Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2205 The battlefield is outside the home

Three killers came and scared Stilwell away, and even the hotel closed down.

Chen Xin'an is really curious. These three killers look pretty powerful?

Quinn and the twelve bodyguards who stayed behind have already gone out. Their task is to guard.

The reason why they were left behind was because Ye Zhen and Zhao Di were going to Qiandao Beach to take wedding photos tomorrow, and Red Fox and Xiao Baiyang were also going there.

Since I have my hands full here, I feel relieved to let Quinn and the others follow.

Luo Xiaoman sat on the sofa and said to Chen Xin'an: "I didn't expect that old boy Stilwell to be very loyal?

I thought he recognized the money! "

Chen Xin'an laughed, curled her lips and said: "He has no choice! Now he is tied to the same boat with us!

They have completely fallen out with Eugene and Pavel. The Reggie family has to deal with the revenge of the two of them and the two families behind them at the same time. How can they not find a helper?

The Cexire family will not interfere, and the only one they can count on is me.

I just don’t know how much life money he gave Quinn and the others to make them willing to stay on Black Hawk Island! "

Luo Xiaoman had a look of realization on his face, and he spat and cursed: "I really thought this old boy's conscience found out!

After working on it for a long time, there is still a purpose! "

Chen Xin'an glared at him and cursed: "Aman, you are a father, but your thoughts are still so childish!

Between people, especially an extreme profitist like Stilwell, do you think he would do something to generate electricity for his love?

Without enough benefits, he won't be sincere in showing it.

But that’s okay, such people are easy to deal with.

Everyone is doing it for profit, no matter what they do, there is no psychological burden, it is all done voluntarily. "

Konoha and Guo Zhaodi walked in from outside and said to Chen Xin'an: "Xiaodong is back!"

Li Niandong walked in, his face a little pale and panting.

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "Are you fighting with someone?"

Li Niandong shook his head and said, "No, I'm just being followed!"

"Following?" Konoha ran to the window, pulled up the curtains and took a look outside.

Li Qi quickly shouted to her: "Don't go near the window!"

The scene at the Four Seasons Hotel in London is still fresh in everyone's memory.

So now, as soon as everyone returns to the guest room, no matter day or night, they will close the curtains.

Konoha quickly let go of his hands and squatted down.

After a while, he found that there was no movement, so he walked over and asked Li Niandong nervously: "Who is following you?"

Li Niandong shook his head and said: "I don't know, my people sent me to the intersection.

As I walked back, I felt someone following me.

It seemed like there was just a person hiding in the dark. As soon as I turned around, he was gone. "

Those should not be the three major killers, because they should not do such things. Direct killing is in line with their reputation.

Guo Zhaodi said with a look of horror: "Could he be the murderer last night?"

Everyone was silent for a while, then everyone nodded.

This is really possible!

Chen Xin'an said to everyone with a straight face: "No matter day or night, you are not allowed to go out alone!

Especially girls, don’t go out at night for anything important!

This is not our home, this is a foreign country!

It's very unsafe, so be extra careful! "

Everyone nodded together.

Chen Xin'an asked Li Niandong: "Xiaodong, what was that call you made to me?"

Li Niandong took out a piece of A4 paper, handed it to Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, this is the information on the top three killers in the Killer League.

This is all that can be collected!

The bonus about you on the dark web has been claimed by them.

This also shows that their actions against you have already begun!

The shooting you encountered on the pedestrian street tonight might have been caused by one of the three of them! "

Chen Xin'an took a look at the piece of paper. There were two portraits on it that were obviously taken from the surveillance screen. The printed photos were very blurry.

Another one clicked an X on his avatar.

Li Niandong pointed to the first portrait and said: "This guy's nickname is the Terminator.

He's a murderer!

More than three hundred people died at his hands.

The number of people he killed by himself almost equaled the number of people killed by other members of the Killer Alliance in a month!

He has a habit of torturing his victims before killing them.

The people who fall into his hands are really worse off than dead!

This bearded man is nicknamed the Ogre.

Ranked above Terminator.

Although he didn't kill as many people as the Terminator, even the Terminator was afraid of him.

Because this guy likes to eat human flesh!

Most of the people he killed were eaten by him, and he couldn't even collect the corpses! "

Konoha and Guo Zhaodi looked ugly and opened their mouths as if they wanted to vomit.

Others also had gloomy faces, unable to imagine that there were such perverted people in the world!

Li Niandong pointed to the last person with an X on the portrait and said: "This person is the number one killer in the Killer Alliance, nicknamed Medusa!

No one has seen him, and there is no information about him.

But there is a legend about him. There is no one he cannot kill, even the emperor!

As long as you become his target, you will eventually die! "

Everyone was a little silent, and the atmosphere was a little depressing.

Konoha suddenly turned his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "How about we go back to Lieton City first!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at Konoha in surprise, and said with a smile: "I don't even believe this when it comes from your mouth!

You have always been fearless! "

Konoha scolded angrily: "Do you think I'm afraid of myself?

I'm afraid something will happen to you!

Even if I stood in front of this Medusa, he might not even bother to do anything.

This kind of person is paid to kill, and he doesn't even bother to kill anyone who has nothing to do with him.

You are different!

Now they are all coming to you.

On the surface, there are three killers, but with Pyrose, you don't know how many people you have to face.

We are simply not enough! "

Her words made sense. Li Niandong and Guo Zhaodi also nodded, trying to persuade Chen Xin'an.

"Don't worry about me!" Chen Xin'an smiled slightly at Konoha, nodded and said:

“I know I’m in danger here.

But this is what I had already expected.

If this matter is not resolved, even if I go back, I will not be able to live a stable life.

And you also know the purpose of Xiruo's visit this time.

Once successful, she will frequently travel between the Eagle Flag Country and China.

Of course I will follow every time, but I am afraid that I may be negligent sometimes.

Instead of encountering a situation that makes me regret it, I might as well get rid of the trouble before it happens!

So I can't retreat from this battle!

Because you are behind me. Once I retreat, you will be hurt!

With so many brothers helping me, I am not bound to lose this battle, and I certainly am not bound to die!

The battlefield is outside my home. This is my ideal place to perform. I can be unscrupulous, do you understand? "

Konoha really knew that she couldn't persuade him, so she sighed and said: "Then you have to be careful!

Tomorrow I will try to take the photos within one day, and then go back to Jordan City with Zhaodi to find Xiruo. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay!"

Turning his head, Chen Xin'an said to Li Niandong: "Xiaodong, do you know what Chemenei is?"

"Che Menei?" Li Niandong shook his head with a strange look on his face, then suddenly widened his eyes and said to him: "Is it Che Menei De'er? The pronunciation of Terminator?"



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