Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 224 Why don’t you think about your wife?

There has never been any brand of elbow and knee pads that can sell for hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands a pair, but gold wire vine armor can.

Tailan Golden Silk Vine, known as the saying that every inch of gold wire per gram of gold, is very expensive.

Guan Qing didn't expect that Chen Xin'an would give him such an expensive gift, and she was moved and said: "Uncle, thank you!"

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said with a smile: "Why are you so polite!"

Konoha looked at Chen Xin'an's backpack eagerly and shouted, "Is there any more?"

"Yes! Of course!" Chen Xin'an took out another box wrapped in yellow silk from his backpack and said to Aunt Ru who was washing dishes in the kitchen: "Aunt Ru, come here!"

Aunt Ru wiped her wet hands, walked out and asked Chen Xin'an, "Uncle, what's the matter?"

Chen Xin'an handed the box to her and said, "I know you believe this, so I'll buy you one from Tailan. Do you think it's suitable?"

Aunt Ru asked with a smile: "Bring it back to me?" She took the box and almost dropped it on the ground. She quickly picked it up with both hands and put it gently on the table. She said with a smile: "It's so heavy! What is it!"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and made an opening gesture to her.

Aunt Ru opened the box carefully, took a look, and her expression changed.

She stood up immediately, clasped her hands and bowed to the box, then held the box up reverently and walked back to her room.

After a while, Aunt Ru came out, stood in front of Chen Xin'an, bowed deeply, and said with gratitude:

"Uncle, it's too expensive! Not everyone can afford the Dark Gold Erawan Buddha!

I'm just a servant, my uncle gave me such a big gift, I can't afford it! "

Chen Xin'an shook her head, looked at her and said, "Aunt Ru, no one of us regards you as a human being, you are our family!"

Ning Xiruo also nodded vigorously and looked at Aunt Ru with a smile.

"Miss, uncle!" Aunt Ru wiped her tears excitedly. She has been working here for almost ten years.

She used to serve the old lady and now serves Ning Xiruo. She has always been responsible. This is why Ning Xiruo and Guan Qing are close to her.

Aunt Ru was moved and went to the kitchen to continue working. Konoha really stretched her neck like a giraffe, her eyes wanted to get into Chen Xin'an's backpack, and kept asking:

"Are there any more? Have you given out all the gifts? Don't you have any for me? You won't forget me, will you?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at her and said, "Don't worry, I have it for you! It's been prepared for you!"

Only then did Konoha laugh reassuringly, looked at Chen Xin'an and nodded and said: "Not bad, you still have some conscience, and you can still think of me! Take it out quickly, I can't wait!"

What this guy gave to grandma was a pair of emerald bracelets. Judging from the quality alone, she would probably be worth 10 to 20 million!

What was given to Guan Qing was a golden silk vine armor.

Even if they are given to the servants at home, they are all dark gold Erawan Buddhas.

These are things that cost at least hundreds of thousands!

Then my own will definitely not be bad, and we are not greedy, as long as the value is no less than 200,000!

Chen Xin'an fumbled in the backpack for a long time, and finally took out a bag. It looked very big. He handed it to Konoha Zhen and said to her: "Take it, you're welcome!"

Konoha's face was so surprised that he almost glowed. He looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Really? This is all for me? So big? What's inside? Can I open it now?"

Chen Xin'an opened her hand and gestured: "This is for you, you can open it if you want!"

Konoha couldn't wait to tear open the seal and took out a plastic shelf with an embroidered black cloth hanging on it and a round hat.

"What the hell is this?" Konoha asked with a question mark on his face.

Chen Xin'an solemnly introduced: "Aunt Tailan's costume! In Tailan, those old ladies can only wear the costumes during festivals! And this kind of material is not affordable for ordinary families!"

Konoha's eyes brightened, and he looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "The one with golden silk vine?"

"No!" Chen Xin'an shook her head, "It's made of linen!"

Konoha's expression was about to burst into tears. He looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "How much does this cost?"

Chen Xin'an widened his eyes and said, "It's not cheap! It costs more than a thousand!"

More than a thousand, not ten million?

Konoha really felt like his eyes were about to burst into flames!

As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

The gifts given to others were hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions, but the gift given to me turned out to be one thousand yuan!

Then Chen Xin'an added: "Tailan coins!"

At this time, Konoha really broke down and burst into tears. He pulled the pillow on the sofa and hit Chen Xin'an hard on his body, scolding him: "Chen, I hate you so much!"

I originally wanted to go back to my room, but I walked halfway and came back. I packed up the mama outfit, stuffed it back into the bag, and carried it in my hand.

He came over and kicked Chen Xin'an hard on the leg, scolded him: "Go to hell, you scumbag!" Then he ran away crying.

Chen Xin'an was shocked! Is there such an operation?

Chi Rui also shook his head helplessly and said to him: "Xin'an, you are a bit too much! You shouldn't treat Ye Zhen like this!"

What did I do to her? Carefully selected, okay?

As for that grandma's outfit, no grandmother under sixty would be able to wear it with that charm, and it would be just right for a little old lady like Konoha Makoto!

Although she is probably less than sixty years old, her temperament is comparable to that of a little old lady. She will definitely be able to charm a group of little old men when she wears it. The title of Queen of the Square must belong to her!

But seeing Chi Rui's stern look, he had no choice but to lower his head and say: "I don't know she doesn't like it...forget it, I'm too tired, let's go to bed!"

"Wait a minute!" Chi Rui frowned and looked at him and asked, "Are you going to bed now? Have you given out all the gifts?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "It's finished!"

Chi Rui looked at him seriously and said, "Have you forgotten the most important person? Where's Xi Ruo's?"

"Grandma, it's okay, as long as the other person comes back! I don't need any gifts..." Ning Xiruo said to Chi Rui with a smile.

Chen Xin'an glanced at Ning Xiruo and found that although she spoke very openly, her eyes still showed deep disappointment and grievance, and she couldn't even hide it!

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "I have already bought Xiruo's for her, but I haven't sent it over yet..."

"That's enough!" Chi Rui scolded him with a straight face: "Aren't you still willing to tell the truth?

Xiao Zhou had already called us before he came back, and I was listening there!

You won a lot of money in Tailan, so you were very generous and bought gifts for everyone, but why did you ignore the people closest to you?

I heard from Xiao Zhou that at that time everyone advised you to bring gifts to Xi Ruo, but you kept perfunctory! "

Chen Xin'an scratched her head and said with a wry smile: "Grandma, actually I have..."

"Call me grandma, and you have to calm down and listen to me. This is not how a husband and wife work!" Chi Rui rarely got angry and glared at Chen Xin'an and said:

"In the past few days when you were away, Xi Ruo told me a lot about you!

I know why you two got married, but since you are already a couple, the form may be fake, but the relationship is always real!

Do you know how worried Xiruo was when you were out for the past few days?

I sit by the computer every night and watch the news over there!

Did you know that your grandpa called and said something happened on the plane? How many times did Xi Ruo cry?

But after coming out, he still forced a smile to comfort us and said it was okay. I believe you can always turn danger into good luck!

Of course I, a person who has experienced this, know that she only pretends to be you!

But why do you, a kid, go out and not think about your wife? "

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