Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2184 I just bought this casually

Cold sweat was streaming down Connie's forehead, but she didn't even dare to wipe it!

Susanna next to her was just about to move when Ning Xiruo's gun turned and was aimed at her!

She was so frightened that her whole body stiffened and she did not dare to move again.

"Don't be impulsive! It's just a misunderstanding! You don't dare to shoot, this is a public place..."

Connie swallowed and raised her hands.

She was betting that this woman didn't dare to shoot and was just trying to scare people.

In this way, you can find the right opportunity, grab the gun, and turn defeat into victory!

Then torture these two cousins!

But at this moment, she clearly saw that the woman opened the safety on the pistol!

Connie and Suzanne were so frightened that they stopped breathing!

Now even if this woman doesn't want to shoot, if she accidentally pulls the trigger because of nervousness, or if the gun goes off, it could kill them!

Fortunately, this woman's hand did not tremble due to nervousness, and she kept holding the gun very steadily.

But this also proves that this woman is not afraid at all now!

The calmer she is, the more proof she has the courage to shoot!

This made the two African-American women even more frightened!

Connie was not stupid. She knew that she could no longer provoke others now, so she quickly said:

"Sorry, we were just joking!

Everything is here and we are back. "

While begging for mercy, she stuffed the things she had just packed back into Delia's bag.

Susanna next to her also took out the things on her body and gave them back to Delia.

Then the two African-American women slowly backed away with their hands raised. When they reached the door, they quickly turned around and ran out desperately!

Delia let out a long sigh of relief and her whole body went limp.

She quickly held onto the sink, turned her head and said to Ning Xiruo with a grateful expression, "Thank you, my friend!"

Ning Xiruo withdrew the gun with a calm expression, turned around and walked to the toilet, saying, "We are not friends!"

Delia's face was red, but now, she no longer dared to underestimate this Chinese woman.

If nothing else, it's this calmness that she doesn't have.

Ning Xiruo walked out of the toilet, washed her hands and dried them next to her.

After tidying up my clothes, I walked out the door.

Unexpectedly, Delia didn't leave, but was waiting for her at the bathroom door!

"Ms. Ning, thank you for saving me just now. This is the makeup box set I just bought and haven't used yet. Please accept it!"

Ning Xiruo pushed her hands, shook her head and said, "There's no need for this! I just happened to meet you, and I didn't come to save you on purpose! I have cosmetics, so there's no need to give yours to me!"

Seeing Ning Xiruo's refusal, Delia became a little anxious.

She stuffed the makeup box into Ning Xiruo's arms and said sincerely:

"Miss Ning, no matter what, you saved me.

I apologize for my priceless arrogance.

These things are just a way for me to apologize.

If you accept it, you have accepted my apology, and we will become good friends from now on! "

Ning Xiruo glanced at her, nodded and said, "I accept your apology, but I won't accept this gift. I don't need it!"

Delia said seriously: "Miss Ning, maybe you don't know the value of this thing, so you refused?

This is Lancôme’s new set, worth 88,000 yuan!

I think women should be kinder to themselves and be willing to use better cosmetics.

Don’t think that women put on makeup for themselves.

In fact, the most important thing is for my man.

Only when you are beautiful can you make a man's face more beautiful. Do you think this is the truth? "

Ning Xiruo looked at her, nodded and said, "You are right!"

Delia smiled, holding the makeup box in both hands and said, "Then, can you please accept this gift?"

Ning Xiruo looked at her hopeful eyes and said helplessly: "Okay, thank you!"

Delia happily handed the makeup box into Ning Xiruo's hands, watched her open her bag and put it in, and said:

"You don't need to use those cheap cosmetics anymore.

Be willing to spend money to dress yourself up!

Men are all face-saving, and all men in the world are the same..."

Before she finished speaking, she was stunned and looked at Ning Xiruo with wide eyes in disbelief as she took out a makeup box from her bag.

She swallowed and asked Ning Xiruo: "Is that... the Holy Purple Orchid Treasure Set?"

Ning Xiruo took out the makeup box and said to her: "Yes, I bought it when I went to the Shengzilan store in Century Plaza a few days ago.

After accepting your gift, this box will no longer fit.

Fortunately, although I took it apart, I never used it once.

Then give her to you!

What we in China pay attention to is courtesy and reciprocity.

You give me a box, and I give you a box, just right! "

Delia looked at the makeup box in front of her, blushing and feeling ashamed!

This is the new set of Sheng Zilan!

A set of 120,000 yuan!

In addition, it is a rare set or a limited edition, and the minimum price is not less than 150,000!

She had been tempted by this cosmetics set more than once when it was on pre-sale, but she was never willing to buy it.

I didn’t expect that people would just take it out and give it away!

Just now I thought that people didn't understand the value of my makeup box, so they didn't dare to accept it.

I also feel that people are not willing to use better cosmetics and are not willing to spend the money.

She even always regarded herself as a noble lady and looked down on others.

Now I realize that it’s not that they don’t dare to accept it, but that they don’t want to accept it.

Because the one used by others is much more advanced than the one I have!

Others are willing to give up more than themselves!

She was holding this box of cosmetics, either accepting it or not, feeling extremely embarrassed.

Ning Xiruo had already packed the box of cosmetics, turned around and said to her with a smile:

"It's nothing, just a small gift. Accept it and let's go back to the box!"

Delia nodded, put the makeup box into her bag, and asked her guiltily:

"Would Mr. Chen blame you for giving me this limited edition treasure?"

Ning Xiruo laughed dumbly, shook her head and said, "I bought the things with my own money, can't I give them to whomever I want?

He won't be angry.

Moreover, he first said that he would help me buy an Estee top-of-the-line set. I thought it was a waste and refused, so I bought a box for myself! "

Delia completely stopped talking.

IELTS top score? It’s impossible to get it without 300,000 yuan!

Is her husband so willing to spend money on her?

Thinking about her man again, Delia even wanted to cry a little!

What's even more speechless is that this woman just bought a set of limited edition Holy Purple Orchid treasures to use!

Just use your own money!

Isn't this too outrageous?

Delia now feels that she is not a noble lady, but someone else is!

Even if there is no support from a man, everyone still has money.

Unlike her, once she leaves Stilwell, she becomes an ordinary person and doesn't even have the ability to support herself!

At this moment, Delia's sense of superiority in front of Ning Xiruo has completely disappeared!

She no longer dared to call herself a lady.

Everyone in the box was stunned when they saw Delia walking in from the outside holding Ning Xiruo's arms with both hands, chatting and laughing.

When did these two women have such a good relationship?

Windsor screamed: "Mom, what's wrong with you? Is it..."

She turned her head, looked at Ning Xiruo, and shouted loudly: "What did you do to my mother!"

Now everyone else saw the scars and bruises on Delia's face.

Delia glared at her and cursed: "Don't talk nonsense! It was Xiruo who saved me!

In the bathroom just now, I met two African-American vixens who wanted to rob me! "

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