Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2212 This is just a substitute


The door to the living area was knocked open, and a black car roared out.

Several round little pineapples flew out of the bed behind the car, bouncing and rolling back on the road.

More than a dozen cars caught up behind them, and the ones in front suddenly blasted into the sky with explosions and dazzling flames!

Before the car following behind could react, it was hit hard!

The highway was blocked in an instant, explosions continued to sound in the firelight, and there were screams, it was like hell on earth!

Chen Xin'an saw the scene behind her in the rearview mirror, whistled, and drove away!

After finding the place where they left their cars, everyone got into the commercial vehicles.

Zhang Jiayu was still in a coma, lying in the back seat with no one paying attention to him.

Zhang Jian's injury itself has not healed. Now the wound on his chest has been torn again. He is just wearing a bulletproof vest and the blood has not seeped out.

Fortunately, there were no major new injuries, just abrasions on the arms and legs, which were insignificant.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi were not seriously injured. They were all unavoidable bumps and bruises. They could be cured after going back and rubbing them with medicine.

The car stopped at the intersection, and everyone walked to the hotel on foot.

Zhang Jian carried Zhang Jiayu on his shoulders and asked for a business room key from the front desk.

It was late at night and everyone was asleep.

Even Quinn's gang, who were on security duty, were fast asleep. They were kicked by Li Qi alone, and the two security guards on guard woke up.

Originally, I wanted to get angry with Li Qi, but when I saw Chen Xin'an and everyone carrying guns, covered in blood, and looking murderous, they were all scared and shut their mouths!

Chen Xin'an pointed outside and said to the two of them: "It's definitely not going to be peaceful tonight! If you don't want to die here in a daze, then don't sleep!"

After you finished speaking, you didn’t care whether they could understand or not, and just left.

Without disturbing other people, everyone opened a room for the Zhang brothers and let them take a bath and sleep. Then the three of them took Zhang Jiayu into the business suite.


Zhang Jiayu was thrown heavily to the ground. She screamed in pain and woke up.

She sat up with a confused look on her face, looked around and asked, "Where is this?"

Zhang Jian gritted his teeth and cursed at her: "Tell me, where did you take Jin Yu?"

Zhang Jiayu asked with a puzzled look: "Jin Yu? Is that the little girl? I don't know..."

Zhang Jian took out his pistol, pointed it at Zhang Jiayu's head and cursed:

"Don't act stupid with me!

If you weren't worried about Jin Yu, you would have died a long time ago!

Do you still think I can’t bear to kill you like I did before?

Zhang Jiayu, now I want to cut you into pieces and feed you to the dogs! "

The woman's body trembled, she raised her head with a pale face, and said to Zhang Jian in a trembling voice: "But... I am not Zhang Jiayu!"

The three of them were stunned!

Zhang Jian lowered his head, looked at the woman with wide eyes and asked, "What did you say?"

The woman raised her face, looked at him pitifully and said, "I'm really not Zhang Jiayu! I'm Nancy! The woman you are talking about is the one who kidnapped me a week ago, right?"

Chen Xin'an stared at the woman in front of her and said to Zhang Jian: "Make-up! It's not Zhang Jiayu, but she has a similar figure!"

Zhang Jian's face turned pale and he suddenly ran into the bathroom.

After a while, he brought a wet towel, threw it to the woman and said, "Wipe that thing off your face!"

In fact, if you look at this woman's face up close, you can see that she doesn't look like Zhang Jiayu anymore.

But Zhang Ji'an still didn't give up until the woman wiped off the makeup on her face and revealed her true face. It was indeed not Zhang Jiayu!

"What the hell..." Zhang Jian almost collapsed. He worked all night and risked his life to bring back a fake!

Li Qi quickly grabbed his arm and said, "Instructor Zhang, don't be impulsive!"

Chen Xin'an looked at Nancy coldly and said, "Who are you? Why do you put on makeup and pretend to be Zhang Jiayu?"

Nancy said with an aggrieved look: "I didn't pretend to be, she put the makeup on me!

My father is from China and my mother is from Farr. I grew up in Farr.

He originally came to Black Shadow Island for a trip with his classmates, but he was kidnapped by a Chinese woman.

She took me to the place where I had just come, put makeup on me, taught me how to walk, and asked me to imitate all her habits, even her tone of voice.

But she never told me what the purpose of doing this was.

But if I don’t agree, I will be beaten up by her! "

Now everyone understands that Zhang Jiayu found a substitute for himself!

Tonight's game is to use this stand-in, as well as the Zhang brothers, to lure Chen Xin'an and others to the Pairoses base camp.

With so many gunmen and the top three master terminators in the Killer League waiting for him, Chen Xin'an had no chance of surviving!

It's a pity that Zhang Jiayu, Maigret, and even the so-called top killers all misjudged the terrible fighting power of Chen Xin'an, Zhang Ji'an, and Li Qi.

Not to mention they were just a bunch of people hired with money, even if they were regular troops from the Eagle Flag Country, they couldn't kill these three people without sending out a regiment of troops!

So there is no problem with this plan, but the opponent's strength is too abnormal. As a result, the arranged trap failed to play its real role and was defeated like a torrent!

It is estimated that Maigret and Zhang Jiayu are now furious and trying every means to seek revenge, right?

In fact, even if they don't retaliate, Chen Xin'an and others will not give up like this.

Maigret and Zhang Jiayu are both people who must be killed. Zhang Jinyu must also be found and brought back to China. There will definitely be battles like this tonight!

"Boss!" Li Qi stood by the window and shouted in a deep voice.

Chen Xin'an walked to him and looked out through the gap in the curtains.

It was already two or three in the morning, but the car lights were flashing on the road, which was dazzling.

Countless vehicles are pressing down on the territory like an army, coming with a fierce momentum to cover up the enemy!

Chen Xin'an's face darkened, and she snorted coldly: "McGret, if you dare to attack the building, I admire you!"

The monopoly and acquisition of Pelosi in the Eagle Flag Country has long made countless people dissatisfied.

Boorman is one of them.

The reason why I haven't started to clean it up yet is because I can't find a suitable reason.

But if Maigret dares to attack the Four Seasons Hotel tonight, it will be like giving Boorman an excuse for nothing.

Tourism is the economic backbone of Black Eagle Island and an indispensable source of income for the entire Eagle Flag Nation.

There are too many interests involved in it. Whoever dares to destroy this will be the enemy of the entire Eagle Flag Country!

No matter how crazy Maigret is, he doesn't dare to cause public outrage.

Sure enough, there was no need for Chen Xin'an to arrange battle preparations, and police cars roared in one after another.

The convoy was stopped fifty meters away.

I don’t know what the police said. Some police even fired three shots into the sky before the convoy turned around and left unwillingly.

Chen Xin'an turned around, curled her lips at Li Qi and Zhang Jian, and said calmly: "It's okay tonight!"

Someone knocked on the door, Li Qi walked over and opened the door slightly, took a look, and then opened the door helplessly.

Luo Xiaoman was followed by a group of people, all of whom came over and everyone was awake.

"Did I disturb you?" Chen Xin'an looked at everyone with a guilty look on his face.

Luo Xiaoman snorted with a straight face and scolded Chen Xin'an: "Old Chen, you are not interesting enough!

I waited all night and not even a mouse came!

If I had known this, I would have gone with you.

Looking at you, you must be very lively! "



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