Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2183 Let go of my friend

Chen Xin'an was not even interested in explaining the contempt for the two children.

Stilwell called his family and treated him to the Huaxia Restaurant in Chinatown, which showed his sincerity.

Of course he will also save enough face for the other party.

"Shut up!" Stilwell scolded his children with a straight face, and then said apologetically to Chen Xin'an:

"Mr. Chen, please don't mind, I usually dote on them too much!"

Chen Xin'an waved her hands, just smiled and said nothing.

In the bathroom, Delia walked out of the bathroom with Chandel's bag in her arms and a look on her face.

The two African-American women who were standing and talking by the sink stopped talking and looked at her.

Delia ignored them.

These damn Mexican-African immigrants are even more annoying than the Chinese.

They are like cockroaches, they are everywhere in this country and cannot be driven away.

Delia hated the smell of their poor ring boxes, so she stayed away from them every time she saw them.

After washing her hands at the long sink, Delia took out her Lauder lipstick from her bag and prepared to touch up her makeup.

The two Mofei women next to them looked at each other.

This woman seems to be very rich!

What women in Africa hate the most is this kind of noble lady from the Eagle Flag Country.

He acted aloof all day long, not even looking at them.

Even as servants, they are unwilling to use Mofei women because they think they are smelly and lazy.

It was hard to find a job, and it took a lot of effort to find a job as a dishwasher in this restaurant.

But the work was so tiring that they couldn't even make it through one night.

I just had a big argument with the foreman of the restaurant and was about to leave.

After going to the bathroom, I would go out and look for a job where I can find a job that is not tiring and pays me money. Even if the salary is not high, it doesn’t matter.

But now it seems that there is no need to look for a job during this period, because a fat sheep has arrived!

This woman looks very rich!

Although these two Mofei women are poor, they have good eyesight.

What this woman is wearing are all big brands!

This coat alone would cost at least fifty or sixty thousand in a large shopping mall!

And her bag is worth at least hundreds of thousands.

Even the lipstick she uses now costs more than 8,000!

"Connie!" A African-American woman called her companion softly.

Connie nodded, looked at Delia, and shouted to her: "Hey, you just splashed water on me!"

Delia glanced at her with disgust, snorted and said: "Get away, damn fat woman! You are standing so far away, how could I splash you!"

Upon hearing this, Connie became angry. Due to genetic factors, the Murphy woman will gain weight once she gets married and gets older.

But they are very taboo about others making fun of their figures. After all, everyone loves beauty, and they are no exception.

Connie came over, pushed Delia on her body, and cursed at her: "You damn white-skinned bitch, how dare you scold me after you splashed on me?"

Delia screamed and yelled at Connie: "Get away from me, you lowly Murphy!

Do you know how much the clothes I'm wearing are worth?

If it gets damaged by you, I won’t be able to pay for it even if I sell you into a slave!

You dirty Murphy ghosts, don't touch me!

Get out of here! Get out of this city! Get out of this country! "

Connie was really angry now. She rushed up and grabbed Delia's hair, scratching her face and cursing:

"You're such a bitch!

What I hate the most are you self-righteous white-skinned bitches!

I don’t like to see you looking so condescending!

Susanna, tear her clothes off! "

The Murphy woman next to her had also rushed over and tore off Delia's clothes with her hands!

Delia is scared!

Murphy was a woman, fat and tall, completely overwhelming her in terms of body shape.

Moreover, she has received an orthodox aristocratic education since she was a child, so there is no way she can fight.

There is no chance of winning against one Mofei woman, let alone two of them now!

She was beaten so hard that she could only hold her face with her hands and scream in terror.

It's just that the two African-American women were very heavy-handed. They punched her in the mouth several times, breaking her lips and making her unable to even scream!

The two African-American women winked at each other, and while beating Delia, they tore off her bag.

He dumped the contents on the ground and stuffed all the jewelry and money into his pockets.

Delia was so scared that her mind went blank. At this moment, she just wanted someone to save her and help her get rid of these two devils!

If I had known this would happen, I would have stopped scolding them just now and just ignored them!

However, if she couldn't scream, who could come to save her?

At this moment, a voice came from the side: "What are you doing?"

somebody is coming!

Delia raised her head in surprise as if she had seen a savior.

But the next second, her eyes dimmed.

The woman who came in was the guest hosted by her husband tonight.

That Mr. Chen's wife seems to be named Ning Xiruo.

It's just that this Chinese woman is too thin and thin.

Her figure is smaller than hers, let alone compared with these two African-American women!

There are ten or eight helpers like this, but they won’t be of any use!

The two African-American women held Delia down and turned to glance at the woman at the door, with disdain on their faces.

Connie put on a serious face and shouted to Ning Xiruo: "It's none of your business, get out! Damn Orientals!"

Even though the Mofei people's status in the Eagle Flag Country is not as good as that of dogs, they also look down on Easterners, especially Chinese people.

Ning Xiruo did not turn around and leave, but walked in calmly.

Connie looked at her angrily and cursed: "You're such a cousin! I told you to get out and leave here, didn't you hear me?

Do you want to be like her and want us to punish you? "

If it were Ning Xiruo four or five years ago, seeing such a scene, her hands and feet would have been so frightened that she would have been unable to speak.

But she is still the same as she was four or five years ago!

Following Chen Xin'an, he has seen strong winds and waves.

She even killed someone with her own hands!

So for her, this small scene was calm.

She walked in as if nothing had happened and said to the two African-American women:

"This is my friend, let her go immediately!

Give her stuff back and get out of here! "

Connie and Suzanne looked at each other and laughed!

This little woman, whose waist is not as thick as their arms, actually speaks in such a tone. Is she looking for death?

Connie let go of Delia, walked over to Ning Xiruo, and cursed: "What did you say? You despicable yellow-skinned mouse?

Believe it or not, I will be able to rip off your ears later? "

Delia shouted with a cry: "You idiot! What did you do in here! How can you help me?"

I'm not your friend!

You run quickly and call my husband, his bodyguard is down there! "

Ning Xiruo didn't listen to her at all. She looked at Connie walking over with a calm expression and said, "Let her go, I don't want to hurt you!"

"But I want to hurt you!" Connie laughed like a duck, opened her hands and tore Ning Xiruo's face fiercely!

But the next second, she seemed to be frozen, keeping her teeth and claws open, but her whole body was motionless!

Susanna felt a little strange and called from behind: "Connie, what are you doing?"

Connie stood motionless.

Susanna frowned, let go of Delia, walked to Connie and called: "Hi! You..."

She finally saw Ning Xiruo holding a pistol and pointing it at Connie's forehead!

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