Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2198 The weird behavior of the chef

Everyone was stunned, why was it different from what Andy and Linda said?

Li Niandong continued: "In the past five years, there have been more than ten similar murder cases in the local area.

Most of the dead were Chinese women, and a few were Ying people or Dongchao people.

These are women engaged in illegal business.

This has also led to the sharp decline in the number of women with oriental faces engaged in this kind of business on Black Hawk Island in recent years! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and said to Li Niandong: "So the victim last night was a tourist. Is this the first time?"

Li Niandong nodded and said: "It should be like this! And these victims all have a common characteristic, that is, they all suffered various kinds of abuse before they died.

Especially the latter ones, the bodies were covered in scars.

The murderer not only violated them, but also treated them as human beings and tortured them in various ways..."

"Crack!" There was a crashing sound in the kitchen, and everyone turned their heads to look over.

Mu Jiahua came out with an apologetic look and said, "I'm sorry, my hands were too slippery when wearing gloves, and I accidentally broke the bowl!"

Chen Xin'an asked him: "You are not injured, are you?"

"I'm fine!" Mu Jiahua said, "Thank you, boss, for your concern."

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "That's good! Just clean up and continue cooking. It's okay!"

"Okay!" Mu Jiahua responded, turned and returned to the kitchen.

Chen Xin'an turned his head and said to everyone: "In other words, there is a perverted killer hiding in Black Eagle Island.

Specifically targeting oriental women, even Chinese women! "

Everyone nodded together.

Luo Xiaoman gritted his teeth and cursed: "If I find this pervert, I will skin him off!"

Mu Jiahua walked out of the kitchen, put a plate of dishes on the table, and said to Chen Xin'an and others:

"Boss, I have heard before that the Black Hawk Island police captured a perverted killer named William three years ago, but for some unknown reason, he was released again!"

Li Niandong nodded and said: "This is indeed the case. The information I received also contains this news.

The police told the public that William had no time to commit the crime and was a mentally ill person.

But my people have investigated him and he is from the Morgan family! "

Chen Xin'an frowned, McGregor was the head of the Morgan family!

What does this William have to do with Maigret?

Zhang Jian turned his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, I'll go out for a walk after dinner!"

Chen Xin'an quickly said to him: "Ji'an, don't be impatient! When we get here, we have to plan and see the form clearly before doing anything!"

"I know!" Zhang Jian nodded and said, "Don't worry, I won't be impulsive. Take a look around and explore the road!"

This is indeed necessary, but Chen Xin'an said with some worry: "You are still injured!"

Li Qi said to him, "I'll go with you!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, no longer refused, and said to the two of them: "By the way, look for Red Fox and Little Baiyang!"

"Okay!" Li Qi and Zhang Jian nodded.

Chen Xin'an's cell phone rang. He took it out, took a look, and pressed the answer button.

"Ye Zhen, what's wrong?

What's the meaning? Are you coming?

How many people are there in total?

Okay, I'll make arrangements now! "

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an said to Li Niandong: "Xiaodong, help me go to the front desk to get two more rooms.

Ye Zhen and Zhao Di are coming over in the afternoon! "

Luo Qianhe cursed angrily: "Don't you know what you are going to do? How dangerous it is to let them come here at this time!"

Chen Xin'an said helplessly: "Do you think I am willing to let them come? But they are here to take wedding photos, and they only recommended the scenery here. What can I do?"

Everyone knows that the purpose of Konoha and Guo Zhaodi coming to the Eagle Flag Country is to get married.

In the past, everyone just thought they were fooling around, but they didn't care.

I didn’t expect them to come for real, everything went according to normal procedures!

Luo Qianhe was helpless. Although his apprentice was sensible and smart, he had always been proud of him.

But he knew very well that the little girl was sure of something and had a very stubborn temper. He, the master, would not even listen to her!

Li Niandong asked softly: "Would it be safer if we let them go elsewhere, stay away from us, and pretend not to know each other?"

Chen Xin'an patted the file on the coffee table in front of her, sighed and said, "It's like this, can I rest assured?"

That's true!

Li Niandong stopped talking.

It has to be said that the chefs who come out of the food stalls are very efficient. In less than an hour, a large table of dishes is ready.

Mu Jiahua wiped the water on his hands and said to Chen Xin'an and others: "Bosses, you can eat now!"

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an responded and said to everyone: "Let's eat first! Put these things away."

Li Niandong put away the files on the coffee table and put them into the document bag, but did not put them into the bag and placed them on the sofa.

Mu Jiahua said to everyone: "Please taste it. If there are any dishes that you don't care about, tell me and I will make them again immediately!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Master Mu, don't be so polite, we are not that squeamish.

As long as we can eat it, we can eat it.

And Master Mu’s dishes are actually quite delicious!

Come, we have been busy for so long, sit down and eat together! "

"This is impossible!" Mu Jiahua quickly waved his hand and said to Chen Xin'an: "I'm just here to do work, not qualified to sit at the guest table!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and scolded: "What a shitty qualification! What a shitty workmanship! I knew we were compatriots and fellow villagers.

Sit down to have a meal or have a drink, I have nothing to do with it! "

Luo Xiaoman also slapped Mu Jiahua on the shoulder and cursed: "What happened during the meal? If your boss dares to criticize you, we will help you teach him a lesson! Come, sit here!"

Mu Jiahua couldn't shirk it, so he had to say: "Thank you bosses! I'll drink a glass of water and take a break to get rid of the smell of oil fumes. I'll be right over!"

Chen Xin'an wanted someone to help him pour water, but Mu Jiahua quickly said: "I can do it myself. You guys sit down first and don't worry about me. I will go to the sofa to rest for a while and then come over!"

Chen Xin'an and the others stopped talking and sat down at the dining table.

After a while, Li Niandong winked at Chen Xin'an and raised his chin towards the sofa.

Chen Xin'an nodded, he had seen it a long time ago.

Mu Jiahua held a glass of water in his left hand and sat on the sofa, pretending to drink water.

But his eyes kept glancing towards the restaurant, and his right hand was groping for something on the sofa.

Li Niandong's bag is here, with about three thousand eagle flag yuan in it.

Because the back of the sofa blocked the line of sight, everyone couldn't see the movements of his hands, but they could see that he stuffed something into his pocket.

Others didn't notice, but Chen Xin'an and Li Niandong saw his little actions in their eyes.

Let me go, this guy’s hands and feet are dirty!

From his words, it can also be seen that this boy's life in the Eagle Flag Country was not satisfactory, and he could no longer even pay the rent.

But this is not the reason for you to reach out to your compatriots!

When a fellow countryman meets a fellow countryman, will you shoot him in the back?

Chen Xin'an's face was gloomy. What he hated most was the act of going out and harming his compatriots!

"Master Mu, have you rested? Come over and have dinner together, everyone is waiting for you!"

Mu Jiahua's hand shook and he almost spilled the water in the cup. He quickly turned around and said, "Okay! The boss is so polite!"

He put the cup on the coffee table, stood up and tugged at his clothes, as if checking for any flaws.

Then he walked to the restaurant and sat down at the seat reserved for him.



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