Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 222 You smell so good

Upon hearing this, Bai Sanniang began to look unnatural.

She just hated Chen Xin'an and wanted to cause him some trouble, but she didn't want to get herself into a lawsuit because of it.

Lei Guang sneered and said to her: "Mr. Chen used less than half a year to increase the value of an enterprise on the verge of bankruptcy into a large enterprise with assets of nearly 10 billion.

This time, the competition is for Dongshan, Haidong, and even the entire Chinese wine industry to win the title of international rare wine.

In the future, the market value of their company will be doubled several times, and the market value will be tens of billions or even hundreds of billions!

Do you think he will care about the 20,000 to 30,000 yuan in cash in your wallet? "

Bai Sanniang's face turned a little pale. She originally thought that annoying young man was just a little loser.

She never expected that he would be a business giant that neither she nor Huatai Mingyan could compare with!

Li Zecheng looked at Chen Xin'an with a look of sudden realization and said:

"It turns out to be Mr. Chen Xin'an Chen of Liangmao Liquor!

I have heard your name more than once! Disrespect, disrespect! "

The leather-clad girl on the side pointed to the satchel placed by Bai Sanniang next to her seat and said, "What is that?"

Bai Sanniang glanced down, immediately picked up her satchel, unzipped it, and looked stunned.

Her wallet is just lying in her shoulder bag!

I looked inside my wallet and found that cash and cards were all there, every penny was there, and nothing was lost!

With a livid face, Lei Guang looked at her and cursed: "Mr. Chen risked his life to save everyone on the plane, and the big leaders in the city are thinking of asking for credit for him.

You, an ignorant woman, falsely accused our hero of being a thief. What are your intentions? "

Everyone on the plane yelled at her angrily:

"This woman has been provocative from the beginning, but they ignored her at all! Unexpectedly, she even got worse!"

"She saved her life, but not only was she not thanked, but she was also falsely accused of being a thief! Such people are simply not human, worse than animals!"

"This woman is so abominable, uneducated, and domineering! Now that she is repaying kindness with hatred, she should be arrested and locked up for a few days to see if she is still arrogant!"

Bai Sanniang's face turned pale, and she sat trembling in her seat, not even daring to raise her head.

Only at this moment did she realize that all of the people she looked down on were big bosses, and she couldn't afford to offend any of them!

The robbers who were killed on the spot had already been carried off the plane.

The injured were also carried below for emergency treatment and then immediately sent to the hospital.

Only then did the others get off the plane.

Liu Xiaoyun went with the ambulance and accompanied Ning Ning to the hospital.

Chen Xin'an and Zhou Zhi left together. When they arrived at the luggage area, Lei Ming and his gang were already waiting.

Fortunately, three cars came over, and the Tailan specialties that Ba Kun asked to bring were finally able to be brought back at once.

As soon as Lei Ming and the others were asked to load everything into the car, a group of people came over, and applause rang out from all directions.

Chen Xin'an didn't know many people, but she also knew that these were the passengers and their families on the plane just now. Some people's faces had not even been wiped with tears.

For the passengers who took this flight, this journey really saved a life!

Without Chen Xin'an, everyone would have died!

So after getting off the plane, many passengers and family members who dared to come to pick them up almost cried in each other's arms, and then they came over to thank their benefactors!

Chen Xin'an cupped her hands in front of everyone, looking generous and neither arrogant nor humble.

A gust of fragrant wind passed by, and the girl in tight black leather clothes came over and wanted to hug Chen Xin'an, but he avoided her again.

The little face pouted angrily, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Liangmao company, right? Chen Xin'an? I will find you when I have time!"

Lei Ming's eyes widened, he looked at the girl and said, "Hey, my master has a wife, so it's not convenient for him to hold you! I can take his place! I'm still a bachelor!"

The girl looked him up and down, grinned, winked at him and said, "Really? That's great! Hug, brother..."

Lei Ming's eyes almost popped out, he grinned and spread his arms and said: "Don't be afraid, little sister, Brother Lei will protect you from now on!"

"Brother Xiaoqiu can also..." Xiaoqiu opened her hand and leaned over.

Lei Ming put one arm around the girl and held Xiaoqiu's arm with the other, turning him around and hugging Datou next to him.

Lei Ming hugged the girl comfortably and said with a smile: "Sister, you smell so good. Is your name Xiang'er?"

The girl smiled and rolled her eyes at him, and said coquettishly:

"Smooth-tongued, my name is Xiaojiu!

Okay, I'm leaving now. Let's play with my brother later!

By the way, these brothers and sisters, do you want a hug?

Let’s get to know each other! "

"Is it really okay?" Big Tou's nose was almost bubbling with beauty. He pushed Xiao Qiu in disgust and opened his hands to come over.

Lei Ming raised his hands and pulled up his coat without taking it off, leaving it on his head. Then he tied a button on the top of his head and covered his head inside...

Lei Ming smiled and said: "Okay, Sister Xiaojiu, they rough guys don't have to get wet with rain and dew!

The fact that you only hugged me represents it!

Sister Xiaojiu, why don't you leave a phone number?

Your accent doesn't sound like you're from Dongshan. Brother, I'm free these two days to take you around Dongshan! "

Xiaojiu smiled and waved her hands and said, "I still have something to do! I will find you when I have time! Bye!"

Seeing Xiaojiu leaving with his hands behind his back, Lei Ming's eyes were shining, he held his hands on his chest as if praying, and shouted with a coquettish look: "My spring is here!"

Datou snorted and cursed: "Spring fart, do you have a phone number?"

Lei Ming curled his lips and snorted with disdain: "Didn't you listen to what I said? If you have something to do these two days, they will come to me when they are done!"

Xiaoqiu glanced at him and said lazily: "Does anyone have your phone number?"

Lei Ming was stunned.

Chen Xin'an came over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, he has your phone number!"

"Master, how do you know?" Lei Ming said with a face of surprise: "I understand! It must be Master who gave it to her, right? I know Master is the best to me!"

This guy was as excited as if he had been on steroids. He said to everyone: "Let's go, let's send Master home first, and then let's go to Zuixian Tower to have a good time and catch Master's wind!"

Lei Ming put his hand in his pocket and wanted to take out his phone to check the time. As soon as he touched his pocket, his face turned yellow.

"Where's my wallet? Where's my cell phone?" Lei Ming rummaged through his pockets. The car keys were still there, and the playing cards were there, but his wallet and cell phone were gone!

Xiaoqiu looked at him and said, "You called just now, but you didn't go anywhere this time. Why can't you find me?"

Chen Xin'an looked at Lei Ming with a look that I had expected, "Look, I told you that he had your phone number, do you believe it now?"

It turns out that the phone number you mentioned is the real phone number!

Lei Ming's eyes widened in disbelief, and he looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Master, do you mean that my lovely Xiao Jiu is actually a female snitch?"

Thinking about it, this is indeed the case, otherwise why would people hug you? They just take this opportunity to clean up all over you!

"Hahaha!" A group of bad friends laughed beside him.

Xiaoqiu hugged her big head and shouted: "Sister, you smell so good. Is your name Xiang'er?"

Datou fumbled with Xiaoqiu's pockets with both hands and said, "Brother, you smell better! You smell like a fat sheep..."

Lei Ming took out the playing cards with a dark face and cursed: "I'll let you have a good time today!"

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