Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2206: The Courtyard at the Foot of Mount Foss

Was it the Terminator who shot them tonight on the pedestrian street?

But how would a former veteran of a supermarket know?

And why tell him?

Chen Xin'an has always felt that the supermarket owner was mysterious.

He directly shot and killed a killer!

It seems that he knew clearly that those guys were Terminators, but he still dared to shoot. Wasn't he afraid of being retaliated by the Terminators?

It seems that apart from being a little greedy for money, he has no ill intentions towards Chen Xin'an and the others, and even helps!


Chen Xin'an remembered this name, and if she had the chance to go to that canteen again, she would definitely ask about it.

The doorbell rings.

Li Qi went to open the door and Zhang Jian came back.

Seeing the weeds in his hair, Chen Xin'an laughed dumbly: "You went up the mountain to hunt for rabbits?

How did you get into such a mess! "

Zhang Jian scratched his head and said with an embarrassed look: "I really went up the mountain, but I didn't pick out the rabbit.

I've found them. I'll come back to discuss it with you and get some equipment by the way! "

Li Qi widened his eyes and said, "Have you found Zhang Jiayu?"

Zhang Jian nodded and said to him: "In the Fusi Mountain dormitory area!"

Li Niandong immediately took out his mobile phone and called up the satellite map to check.

Zhang Jian pointed to a place and said: "Here!"

Li Niandong zoomed in on the map, curled his lips and said, "I thought Mr. Yu was highly valued in Peroses, but he was just an ordinary middle-level person.

You can't even live in the high-rise villa area, this is a mid-rise courtyard.

On the edge of the entire residential area, even the supporting facilities are not complete.

You said she betrayed China so much but did so poorly. What was she trying to do? "

Zhang Jian said with a gloomy expression: "To take revenge on the Zhang family!"

Li Niandong was stunned for a moment and said awkwardly: "I'm sorry!"

Zhang Jian waved his hand and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, she brought back three children from her hometown this time, the oldest is only fifteen years old.

I can't predict what will happen if I stay with her for a long time!

So I had to get the kids out as soon as possible!

I know it's not the right time to do this, but I have no choice..."

Chen Xin'an interrupted him and said: "Ji'an, nothing is more important than rescuing these children!

Aqi and I will go with you, and the others will stay at the hotel! "

Before Luo Xiaoman could object, Chen Xin'an turned to him and said: "Aman, you may have to face the top three killers in the Killer League alone, and there may even be a team sent by Joses. I'm afraid you won't be able to hold on. …”

"Damn! Who are you looking down on, Old Chen!" Luo Xiaoman scolded angrily: "Brother, all his injuries are healed now. I'm just worried that I won't have a chance to show off my skills!

It's okay if those three bastards don't come. As long as they come, I will let them see what a real master is!

Don't worry, you three, leave the people here to me! "

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath, and as if she had made up her mind with difficulty, she nodded sharply and said, "Okay, let's leave without further delay!"

The three of them took out a large bag with weapons, put on body armor, selected equipment, and quickly left the hotel.

You are definitely not allowed to take a taxi. This is the base camp of Pairoses, and spies are everywhere. If you are not careful, your every move will be exposed.

Although Chen Xin'an has officially declared war on Maigret, he openly lets him know that he is here to cause trouble for him.

This does not mean that you have to let the other party know everything you do!

There were many cars parked on the roadside, and Li Qi kicked them one by one.

Soon the streets were filled with the sound of Ula-Ula sirens.

Many people upstairs opened their windows and yelled and cursed below.

After a full twenty minutes, Chen Xin'an and the other three came out of the darkness.

Zhang Jian held a piece of wire and walked to a seven-seater commercial car without an alarm. After tinkering for less than a minute, he opened the door.

Li Qi sat in the driver's seat, pulled out the thread from under the steering wheel, found two cable clips and connected them. The car made a rumble and the lights came on.

Chen Xin'an and Zhang Jian sat in the back, started the car and left quickly.

Foss Mountain is located to the west of Black Hawk Island, and is actually not very large.

It's just that there are no other mountains around, so the terrain here appears to be very high.

This is not a tourist area on Black Shadow Island, because as early as ten years ago, one of the peaks had been purchased by Pegasus and became Pegasus' private land.

And at the foot of the mountain, a barbed wire fence has been erected to prohibit outsiders from entering.

Of course, these can't stop Chen Xin'an and the others at all.

They found a forest and parked the car. The three of them put on night vision goggles and climbed over the barbed wire fence.

Having these advanced equipment is convenient, and Chen Xin'an is a person who is willing to spend money on this.

The three of them are not armed to the teeth now, but they are equipped from head to toe, and their shoes are anti-thorn boots!

Not far away there are many tall buildings with bright lights.

Paiges built the entire industrial park like a small city, very luxurious and beautiful.

Even Chen Xin'an has to admit that Anhao Group cannot yet reach such a scale.

The strength of the world's top 100 companies is no joke!

There are many trees on the mountain, making it difficult to walk.

Li Qi asked Zhang Jian in a low voice: "Instructor Zhang, did you go up the mountain just now?"

"Not here, but outside the barbed wire!" Zhang Jian shook his head and said to him:

"I saw Zhang Jiayu's car going outside before, and sitting inside was Zhang Qigong, a nephew of mine!

I followed all the way there without going in! "

Li Qi asked him, "You won't admit your mistake, will you?"

Zhang Jian said resolutely: "Absolutely not! I found this car three times today, Zhang Qigong was inside, I could see it clearly!

I lost him the first two times, but the third time I got a motorcycle and chased it all the way, watching the car go in!

Did you see those two roads with street lights on?

The one on the left passes through the living area and leads directly to the villa area.

The one on the right leads to the small courtyard.

Can’t go wrong! "

Chen Xin'an turned around, looked at Zhang Jian and said, "You said you followed them three times today?"

Zhang Jian nodded and asked Chen Xin'an: "Yes, I feel very lucky today. I will definitely be able to rescue my nephews!"

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi looked at each other and said nothing.

Zhang Jian felt something was wrong in the atmosphere and asked the two of them, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said to him: "No, as long as you can be sure that the person is here!

Come on, let's find out where Zhang Jiayu's house is! "

Small courtyard-style houses are easy to find because the architectural style is obviously different from those in other places.

This is a bit like the architectural pattern of Chinese rural areas, which is divided into a north house and houses on the east and west sides, with the courtyard wall and gate on the south side.

It's just that the courtyard walls are not as good as the brick and earth structures in the countryside. They are all fences and they are useless.

Zhang Jiayu has done so many things for Pyroses, so he gets such treatment?

No wonder Li Niandong laughed at her.

There are seven or eight small courtyards in this area, but only one has the lights on.

And people kept coming out of the room, as if it was very lively.

Zhang Jian took out his telescope and observed carefully.

After a while, he said in a trembling voice: "This is it, this is it. I saw Zhang Qiqiang!"

Putting down the telescope, he wanted to rush down, but was held back by Li Qi!

"Instructor Zhang, don't be impatient, let's take our time!"

Zhang Jian took a deep breath and said to him: "Zhang Jiayu is having a party!

Who are the people around her?

The purpose of this is to teach those children bad things!

Corrupt their minds and make these children become traitors to China just like her!

I can't let this happen, I can't wait any longer! "



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