Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2211 The courage that my Zhang family should have


A piece of the garage wall was knocked down, and a black car rushed out!

Zhang Qiqiang excitedly shouted to Zhang Qigong who was driving: "Brother, how do you know where the car key is?

I was sitting in the car for so long just now, and I didn't even pull that panel off to look at it! "

Zhang Qigong curled his lips. He had already discovered this habit of the foreigners when he went out with them in the afternoon.

To save trouble, I always like to put my car keys in that place.

He also drove a car when he was in his hometown, but he was not very skilled at it.

But now that the situation is urgent, I can’t care about that anymore!

The lights outside are bright, and the lights in the small courtyard next to it are all lit up, and the light is shining here.

Zhang Qiqiang saw Chen Xin'an hiding behind the house while reloading. He pointed his finger and said to Zhang Qigong: "Brother, that's my second uncle's friend. He saved me!"

Zhang Qigong nodded and said, "He also saved me!"

As he spoke, he honked the horn and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Uncle, get in the car quickly!"

Chen Xin'an heard the car horn, then turned around and saw the Zhang brothers waving and shouting at him, with the corners of their mouths raised.

These two boys are quite smart!

Without any time to say anything, Chen Xin'an changed the magazine and shot the two people in the opposite corner of the room down, then rushed towards the car.

He got into the car in the air, slid into the car through the window like a loach, and stared at the two teenagers!

Chen Xin'an said to Zhang Qigong: "You get out of the way, I'll do it!"

"Okay!" Zhang Qigong stood up and moved to the passenger seat.

Chen Xin'an quickly sat on the driver's seat and said to Zhang Qigong: "Go to the back! You two lower your bodies and don't show your heads!"

"I know, uncle!" Zhang Qigong didn't waste any time. He climbed into the back seat, put his arms around his younger brother's shoulders, and the two brothers hid under the car window.

Chen Xin'an started the car, pulled up the handbrake, put the gear in gear and hit the accelerator!

The car made an ear-piercing roar, smoke billowed, and began to tail-flip crazily, spinning in circles!

At the same time, Chen Xin'an adjusted the steering wheel with his right hand, picked up the rifle with his left hand, stretched out the window, and pulled the trigger!

Bullets were fired outwards, and the gunmen around who wanted to rush fell to the ground, howling miserably!

After finishing a magazine, Chen Xin'an threw the rifle onto the passenger seat.

Put down the handbrake, hold the steering wheel with both hands, kick the accelerator, and the car rushed out!

The battlefield had expanded from the small courtyard to the surrounding area, and Li Qi was blocked by a group of people in the west adjacent courtyard.

A group of gunmen wanted to rush in, but two black things flew into the sky and landed at their feet.

Before they could react, an explosion suddenly sounded!

A pile of flesh and blood was flying in the sky, and the gunmen were howling like ghosts when they were bombed!

"Get out of the way!" A gunman picked up his rifle and loaded a grenade.

Just as he aimed at where Li Qi was, the people around him suddenly exclaimed and ran away with their heads in their hands!

The gunman didn't understand what was happening and subconsciously pulled the trigger.

At this moment, he was hit by a car and flew out. The grenade he fired missed the target and went directly into the north room opposite!

Amid the explosion, the people inside screamed like ghosts and wolves.

The instigator was also hit by the car and vomited blood. Before he could recover, he was mercilessly crushed by the wheels again!

"Aqi!" Chen Xin'an shouted.

Li Qi, who was hiding at the door of the east room, rushed out, opened the passenger door and got in the car.

With almost no pause, he stuck out his gun from the car window and fired wildly at the surroundings!

"Where is Ji'an?" Chen Xin'an glanced around, but did not find Zhang Ji'an.

Li Qi said while changing the magazine: "He saw Zhang Jiayu just now and chased after him. He should be over there!"

He raised his chin and gestured forward.

That's the direction of the highway.

The magazine was loaded, but he didn't fire, but handed it directly to Chen Xin'an.

After taking the gun, Chen Xin'an repeated his old trick, holding the steering wheel with one hand and the gun with the other, and swiped outwards!

Li Qi picked up the rifle from under his butt again, reloaded it, and then followed the boss to the left and right, shooting indiscriminately at the people outside!

The car rushed out of the residential area and onto the road.

Sure enough, I saw a group of people in front of me chasing a figure.

And that person is Zhang Jian.

In front of him, there was another woman running hastily, it was Zhang Jiayu wearing a hat!

"I'm not! Let me go!" Zhang Jiayu screamed and cried, but Zhang Jian still caught up with him and threw him to the ground!

The people around him did not dare to shoot. After all, one of their own was in someone else's hands.

With bursts of exclamations, Chen Xin'an drove the car and ran rampant like a frightened bison!

Some of the gunmen in the group were knocked away, while others opened fire on the car.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi's rifles had run out of bullets. They had no time to reload, so they threw them back, took out their pistols, and fired back outside.

The car kept driving forward and soon came to Zhang Jian's side.

"Jian, get in the car!" Chen Xin'an shouted.

Zhang Jiayu cried and shouted: "No, I'm not..."

Before she could finish speaking, Zhang Jian punched her in the head, knocking her unconscious, and then dragged her into the car like a dead dog!

The Zhang brothers crowded next to them, and Zhang Jian asked them, "Where is Jin Yu?"

The Zhang brothers shook their heads and said, "We don't know either, we were taken away by Third Aunt the day before yesterday!"

Looking at Zhang Jiayu who was curled up in a coma, Zhang Jian cursed with a gloomy face: "Don't call her third aunt! There will be no such scum in the Zhang family in the future!"

Chen Xin'an said: "Ji'an, don't look for Jin Yu now. Let's talk after we get out."

"Okay!" Zhang Jian nodded.

Anyway, I caught Zhang Jiayu, so I'm not afraid that she won't tell him.

And both nephews are here, so there is no way that so many people should be buried with him just to find one person!

Zhang Jian shouted to the two brothers: "Watch it, I will teach you how to change the magazine of the gun!"

Even if you have a car, it is not easy to rush out.

This is the base camp of Paisosesi, and their gunmen are everywhere.

If everyone wants to rush out under heavy siege, a fierce fight will inevitably happen!

"I know, uncle!" The two brothers nodded vigorously.

It's really crowded with four people sitting in the back.

Fortunately, Zhang Jiayu and Zhang Qiqiang are both relatively thin, so they can still squeeze in.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi took out all the magazines on their bodies and threw them behind.

Zhang Jian explained all the steps for reloading rifles and pistols, and asked the two brothers: "Are you familiar with it?"

"Yes!" The two brothers nodded vigorously.

This is something that can be learned by just watching it. The two brothers are not stupid and learn quickly.

The car was running wildly and quickly, and people in front of it were moving aside to avoid it.

But the lights came on brightly from behind, and several cars roared to catch up!

"Get down!" Zhang Jian yelled at the brothers, then picked up the rifle, smashed the rear window with the butt of the rifle, and fired at the car behind them!

Chen Xin'an said loudly: "Sit tight!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the car began to sway from side to side, taking a serpentine route on the road.

At high speeds, this way of traveling makes it difficult to aim from behind.


The bullet jammed. Zhang Jian frowned and quickly took out his pistol.

But at this moment, there was a burst of gunfire from the side. Zhang Qigong took a rifle and took over his firepower, shooting wildly at the car behind him!

At this time, marksmanship is not important, it is just to use firepower to suppress the opponent so that they do not dare to get close!

Zhang Jian grinned, nodded to Zhang Qigong and said, "That's right! This is the courage that my Zhang family should have!"

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