox.

It was my wishful thinking that I could stay with her and take care of her instead of you!

But Red Fox has never given me a chance, and the one I have been thinking about all the time is you!

Even when she has a high fever, all she says is your name!

But you fucking left right away without even saying hello!

Still tired of her?

Do you know how much this hurts her heart?

Do you want to kill her?

You scum! "

"Daleizi, what are you doing?" Xiao Zhang screamed.

Dao Lei grabbed a chair, walked up to Li Yinuo, raised the chair and hit him hard!

Luo Xiaoman quickly stood up and hugged him!

Dao Lei angrily scolded Li Yinuo: "I've been putting up with you for so long!

If it weren't for Mr. Li's sake, I would have wanted to beat you!

What the hell are you pretending to be?

If you can’t trust us, don’t come here. If you don’t like them, don’t be with them!

I heard about what you did before, and I thought you were a man.

Now it seems that you are a scumbag!

Until now, not a single word of truth has come out of his mouth, and he and his own father are just perfunctory.

He is even more ruthless and unjust to the woman he once loved!

A man like you is such an embarrassment to Chinese men! "

He shook his body and signaled Luo Xiaoman to let him go.

Luo Xiaoman looked at Chen Xin'an, and when he nodded, he cautiously let go of his hand, but did not walk away.

Dao Lei walked to the dining table, picked up a glass, filled it with wine, picked it up and said to Li Zecheng:

"Mr. Li, I'm sorry, you and your son reunited at noon today, and I spoiled your fun!

This glass of wine is my apology, thank you! "

He took a glass filled with white wine and drank it all in one gulp, then placed the glass on the dining table and said in a deep voice:

"I'm sorry, I won't eat with you!

I can't bear to sit with such scum! "

He turned around and strode out.

Xiao Baiyang glared at Li Yinuo and said: "Black Dragon, actually Red Fox once..."

"Little Baiyang!" Red Fox suddenly stopped him and said softly: "You once said that you wanted to go to the lighthouse to see the sea, right?

I'll go with you. Let's leave now, okay? "

Little Baiyang was stunned for a moment, turned around and looked at Red Fox, and said worriedly: "But Red Fox..."

Red Fox looked at him sadly and asked, "What's wrong? Do you also think I'm annoying and don't want to go with me?"

"Of course not!" A hint of surprise appeared in Xiao Baiyang's eyes. He rushed to Red Fox's side, held her arm, and said softly:

"Let's go! No matter where you want to go, I will accompany you!"

The red fox nodded and turned towards the door.

Standing at the door, Red Fox stopped and turned around to look at Li Yinuo, who was being helped up by Luo Qianhe. His lips twitched a few times, then he turned back and left resolutely.

The room was eerily quiet.

Luo Qianhe checked Li Yinuo's body, then shook his head at Chen Xin'an, indicating that he was not injured.

He is almost as strong as the second level of inner strength. Dao Lei is not as strong as him and will not hurt him so easily.

Li Yinuo smiled and said to everyone: "I'm sorry, it's all because of me that I became like this!

However, I still ask everyone to bear with me and let my father and I finish this meal, okay? "

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo looked at each other, looked at the sad Li Zecheng, sighed, and said to everyone: "Eat! Clean up after you finish eating!"

Everyone was serving bowls and picking up vegetables in silence, and no one spoke.

The meal was extremely dull, even Li Zecheng didn't say much.

After finishing the meal, Li Yinuo smiled at Li Zecheng and said, "Dad, I still have some things to do.

While you are in Eagle Flag Country, I may not have time to see you.

When you return to China, I won’t be able to see you off.

If I have a chance in the future, I will go back to see you.

If you never have the time or opportunity, don't miss me.

Just pretend... you never gave birth to a son like me! "

After saying these words, Li Yinuo knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to Li Zecheng!

Li Zecheng covered his face with his hands and cried.

Han Xiaolei cursed angrily: "Li Yinuo, what do you mean?

Mr. Li is the only child like you, and we haven’t contacted you for so many years.

Now that we have finally met, you say such things!

How sad you are for Mr. Li! "

Duan Yu also shouted to Li Yinuo with a stern face: "Brother Nuo, have you stayed abroad for too long and made you forget that you are a person with feelings and not a beast without feelings?

I speak frankly, don't take it seriously!

If it doesn't work, just come back to China with us!

There is nothing you can't give up, only your loved ones are the people you should cherish the most! "

Li Yinuo just looked at them with a smile and did not speak.

Han Xiaolei wanted to say something else, but Li Zecheng sighed and let go of his hands.

He walked up to Li Yinuo with tears on his face, patted his shoulder, turned and left with tears in his eyes.

Han Xiaolei and Duan Yu had no choice but to follow in a hurry.

The room became quiet again, and Li Yinuo said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, thank you for your hospitality today. I'm sorry that it has turned out like this. I'll just..."

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to him, "Shall we talk again?"

Li Yinuo was stunned for a moment, looked at Chen Xin'an's sincere expression, and nodded.

Luo Xiaoman said to Chen Xin'an with a straight face: "Old Chen, you guys can chat here, I'll go see Dalei Zi!"

Zhang Jian, Xiao Zhang, and Luo Qianhe also nodded and said, "Let's go and have a look too!"

The four of them turned and left without even saying hello to Li Yinuo.

It was obvious that Li Yinuo's performance today displeased them all, and they were feeling angry!

Chen Xin'an said nothing and nodded to let them leave.

Ning Xiruo quickly cleared the tea table and was about to make new tea for the two of them when Li Yinuo suddenly said, "How about we drink some?"

Today I prepared a lot of Chinese liquor, all of which are high quality.

I never imagined that a meal would end like this, with almost no wine.

Chen Xin'an laughed, nodded and said: "Okay, then drink it!

Wife, bring over the wine and just bring two plates of side dishes! "

"Okay, wait a moment!" Ning Xiruo nodded and walked quickly to the dining table.

Together with Li Niandong, he selected a few untouched side dishes and brought them over, along with two bottles of wine.

Lifting the wine glass and putting it under his nose, Li Yinuo took a deep sip and said with an intoxicated look:

"The smell of hometown! I forgot how long it has been since I smelled this smell!"

Li Niandong was also a little resentful towards him and snorted coldly: "Aren't you the boss of the Red Hood?

They are dealing with millions or even tens of millions of national treasures. They don’t even have money to buy wine, right?

After living abroad for so many years, I don’t believe that you don’t even have channels to buy Chinese wine.

Have you always been to Chinatown? "

Li Yinuo smiled slightly and did not defend himself. He just picked up the wine glass and took a sip, closed his eyes and swallowed it into his stomach bit by bit.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and said with a smile: "Yes, that's the smell!"

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