Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2199 Misunderstanding

To be honest, most people can't get used to this mixed taste if it's their first time eating it.

But as long as you don’t spit it out in the first mouthful, you’ll get used to it later.

And you will find that the more you eat, the better it tastes.

Even every dish has a lingering fragrance that lingers for a long time.

Chen Xin'an can predict that as long as this dish is given some publicity, the audience will definitely not be small.

It's a pity that there are not many diners who are not picky like them.

Modern people are too busy.

I'm so busy that I take a bite of a dish and if it doesn't taste right, I immediately spit it out and replace it without giving you any time to taste it!

So Mu Jiahua is quite talented and creates his own dishes like this.

It's a pity that the intention is not right and the hands and feet are not clean!

When the meal was almost done, Chen Xin'an winked at Li Niandong.

Li Niandong understood, pushed the bowl in front of him, and said to everyone: "I'm full. You drink slowly while I watch TV."

She moved her chair and walked to the sofa in the living room to sit down.

Mu Jiahua turned his head and glanced at her. Chen Xin'an picked up the wine glass and said to him:

"Does Master Mu have any other plans?

Are you going to stay here forever? "

Mu Jiahua looked gloomy and said with a wry smile: "I have no other plans for the time being.

I don’t know anything else. Although I won’t make much money if I stay here, at least I can still live.

Once you leave, you might starve to death! "

Chen Xin'an glanced over at the sofa. Li Niandong's face was ashen and he gestured to his neck.

Chen Xin'an understood, the necklace is gone!

He had seen Li Niandong's necklace. It was made of platinum and cost more than 80,000 yuan!

I didn’t expect that this guy was quite greedy and actually stole someone else’s necklace!

Chen Xin'an took out his wallet with a gloomy expression, took out three Eagle Flag Yuan hundred-dollar bills, and handed them to Mu Jiahua.

"Boss, what does this mean?" Mu Jiahua was stunned for a moment and looked at Chen Xin'an inexplicably.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Thank you, Master Mu, for your help. We tasted a unique delicacy on the first day we came to Black Eagle Island.

This is Master Mu’s hard work.

I will add two more. As a compatriot and a fellow countryman, I give tips to Master Mu! "

Mu Jiahua's face turned red and he said, "Boss, you don't need to be like this!

It’s an honor for me to be chosen by my boss to stay!

The hotel will give me the payment for these few days of work.

The boss doesn’t need to give me any more money! "

Luo Xiaoman took a sip of wine and said to him: "Just keep it if I ask you to!

Lao Chen doesn't care about the money, so don't be embarrassed! "

Mu Jiahua said with a serious face: "I know the boss is a rich man.

Those who can afford the presidential suite are not ordinary people.

But the boss’s money belongs to the boss, not mine.

I should get paid for my work.

I'm not a beggar, so I don't want the money I shouldn't take! "

Damn you, if I hadn't seen what you did just now, I would really believe your nonsense!

Chen Xin'an laughed and said to Mu Jiahua: "Master Mu, you're welcome.

My temperament is that you take what I give you.

You take as much as you're given, it doesn't matter.

But you can’t even take away a hair of what I didn’t give you.

No matter what you swallow, you have to spit it out!

do you understand? "

I have said everything so thoroughly, don’t you understand?

Mu Jiahua's expression changed, and he looked at Chen Xin'an hastily, then stretched out his hand, picked up the five pieces of money on the table, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, thank you!"

He put the money into his pocket, stood up and said to everyone: "Everyone, please wait, I'm full!

I'll come back at six o'clock in the evening, and someone will come and clean up the things here! "

This grandson has a big appetite!

I took the money, but the necklace was not returned!

Chen Xin'an's face darkened, she patted the table and said, "Master Mu, please wait! There are some things you can't take away!"

Mu Jiahua was stunned, his face instantly turned pale, and he looked at Chen Xin'an in shock, as if he couldn't figure out how he knew.

Others looked baffled.

Luo Xiaoman frowned and said, "Old Chen, what do you mean?

Didn’t you give the money to others?

Why don't you let others take it away?

You are not such a stingy person! "

Others also looked at Chen Xin'an strangely, wondering why he was making things difficult for a chef.

The boss's behavior is a bit abnormal!

Li Niandong came over and said to Mu Jiahua: "Master Mu, you can take the money I gave you, but you have to give me back my necklace!"

Mu Jiahua asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Necklace? I didn't get your necklace?"

Li Niandong cursed angrily: "Do you think we are all blind?

You were sneaking around on the sofa just now, and we saw it!

My necklace is worth 80,000 yuan. It was given to me by my grandma before she passed away. It has a deep commemorative meaning for me and must not be lost!

Master Mu, are you going too far?

We treat you as a compatriot and a fellow countryman. Is this how you treat us? "

"Damn it, you're a thief!" Luo Xiaoman finally understood, glared at Mu Jiahua and cursed:

"Grandson, are you so unreasonable?

Are you really not afraid of death? Do you even dare to steal our things? "

Everyone else put down their chopsticks and looked at Mu Jiahua with gloomy expressions.

"I didn't take your necklace! I didn't steal anything from you!" Mu Jiahua's face turned pale and he defended loudly.

Luo Xiaoman grabbed his collar, gritted his teeth and cursed: "I saw you stealing things, and you still don't admit it?

Where is it hidden? Take it out yourself!

You won't take it, right?

I'll help you! "

Ignoring Mu Jiahua's struggle, he pushed him down on the chair with one hand, and then groped him with the other hand, searching him inside and out, up and down!

But except for the five hundred yuan that Chen Xin'an gave him just now, a piece of folded paper, and a key, he had nothing else on him at all!

"Where's the necklace?" Luo Xiaoman asked sharply.

Mu Jiahua had already burst into tears and said, "I didn't take it!"

"Impossible! I obviously put it in my bag!" Li Niandong frowned and said, "I took it off when I entered the room to wash my face, and put it in...to wash my face?"

She seemed to have thought of something, her expression changed, she turned around and rushed into the hostess's room.

After a while, she walked out of it, her face flushed, and she was holding a platinum necklace in her hand!


They really didn’t take it!

Chen Xin'an was also stunned. She walked to Mu Jiahua strangely and asked Luo Xiaoman to let go of him. She frowned and asked, "Then what did you take away from the sofa just now? What is it?"

The piece of paper on the table caught Chen Xin'an's attention, and he picked it up.

It was all in foreign languages, and there was a printed photo of a person, a slovenly old man with gray hair and a full beard.

But there was something familiar about this piece of paper.

Li Niandong walked over, took a look, and exclaimed: "My people gave me the information.

This person is William! "

She turned her head and asked Mu Jiahua: "Is this what you just took away?

Why are you taking this?

Do you know this person?

What do you do? "

Chen Xin'an looked at Mu Jiahua who was bowing his head and crying, took his arm and asked him to sit on the chair.

He also pulled up a chair and sat next to him, and said to him: "Mu Jiahua, I misunderstood you just now, and I want you to apologize!"

With that said, Chen Xin'an stood up, bowed to Mu Jiahua, and said solemnly: "I'm sorry!"

Li Niandong also quickly bowed beside him and said, "I'm sorry!"

Luo Xiaoman patted him on the shoulder and said, "I'm sorry, buddy, I misunderstood you too, I'm sorry!"


Mu Jiahua cried loudly, as if he had released all his grievances.



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