Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2193 I am not a dog, I am a wolf

There was silence all around, everyone looked at this scene stupidly.

Stilwell blushed, glared at Chen Xin'an and yelled: "Farke! Farke! Farke!

Are you crazy?

Did you know that he is Pavel's son?

Pavel is a madman and can do anything!

If you kill his son, he won't let you go!

You've hurt me too! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said calmly: "So what?"

Looking at his cold eyes, Stilwell felt himself startled.

It suddenly occurred to me that Pavel was not easy to mess with, and the person in front of him was even more difficult to mess with!

He even dared to provoke an opponent like Piuses, and even dared to come to his door to seek revenge. A mere oil dumper, what did he think of it?

Stilwell suppressed the panic in his heart, forced a smile to Chen Xin'an and said, "I didn't mean that!

I mean, Mr. Chen has important things to do when he goes to Black Eagle Island, so there is no need to add any more complications..."

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said with a cold sneer: "It doesn't matter! We all have to make trouble anyway. Since we like to get together, let's make a big one!

Mr. Stilwell, if you are afraid, you can keep your distance from me so as not to harm you! "

Looking behind the burning car in front, there were several men with guns.

There was also the sneer on the corner of Chen Xin'an's mouth in front of him. A layer of cold sweat broke out on Stilwell's forehead, and he smiled awkwardly:

"What are you saying, Mr. Chen!

I, Stilwell, are people who are greedy for life and afraid of death!

We are already friends, so we should advance and retreat together.

Don't worry, no matter what you do, Stilwell will be your most loyal friend! "

He figured it out now.

He and the Biebs family have completely fallen out.

Now there is another enemy like Bavel.

It would be difficult for him to deal with any of them by himself.

Only by joining forces with Chen Xin'an can we have the last laugh!

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at Stilwell, patted his arm and said:

"You don't need to advance or retreat with me, you don't need to interfere in what I want to do!

You just need to get the business done with us.

I'll take care of things other than business!

Okay, let's keep walking! "

Stilwell breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

Quinn glanced at Chen Xin'an with a gloomy face, pointed at Cooper on the ground and asked Stilwell: "Boss, where is this guy?"

He was very dissatisfied with Chen Xin'an's action of killing Croft.

Isn't this causing trouble for the boss?

He was going to find an opportunity to persuade his boss to stay away from this dangerous guy!

Just as he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an picked up the pistol again and shot Cooper twice in the head, emptying the bullets in the gun!

Quinn was startled by the gunshot. Looking at the unrecognizable corpse on the ground, he felt a wave of fear and chill in his heart that made his whole body shiver!

Chen Xin'an had already turned around and said calmly: "Kill them all!"

He led Li Niandong towards the direction of Leiji Business, raised his right arm and stroked down!

Zhang Jian and Li Qi, who were behind two black cars, shot at the same time!

Bullets plopped into the gunmen who had just been chasing them, but now they had raised their hands to surrender!

The bodyguards brought by Stilwell next to them were all so frightened that they shot their heads with both hands and fled in panic, looking for cover.

It's just that they underestimated the marksmanship of these two men. All the gunmen were killed, and the people next to them were unscathed!

The gunfire stopped and there was deathly silence.

The gunmen jointly sent by Pavel and Eugene were completely wiped out by the group.

Bodies were strewn everywhere, and the nearly 100 meters of bridge deck was dyed red with blood. The scene was horrifying and shocking.

Chen Xin'an, who had already walked away, said without looking back: "Throw all the bodies into the sea!"

Listening to Li Niandong's translation, Stilwell's body trembled.

Quinn suppressed his fear and said to Li Niandong: "What does he mean? Does he regard us as being accepted?

Boss, you can’t let this guy be so arrogant!

And he is a troublemaker, we can't get too close to him! "

Stilwell looked at him as if he were a fool, and asked with a gloomy face: "Then are you going to deal with Pavel and Eugene's revenge alone?"

Quinn's expression changed, her throat was dry, and she swallowed.

After a while, he whispered to Stilwell: "Boss, what should we do now?"

Stilwell cursed: “What else can we do, work!

Put all these corpses into their car and push them and the car into the sea!

What are you all doing here stupidly?

Do you still want me to do these things with my own hands? "

A group of bodyguards quickly started to clean up.

At this moment, everyone has a common idea in mind.

That guy is a devil!

No matter who you provoke, you can't provoke him!


The car door of Reggie Business was closed, and everyone had returned to their seats.

Xiao Zhang started the car and continued to drive forward.

"Mr. Chen, I don't know if I should tell you something..." Li Niandong looked at Chen Xin'an carefully, looking a little hesitant.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to her, "Then don't tell me!"

Li Niandong pursed his lips, but there was nothing he could do.

Now she has a new understanding of Chen Xin'an.

If this guy gets ruthless, even she will be scared!

Chen Xin'an looked out the window and said in a deep voice: "Xiaodong, Anhao Group will definitely go abroad.

I want to make all the money in the world!

Medicinal wine, jewelry, film and television, real estate, etc., all need to be in line with international standards.

The Eagle Flag Country is a market that must be entered.

Only by establishing a firm foothold in this place can Anhao Group become stronger and bigger overseas.

So I want the Eagle Banner people to be afraid when they hear my name, Chen Xin'an!

Even if you can't meet this requirement, you must let them know that I, Chen Xin'an, am not a dog, but a wolf!

Anyone who wants to bite me must be prepared to be bitten back by me, or even torn into pieces!

The concepts of repaying evil with kindness and leaving a ray of light in life so that we can meet each other easily in the future can be used by me in China, but not abroad.

There are also those people who are also migrant workers, who are just women who are driven by others. I don’t have them here.

I will not give the enemy a chance to hurt me twice.

As long as you choose to stand against me and start to implement it, there is only one end for me.

Kill without mercy! "

Li Niandong said nothing and just nodded.

No wonder grandpa likes this guy. He kills decisively because he has his appetite for him.

Although she didn't approve of it, she didn't hate it either.

After all, I don't think about problems from others' point of view, so I am not qualified to evaluate others' rights and wrongs.

Blackhawk Island, Bangshan Street, in front of the Four Seasons Hotel.

As soon as he saw Reggie Business approaching, the doorman trotted forward to greet him and led the car directly to the entrance of the hotel lobby.

The car door opened, and a bald man wearing a suit, followed by two mixed-race women with oriental faces in cheongsam, bowed respectfully to Chen Xin'an and everyone.

"Welcome Mr. Chen and all our friends.

I'm Simon De, manager of the Four Seasons Hotel Black Hawk Island.

They are my assistants Andy and Linda.

Mr. Stilwell has arranged your rooms. Now let me take you up!

Just leave these luggages to the waiters and they will send them all to your room! "

A doorman pulled a large bag from under the desk and tried to lift it to the luggage trolley.

However, because he misestimated the weight, his hands slipped and the big bag suddenly fell to the ground.

The zipper that was not sealed was opened, revealing a variety of firearms inside!

Everyone in the hotel stared at the big bag at their feet, and their eyes widened!

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