Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2178 If I don’t do it, who will?

The person who just said he didn't know how to drink is now drinking one cup after another after his relatives have left, acting like an alcoholic!

Li Niandong couldn't stand his behavior. He wanted to stand up and leave several times with a cold face, but Ning Xiruo took his arm and sat on the sofa.

The two of them didn't talk much, but drank a lot of wine.

It was not enough for one person to drink one bottle, so they all opened another bottle.

However, Li Yinuo's face was already red, but Chen Xin'an remained calm.

It was obvious that Li Yinuo's drinking capacity was not inferior to Chen Xin'an's at all.

But it's not surprising. Chen Xin'an has been fed medicinal wine by his master since he was a child to relax his muscles and activate his blood circulation.

In addition, he came down from the mountain to make a fortune in the wine business, so of course he has no problem drinking.

It was obvious that Li Yinuo hadn't had a drink for a long time, and because he was preoccupied with things, he was already at the eighty-point drunken stage, and he began to talk more.

Li Niandong was pulled by Ning Xiruo and refused to let him go, so he had to pay a few drinks.

She had never been a good drinker. Although she had only had three drinks, her eyes were blurred and she could see people twice.


Li Niandong slapped the table, interrupting Li Yinuo's sharing of interesting stories over the years, pointed at his nose and cursed:

"Li Yinuo, I admit that what you are doing now is very authentic, but I still want to say that you are very unauthentic!

Red Fox treats you wholeheartedly, has been looking for you for so many years, and has been waiting for you for so many years!

Moreover, she is still a big Internet celebrity in China, with millions of fans!

In modern society, you can't find a woman with this kind of temperament even if you hold a lantern!

But what about you?

You are such a scumbag!

When someone gets tired of playing with them, he kicks them away and leaves without saying a word!

Do you think you are still a human being? "

She was originally a fan of Red Fox, and she was both sympathetic and unwilling to accept what happened to Red Fox.

I feel that such a woman is so infatuated and so stupid!

Seeing Li Yinuo's attitude towards Red Fox, of course she felt aggrieved on behalf of Red Fox!

Li Yinuo just laughed and said: "You are right, I am a scumbag!

I'm not good enough for Honghu. It just so happens that she has a new love now, so I don't have to feel guilty anymore..."

Li Niandong suddenly stood up, picked up the tea cup next to him, and poured all the tea in Li Yinuo's face.

Then he waved his hand and slammed the tea cup onto Li Yinuo's head!

Next to him, Chen Xin'an stretched out his hand, firmly grasped the teacup in his hand, and said helplessly to Li Niandong: "Xiaodong, don't get angry, drink!"

Li Niandong slammed the table and stood up and cursed: "What should I drink?

Do you hear what this bastard says is human?

Red Fox almost died for him!

How many women can be as obsessed with a man as she is?

What can be exchanged for?

Just tired of saying it!

This is not something humans can do!

I won’t talk about Red Fox, let’s talk about his biological father!

The old man has raised his son for so many years, but if his son says no contact, he will not contact him!

What's the last thing to say?

Just pretend that you never gave birth to his son!

Listen, anyone with any conscience can say such a thing? "

Ning Xiruo handed Li Yinuo a tissue, but he didn't take it. He let the tea flow on his face and asked Li Niandong with a smile:

"Otherwise? What do you want me to do?

Bring Red Fox back to China and marry her?

Then stay with his father, give him a grandson, and let him enjoy his grandson for a long time? "

Li Niandong cursed angrily: "Isn't this what a man and a son should do?

What do you dislike?

Why do you think this kind of life is not what your father and Red Fox want? "

Li Yinuo laughed loudly, poured himself another glass of wine, took a sip, and said with his tongue: "It smells so good!"

Li Niandong was so angry that he grabbed the half bottle of wine and threw it directly on the ground!

He yelled at Li Yinuo: "Drink your mother's drink! You are not worthy of drinking Chinese wine!"

"Don't mention my mother! She didn't offend you. All the mistakes are my fault and have nothing to do with my mother!" Li Yinuo suddenly seemed like crazy. He stood up on the sofa and glared at Li Niandong!

Chen Xin'an hugged him, turned to Li Niandong and shouted: "Xiaodong, are you drunk?"

Li Niandong then remembered that Li Yinuo's mother had passed away.

He also felt that what he said was a bit too much, but he did not want to bow his head and admit his mistake, so he snorted and said:

"It turns out you have someone you care about! I thought you were so cold to everyone!"

The door to the presidential suite was not closed to begin with, and the quarrel spread outside.

Fortunately, the only guest on this floor is Chen Xin'an himself.

The boss at the front desk told us not to arrange new guests on this floor as much as possible.

Therefore, the door of the presidential suite is always open during the day to facilitate everyone's entry and exit.

Li Qi and Zhang Jian also came over, closed the door, and sat on the sofa in the living room without coming over.

Chen Xin'an pressed Li Yinuo's shoulder and said, "Her name is Li Niandong, and she is Mr. Li's granddaughter. Her temper is like this, don't take it to heart!"

Li Yinuo's eyes were red, he stared at Li Niandong and said: "Do you think I don't know that life is very comfortable?

But if others can survive, can I? "

Li Niandong cursed angrily: "What, you have a bigger head than others? Or are you not a human being?"

"Xiaodong!" Ning Xiruo gently pulled Li Niandong.

Li Yinuo had a crying and smiling expression on his face, nodded and said: "You are right, I am not a human, I am a ghost!

From the moment I formed the Red Hood, I have no chance of living a normal life!

If I embark on this path, I will have to endure a life of isolation.

So I am looking for like-minded people who have the same experience.

What we live is a life of neither humans nor ghosts! "

Li Niandong frowned and said to him: "If you feel it's too dangerous or too stressful, you can stop doing this!

No one is forcing you to do this, you can go back to your country! "

"Yes, no one forces me to do this, so does what I do make sense?" Li Yinuo looked blank and asked himself in confusion.

He raised his head, looked at Li Niandong, and asked slowly: "Do you know how many national treasures have been lost overseas in China alone?

Let me tell you, at least more than 1.6 million pieces!

This is still a well-founded treasure.

As for those that have been transported abroad by some foreigners through various channels before they have been seen and filed by Chinese people, there are even countless more.

Do you know how many treasures I have helped China get back over the years? Three hundred and seven pieces!

Among all the national treasures lost, they are insignificant!

You are right, does it make sense for me to do this?

Maybe it doesn't make sense.

But I am from the base. If I don’t do it, who else will?

Do we have to wait until our descendants to see a cultural relic left by our ancestors, and have to fly to a foreign country and pay someone to take a look? "

Li Niandong frowned and said to him: "But this is not the reason why you abandoned Red Fox and disowned your father!

You can definitely find an opportunity to call them so that they don’t have to worry about it like they do now! "

Li Yinuo looked at her with a sarcastic sneer on his face, shook his head and said:

“Do you think that when I do this, I am only faced with being chased by the police and security guards?

Do you know who collects these treasures?

Let me tell you, the official account is only one percent.

The remaining ninety-nine percent are in the hands of those big collectors with deep pockets!

They can hire the best armed forces in the world to guard these treasures.

Once lost, they will face their endless pursuit!

And they can do everything possible to find out your whereabouts.

I am in the top ten in the Bounty Gang all year round.

My head is worth three million eagle flag dollars! "

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