Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2201 An old acquaintance on the pedestrian street

Chen Xin'an rubbed her face violently!

How do I explain it to grandma?

But it seems that grandma has seen the signs a long time ago, and she must have been mentally prepared in her heart, right?

Seeing Konoha's happy face, which definitely didn't look like a fake, Chen Xin'an gave up!

As long as she is happy, no matter what she does, Chen Xin'an will support her!

The debt he owed to Konoha was too great. Now Chen Xin'an doted on her almost unconditionally. As long as she wanted, he would give it to her.

"Very good! When we get back, I'll help you organize a grand wedding!" Chen Xin'an looked at the marriage certificate and returned the small notebook to Konoha Zhen.

Guo Zhaodi next to her blushed and said to Chen Xin'an: "Uncle, no need!"

Konoha Zhenya nodded and said: "There's no need for those. We don't have many relatives and friends, and one table at home is enough.

Besides, except for our own family members, outsiders cannot accept this matter between us.

It's no use fixing those empty ones! "

You know that too?

Chen Xin'an scratched her head and said to her and Guo Zhaodi: "I'll buy you a house as a new house!

If you are willing to live here in the Four Seasons Flower City, I will buy here.

You can live outside if you want.

Your room on the 36th floor will always be reserved. If you want to live here, come and live here. Anyway, everything is up to you. "

Konoha glanced at him and said, "Why do you think we are an eyesore and want to drive us away?"

Chen Xin'an took a breath, reached out and rubbed her head, gently touched the former wound, and said softly:

"I just want you to be happy and happy! So that you don't have any worries!"

A cloud of mist suddenly rose up in Konoha's eyes, but he immediately reached out and slapped Chen Xin'an's arm away, and cursed angrily:

"You're not old or young, how can you talk to me! What's the hurry about the house now? We'll talk about it when we get back!"

Chen Xin'an didn't say anything more and nodded.

In the evening, Stilwell came up and had dinner with Chen Xin'an.

Mu Jiahua was still the chef, and Stilwell couldn't bear to eat the food he made. Just as he was about to vomit it up, Luo Xiaoman immediately covered his mouth!

He was forced to bite the bullet and chew hard. After taking a few bites, his brows relaxed.

"How about it? I didn't lie to you, did I? Once you get used to the taste, it tastes delicious!"

"Aman!" Chen Xin'an glared at Luo Xiaoman.

However, Stilwell didn't care. He raised the wine glass to Luo Xiaoman and clinked it with him.

After he finished drinking, Chen Xin'an asked: "How is the matter handled?"

Stilwell shrugged his shoulders and said: "Originally, the hotel's responsibility is not big, and it can be solved by spending some money.

The main reason is that online public opinion has a relatively large influence. Some people are manipulating the direction of public opinion, and the hotel's losses are inevitable.

It will take more than half a year to recover.

But it doesn't matter, I can handle this little thing.

It must be Pyroses who is behind this.

They wanted to control the entire Black Hawk Island tourism industry and formed the Black Hawk Alliance.

Hotels and restaurants are required to join, pay some security deposits to them, and let them provide customer flow and some security.

I never agreed to join, which made them angry. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Is it safe here?"

"Safe!" Stilwell said with a sneer: "No matter how arrogant Maigret is, he would not dare to do anything openly, otherwise he would have been caught!

Officially, Pelosi still wears the cloak of legality.

Therefore, they must still consider concealing their actions.

Otherwise, they don't have to go to all the trouble and just get rid of my hotel.

And now that the authorities have targeted them, McGregor is also acting cautiously.

Not having tourists is an iron rule that all forces on Black Hawk Island abide by, because it is the basis for everyone's survival.

Now, in order to deal with me, Pyrose took the initiative to break this unspoken rule, and the official will not tolerate it! "

Chen Xin'an really wants to tell him that maybe Josés was sent to do this not to deal with you, but because that William is an out-and-out pervert!

But after thinking about it, I kept my mouth shut.

Two people who went out came back, but Li Niandong had not returned yet.

Just sit down and have a meal together.

Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, there are more people wearing security uniforms on the street, all with guns!"

“He’s a security guard from the Blackhawks League!

When a murder case occurred, Peroses finally seized the opportunity and sent out their own security on the grounds that the police force was insufficient to assist in the investigation! "

The corner of Chen Xin'an's mouth curled up, thinking that McGregor didn't take her seriously and was indifferent to his arrival.

Unexpectedly, I was still on guard!

I thought you were really not afraid of death!

Zhang Jian said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, I will go out for a walk later. Just go by yourself. I will be back later."

Although she was worried about his safety, given his status, Chen Xin'an did not restrict him like a child.

I can only nod and say: "Then be careful. And if you encounter any situation, contact your brothers first and don't act alone."

"Okay!" Zhang Jian nodded.

He was very anxious and always wanted to find Zhang Jiayu's whereabouts as soon as possible.

There is no need to rush to kill her, but the family members she brought must be found as soon as possible!

Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "Let's go out for a walk tonight!"

Everyone said yes together.

Stilwell said with a smile: "I will take you to Sagittarius Pedestrian Street, which is known as the Little Century Square!"

The photography team has its own activity circle, so there is no need to arrange it for them.

After Chen Xin'an finished eating, she took everyone out the door.

The Sagittarius Pedestrian Street that Stilwell mentioned is two blocks away from the Four Seasons Hotel and is also the busiest place on Black Hawk Island.

The entire Black Hawk Island is approximately equivalent to one-third of the area of ​​Kyoto's urban area.

Not very big, but very bustling.

Various stores line up on the streets, neon lights flash, and tourists come in an endless stream.

It is not yet the peak tourist season, but there are also many foreign tourists on Black Hawk Island.

People of all colors and languages ​​mixed together, it was very lively.

Stilwell introduced Chen Xin'an: "If it comes to June, there will be even more people here.

Almost all hotels will be full, and various art troupes from all over the world will come here to perform, which is fun! "

Chen Xin'an looked around and asked him: "In the peak tourist season, how much net profit can the hotel make in a month?"

Stilwell thought for a while and replied: "Including the restaurant, it's about half a million!

Some can get more than one million!

But those properties all belong to Pairose! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and curled her lips.

The hotel's net profit for a month is 500,000 eagle flag yuan. Looking at all the hotels in China, even during the peak tourist season, few can achieve this.

Not to mention millions.

So I can’t even imagine how much money Pegasus can earn from Black Hawk Island every year!

Coupled with those external businesses, it is not just a boast that they can become one of the top 100 international companies.

The strength is much stronger than that of Anhao Group, which Chen Xinan has to admit.

But now that it's here, Chen Xin'an feels like he'll be here in vain if he doesn't severely damage its vitality!

The familiar sound of guzheng suddenly came from not far away. Chen Xin'an's eyes lit up and everyone raised their heads.

Under the square's landmark Remy Martin sculpture, a woman in ancient costume in a red dress is sitting in front of the guzheng and playing seriously.

Next to her was a man in a white suit, holding an erhu, accompanying her.

With the sound of music emphasizing the ancient Chinese melody, with the blessing of speakers, it resounded throughout the square!



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