Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2200 This is our marriage certificate

Being wrongly accused of being a thief and not being able to argue is really not a good feeling.

Chen Xin'an took out her wallet and took out a wad of money without counting it. She handed it to Mu Jiahua and said, "This is my apology..."

Mu Jiahua stood up, pushed his hand, shook his head and said:

"I don't want money!

I feel uncomfortable because I am moved!

After all this time, you are the only one who treats me as a human being! "

Li Niandong brought him a cup of hot water and asked him, "Did you come to Eagle Flag Country for this William?"

Such a promising street chef only has the opportunity to develop in Outer Harbor.

After all, it is a paradise for delicious food. As long as the food tastes good, no matter how weird it is, you can have repeat customers.

But the reason why he smuggled himself to the Eagle Flag Country just to make money is obviously unjustifiable!

Mu Jiahua looked at Chen Xin'an and the others, lowered his head and said: "Back then, my mother took me to Outer Harbor and married a foreigner, this William.

But five years later, he abandoned us and returned to China alone.

My mother was depressed all day long and eventually fell ill and died.

I have been living on the streets since I was ten years old, struggling to survive.

So I smuggled myself to the Eagle Flag Country to look for this nominal stepfather.

Even if he disowns me, he is married to my mother after all, so he can always make some compensation! "

Everyone was indifferent, and finally understood why he took the information with the photo.

Dao Lei said to him with a shocked look on his face: "Brother, your stepfather is not a good person! These are all perverted murderers, do you still want to admit your relationship?"

"Big Leizi!" Xiao Zhang and Luo Qianhe called him at the same time.

Why does this guy say anything?

Mu Jiahua took a deep breath, shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, he is not a good person to begin with!

Otherwise, we wouldn’t have left our two sons alone!

I didn’t come here to acknowledge him.

My mother has been with him for five years, so there must be some compensation, right?

If I get the money, I'll leave! "

Chen Xin'an looked at Mu Jiahua expressionlessly and said calmly: "Master Mu, I'm afraid you're not here to ask for money, but to ask for your life, right?"

Mu Jiahua's body was shaken, he looked at Chen Xin'an in horror, and said with a forced smile: "Mr. Chen is joking! How could I..."

Chen Xin'an looked at him and said: "I feel murderous intent from you, you hate William so much.

Just now, you reminded us of this person.

Do you want to use our hands to kill people with a borrowed knife? "

Mu Jiahua's face turned pale and he was speechless.

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes and said coldly: "You want us to fight in such a way that we both lose and you get the advantage?"

Mu Jiahua took a long breath, put the water glass on the table, looked at Chen Xin'an and said:

"How could Mr. Chen fight with that kind of bastard and lose both sides?

Even if a hundred William stood in front of Mr. Chen, they would only be beaten! "

"Do you know me?" Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly.

Mu Jiahua shook his head and said, "Today is the first time we meet.

But I have heard Mr. Chen’s name countless times!

Who doesn't know the big boss who can make everyone in Outer Harbor suffer a big loss and withdraw from the mainland in disgrace?

The manager asked me to cook for some Chinese people, and he told me to serve them well.

When I asked for your name, I already suspected it was you.

After we came up and talked, I was even more sure that you are that awesome person like He Huican and Mr. He, who bowed his head obediently!

I have been in the Eagle Flag Country for more than half a year, but I have never even seen William’s face.

I thought there was no hope, but when I met you, I felt that the opportunity had come! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and looked at him and asked, "You want his life? Isn't he your stepfather?"

Mu Jiahua gritted his teeth and cursed: "He is a bastard! My mother followed him for five years and was beaten and tortured by him every day!

Do you know how my mother died?

He was tortured to death!

He fled the outer port and returned to the Eagle Flag Country to escape legal sanctions!

I have been crying for so many years, and I am alive now, just to kill him and avenge my mother!

Son of a bitch! I can't wait to crush him to ashes! "

No wonder!

Everyone looked at Mu Jiahua with eyes full of sympathy.

Mu Jiahua stood up, bowed to everyone and said, "Thank you for listening to me. I haven't vented like this in a long time.

Sorry for causing you some trouble!

I can understand if you don’t use me to cook anymore..."

Chen Xin'an waved her hand, interrupted him, and said calmly: "Master Mu, if it's not troublesome, you will be responsible for our meals these days!"

Mu Jiahua looked excited and kept saying: "Thank you! Thank you..."

Chen Xin'an looked at him and said: "Master Mu, if I give you a chance to go to Chinatown and continue to run a restaurant, would you be willing?

Don't worry, if I ask you to go, you will definitely succeed. You know my strength.

And I will give you a facade, help you decorate it and recruit good people.

I will provide the funds, and you will be responsible for the management and food supply.

Is it possible? "

Mu Jiahua was dumbfounded. Is there such a good thing?

Chen Xin'an continued: "I will avenge you! When the time comes, I will let you witness William's fate with your own eyes. Don't ask or worry about anything else. How about that?"

Mu Jiahua was still speechless. Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, patted his shoulder and said:

"It doesn't matter, you can think about it in the next few days. You can just answer me before we solve this matter!

You can take the money and use it. Since I am a fellow countryman and I am away from home, I will not sit idly by if there are difficulties! "

Mu Jiahua picked up his keys and the five hundred yuan, pushed the rest in front of Chen Xin'an, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said with a grateful face:

"That's enough! Thank you Mr. Chen, thank you all!"

After he left, everyone sat back at the dining table.

Luo Xiaoman looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "Old Chen, have you really decided to help him?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "We are not helping him, we are helping ourselves! This William is the same family as McGregor!

I was worried about not being able to get in touch with Maigret, and this was a good starting point!

Xiaodong, Ji'an, and Aqi, please find a way to investigate the true relationship between these two people as soon as possible.

But be sure to pay attention to your safety, Pyrothes should already know that I am coming to Black Hawk Island! "

Chen Xin'an went on a killing spree against Croft and Cooper on the bridge, not because these two ants dared to attack him.

Just because, once these guys cause such a big fight, it will be tantamount to leaking Chen Xin'an's whereabouts!

Although I have been prepared to be monitored by Peroses throughout the whole process, after all, this is my hometown.

But after all, the city of London was still Boorman's territory, and he and Pyrose were very difficult to deal with.

Therefore, Chen Xin'an has never been in great danger in London City, and it is impossible for Peroses' surveillance to penetrate every corner.

I originally wanted to catch him off guard, but suddenly he came to Black Eagle Island.

I didn't expect that two ants would mess it up. It would be strange if Chen Xin'an wasn't angry!

But it doesn't matter, Chen Xin'an came here just to confront McGregor head-on.

Didn’t you send a killer all the way to kill me?

Then I will deliver it to your door now, waiting for you to kill!

If you can't kill me, then prepare to be killed by me. Let's each rely on our abilities to see who survives!

The waiter cleaned up the restaurant and kitchen, and restocked the refrigerator with fresh vegetables.

Li Qi and Zhang Jian also went out.

Li Niandong made an appointment with someone and would have to come over later to meet him.

At nearly four o'clock in the afternoon, Konoha Zhen and Guo Zhaodi came with their photography team.

The rooms have been arranged for them. Li Niandong did not let them go with the people from the photography company and stayed in his hostess's room.

None of the three of them are fat, so a two-meter-two-meter-large bed is more than enough for them.

When Konoha saw Chen Xin'an, she happily took out a small blue book with a photo of her and Guo Zhaodi on it, and all the words on the side were in foreign languages.

"Aren't you envious of Zhaodi and I's marriage certificate?"



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