Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 223 Just tens of millions

After leaving the airport, a fat woman stood on the side of the road, patting her thigh, and kept crying:

Where is my wallet? Why the hell is he missing again? Where did it fall again?

Zhou Zhi burst out laughing and said to Chen Xin'an, "It's that Bai Sanniang again!"

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said with a look of gloating: "Yes!"

They didn't go to any Zuixian Tower, and the dining table at home was big enough. They called Aunt Ru in advance and prepared more meals for the boys to eat at home.

This is also the first time for these little brothers to have dinner at Chen Xin'an's house.

Fortunately, they all have young minds, so they don't feel restrained even when they are guarding Chi Rui. They are talking and laughing. The East Building has not been so lively for a long time.

After having enough wine and food, Lei Ming took everyone to leave. Chen Xin'an asked everyone to wait for a while and went upstairs.

When he came down from the meeting, he held a dozen large drink bottles and handed them to Xiaoqiu and the others.

"I know you don't like it, but no matter what you think of when you go back, say a good word to your parents and let them drink a cup every night. Don't drink too much!

I have been keeping them for you, but I have never been able to spare the time to give them to you. Today they are finally here, take them back! "

Ning Xiruo frowned and glared at Chen Xin'an and said, "The company has fine bottles and gift boxes, which are nice to hold. How can they have the nerve to take them home if you are so old-fashioned?"

Zhou Zhi also snorted and said: "That's right, which family doesn't have status? I don't care, they can't do it anymore!"

She was also given two bottles to take back to her family. She knows how precious this wine is, but not necessarily these little eunuchs and little eunuchs know it too! They have millions of circles!

Chen Xin'an snorted and said: "Of course those are not as good as the ones I brewed with my own hands! I will think about the bottles later, but I'll just settle for now!"

Lei Ming and Xiao Ye took it last time, so they didn't have it this time. Seeing everyone staring at the bottle without saying anything, they looked at each other, stretched out their hands and said, "If you don't want it, why not give it to me..."

Ah Quan grabbed Xiaoye by the wrist and restrained Xiaoye, shouting loudly: "Brothers who steal my medicinal wine will be killed!"

Feifei's eyes were a little red, she looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Brother An, is it really for us?"

Jiaqi said movedly: "I thought we didn't have a share, but it turns out that Brother An had already reserved it for us!"

Konoha Zhen habitually broke things off and said to everyone with a sarcastic face: "A few bottles of medicinal wine I brewed by myself, let's see how excited you are! Children are children, they are easy to fool!

If you like it, Aunt Ye Zhen will make it for you in the future. You can drink as much as you want! "

Ah Quan glanced at her and said, "No one wants you even if you're lying on the street. Brother An is worth a thousand dollars!"

"Hey! You little brats!" Konoha was really unhappy and glared at everyone and said, "What benefits did Chen Xin'an give you to defend him like this?"

Although Ning Xiruo had introduced everyone to each other before the meal, everyone was a little displeased with this old woman named Konoha Zhen.

Everyone already knows Chi Rui's special identity, so they all respect her.

But he was very disdainful of Grandma Chi's special care.

I have never seen anyone better than An Geer in terms of medical skills. Are you qualified to pretend to be a nurse in front of him?

Moreover, he is very old and can't speak without thinking. From time to time, he would stab Brother An or two, and then he would be easily slapped in the face by Brother An.

The fighting ability is both addictive and addictive. Isn’t this just making people bored?

Feifei was unhappy when she heard her speak, curled her lips and said to her:

"Grandma Mu, do you know how much a bottle of this wine costs now?

Did you see the cups we drank from just now?

Just one cup, and it’s already sold for half a million yuan!

How many cups can be poured from such a bottle? How much can it be worth? "

Jiaqi snorted coldly and said to Konoha: "Brother An will give us millions as soon as he makes a move!

Even millions of dollars can't buy it back. Now you understand why we need to protect him, right? "

"Ah?" Konoha was also shocked.

During Chen Xin'an's absence, she had been to the rooftop on the fifth floor several times.

Looking at the bottles and jars above, she also laughed at Chen Xin'an for being old-fashioned, living in a villa like a lower-class person, pickling cabbage and making medicinal wine wherever he went!

I never expected that these medicinal wines would be so valuable!

But she still didn't believe what these guys said.

Turning his head, Konoha looked at Ning Xiruo and said, "Xiruo, are these wines more precious than the bottle of wine you gave me?"

Ning Xiruo once gave her a small bottle of medicinal wine that had just been produced. She immediately sent it to the Dragon Shield headquarters for testing, and the results surprised her.

The medicinal ingredients contained in this humble vial are very strange, but what is even more surprising is that the combination of medicines is really amazing!

They can not only suppress the toxicity of each other, but also complement each other to increase the efficacy of the medicine, which is almost comparable to that of proprietary Chinese medicines, but suppress the side effects and harm to an extremely low level!

So that small bottle of medicinal wine was regarded as a treasure by Konoha.

Ning Xiruo smiled slightly, looked at Mu Yezhen and said: "Aunt Mu, let me put it this way. All the current series of products of Liangmao Company are derived from these original solutions upstairs!

It’s not unusual to take out a bottle at random and put it up for auction, and it will break through five million! "

Konoha really can't close his mouth!

How could these seemingly inconspicuous bottles and jars be so valuable?

One bottle costs five million, which is a total of ten bottles for five people. In addition to the four bottles given out before, Chen Xin'an, a stingy guy, actually threw out seven to eight million in one go!

The reason why Chen Xin'an is considered stingy is because he is not even willing to buy the bonsai in his yard.

I hired a car and moved all of Mr. Xu's life-long efforts into Apartment No. 1, just like ransacking his house!

It’s a miracle that the old man didn’t have a cerebral hemorrhage and end up in the hospital on the spot!

The guys at Longdun all felt that the only person in the world who dared to do this to Mr. Xu was this Ning family’s son-in-law. They were so crazy!

I never expected that he would be so cruel to his own relatives, yet so generous to outsiders. He was like a mystery!

Konoha is really sour. Everyone else is just using the original solution. Why am I holding a bottle of processed wine as a treasure? I want the original solution too!

Xiao Ye smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother An, my dad said that when you have time, you can go home for a meal."

Not only his parents, but also Lei Ming's parents now regard Chen Xin'an as a good person.

At first I felt that the gift of wine was embarrassing and I couldn’t take it out. I was too embarrassed to take it out when friends came over.

But with the publicity on TV, everyone was dumbfounded.

I never dreamed that Chen Xin'an would give them such expensive things!

Now, if anyone has a bottle of original solution, it will definitely be more prominent than having a golden bull in the living room!

Lei Ming and the others left, and Zhou Zhi followed suit.

Chen Xin'an took her backpack, took out a box from it, and said to Chi Rui:

"Grandma, I bought you a pair of bracelets. Do you like them?"

After opening the box, a pair of authentic emerald bracelets appeared in front of everyone. Guan Qing opened her eyes wide and exclaimed: "So beautiful!"

Who is Chi Rui? He is naturally a knowledgeable person. He looked at the bracelet in front of him and said, "I like it, but it's too expensive!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and shook her head and said, "As long as you like it, it's worth spending any money!"

He lowered his head and took out another bag from his bag, and said to Guan Qing: "Sister Qing, this is for you!"

Guan Qing took the bag, opened it and saw a set of knee and elbow pads inside, and said thank you.

Suddenly something occurred to me, and I quickly took out the things, looked at them carefully, and asked in surprise: "Tailan golden silk vine?"

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