Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2194 Can I borrow your bathroom?

Are these guys here to fight?

How come there are so many weapons!

The doorman turned pale with fright and said quickly: "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do it!"

Zhang Jian zipped up the zipper calmly and said calmly: "You leave the car, I will do it myself!"

Chen Xin'an took out a few Eagle Flag Dollars that had been exchanged in advance and handed them to the doorman as a tip.

The doorman glanced at Simond and when he nodded, he quickly took the money, bowed to Chen Xin'an and thanked him, then turned and left.

After all, it is a chain hotel, and the room layout is the same.

Chen Xin'an asked for a presidential suite. All the other rooms were reserved. They were not needed. They were enough.

There are two male and female master rooms, two attendant rooms, and one baby room. They are all large bunks over two meters tall, enough for several people to sleep.

After leading everyone into the room, Simond smiled and said: "Mr. Chen, should I have lunch in the room or in the restaurant?

If you eat in the room, I will ask the chef to come up and cook it for everyone! "

Li Niandong smiled and said, "How are your chefs?"

Simond smiled and said: "Miss, please don't worry, our chefs here are all professionally trained, and they are all gourmet experts with senior chef certificates!

Proficient in cooking a variety of dishes, our chefs can cook whatever delicacies you want to eat for you! "

"Really?" Li Niandong said in surprise: "Then I want to eat Chinese food, they should be fine, right?"

Simond's face was startled, and he said with some embarrassment: "As for Chinese cuisine..."

The chefs in the hotel all have unique skills. They can’t cook any Western food from China, but no one knows how to cook Chinese food!

Because this technique is so difficult to learn!

It is very different from making Western food, and it takes a lot of time to learn and ponder.

Andy whispered something into Simond's ear.

Simond's eyes lit up and he said to Li Niandong: "A Chinese chef happened to come to the hotel some time ago.

I'll ask him to come up and cook a meal for you later.

If everyone is satisfied, I can let him cook for you during this period, okay? "

Chen Xin'an and everyone nodded.

Simond looked at Chen Xin'an, smiled and said, "In this case, I won't waste everyone's time.

Andy and Linda will stay here, you are all compatriots, communication will be no problem.

If you need anything during this time, you can tell them.

We will do our best to satisfy everyone!

I wish you all a happy time on Black Hawk Island! "

He bowed deeply to everyone and turned to leave.

Chen Xin'an nodded and understood.

It seems that Stilwell told them that he was visiting Black Hawk Island, and he specifically told them to treat them well.

So this stay is much more comfortable than in Jordan City.

Andy said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, you live in the male master's room, right?

Is this your luggage?

Can the two of us help you get it in? "

She picked up a password box that Chen Xinan placed next to the sofa.

Just when Chen Xin'an was about to refuse, she said in Chinese with a weird accent:

"There are some things that need to be told to Mr. Chen alone, so please don't refuse us, okay?"

After hearing what she said, Chen Xin'an couldn't refuse, so she nodded and said, "Okay then, come in!"

He walked to the master's room first, with Andy holding his suitcase behind him.

As soon as she took it, her face froze.

So heavy!

Fortunately, there is a sister next to me.

She winked at Linda, and the two of them picked up the suitcase together, gritted their teeth and moved step by step towards the master's room.

When several other people saw this scene, they all had tacit smiles on their faces.

Without saying a word, they all took their luggage and went to find their own rooms.

Of course Li Niandong went to bed in the main room.

Luo Xiaoman and Luo Qianhe entered an attendant room.

In the other room, Li Qi and Zhang Jian slept.

Xiao Zhang and Dao Lei moved into the children's room.

In the male master's room, Chen Xin'an walked to the window and opened the curtains.

The two beauties behind him panted and carried the large suitcases over.

Andy wiped the sweat off his face, smiled forcefully at Chen Xin'an, who was looking at her, and asked, "Mr. Chen, where is the box?"

Chen Xin'an pointed to the corner of the closet opposite the door and said, "Just there!"

Andy wanted to turn around and leave at this moment!

Why the hell couldn't you just say somewhere closer?

Do you know that the carpets here are of high quality and cannot be mopped, so you deliberately tormented me like this?

Why doesn't this man have any sympathy for her?

If the boss hadn't specially told her, she wouldn't have served such a Chinese!

Linda also gave her a hard look.

You don’t need to ask more!

How nice it would be to just go to the door of the room and forget about it!

There is no other way. Since they said it, they have to send it over.

The two of them carried the big suitcase with great effort and carried it to the corner of the cabinet.

Andy was smarter this time and didn't ask if it was appropriate to put it here.

The provincial guy suddenly changed his mind and moved to another place because he thought this place was an eyesore.

After the two of them put the suitcases away, Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "What do you want to say to me?"

Andy gasped and said: "We actually..."

"Wait a minute!" Chen Xin'an pointed at the box, as if he wanted to say something.

Andy and Linda's expressions changed.

Looking at their panting appearance, Chen Xin'an said helplessly: "Forget it, I'll do it myself!"

The two women breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Chen Xin'an walked to the suitcase, lifted it up easily, placed it next to a chair, and sat on the chair herself.

The two women rolled their eyes.

are you crazy?

Can't we just lift the box to the chair?

It’s still close here!

If you insist on bringing it up so far, and then bring it up yourself, do you think we have nothing to do?

I don’t know how many clothes are in such a big box!

This man is really stinky and beautiful. He is a big man and carries more clothes with him than women!

Chen Xin'an didn't hold back, so she opened the box in front of the two beauties and took out two short iron rods and round steel ingots from inside!

Each steel ingot is different in size and has a round hole in the middle.

The two of them watched in stunned silence as Chen Xin'an put the steel ingots on the iron rods one by one, fixed the screws, and combined them into two dumbbells!

You are seriously ill!

Put this thing in your suitcase?

The two of them took a look at the box. It seemed that there were not only dumbbells, but also some other fitness equipment that could be easily carried!

You are so full of food that you have to carry such a bunch of stuff flying around thousands of miles away!

No wonder the box is so heavy!

Chen Xin'an turned a blind eye to the resentment on their faces and said while raising the dumbbells:

“My brothers and I have a habit of feeling uncomfortable if we don’t exercise for a day!

So even if I go out to play, I always bring these things with me. "

The two beauties didn't know what to say, so they could only smile and show understanding.

Linda gave Andy a quiet wink.

No more paving the way, this guy obviously doesn’t know how to be charming, so let’s get straight to the point, otherwise they will be in trouble later when they want to work out with him again!

She raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead, made a movement to make her body curves more enchanting, and said to Chen Xin'an in a sweet voice:

"Mr. Chen, I was sweating all over just now. Can I borrow your bathroom?"

As she spoke, she raised her hands and gently unbuttoned her collar.

Then I heard the man say coldly: "No!"

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