Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 225 Just let them cancel the order

After being taught by her grandma until ten o'clock in the evening, Chen Xin'an returned to the room yawning, took a hasty shower, and fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was already dawn, and Ning Xiruo had already gone to work. Chen Xin'an stretched out and prepared to get up. When he turned over, he saw a slight cold under his arms, and there was a wet mark.

I knew in my heart that this little girl must have been aggrieved and secretly cried in bed last night!

Aunt Ru left breakfast for her. Chen Xin'an ate it in a hurry and ran to her grandma's room. After giving her acupuncture and massage, she got on her kestrel and went to the company.

Sitting in the office, turning on the computer, entering the account and password, logging into the chess battle platform, and still wandering around the lobby, someone sent a message: "Are you back from Tailan?"

When he saw the signature, Gongsun was overwhelmed!

Chen felt relieved. He hadn't seen this good boy for several days. He really missed him!

"How did you know I was on a business trip?" Chen Xin'an asked him as he typed a little strangely.

It took a while for the other party to come back: "I haven't been online for so long. Of course I know you are on a business trip!"

Chen Xin'an originally asked casually, but now he reacted, frowned, and typed quickly: "Then how did you know that I went to Tailan?"

This time the response took longer, and it took ten minutes for him to come back: "Maybe it was your wife who logged in to your account and responded? Or did you say it yourself before you left? I forgot!"

Chen Xin'an typed again and asked: "How do you know the person who replied to me is my wife?"

There was a longer silence this time, and he came back half an hour later:

"I guessed! Ignore these details!

In the past few days, I have beaten all the invincible players in the world. Now that you are back, then go to the table and suffer death!

My sword is already thirsty! "

Chen Xin felt at ease. The shameless Gongsun Busheng had suffered repeated defeats. With his level as a bad chess player, how dare he claim to be invincible in the world?

Chen Xin'an sneered and typed: "Are you ready for Chess Bean? Brother Bu Sheng!"

Gongsun Bu Sheng said: "How can I dare to speak bravely when my defeated generals are defeated?"

Chen Xin'an also typed and directly sent a set of numbers: 97-6!

The other side didn't say anything for a long time. He was probably very angry. After a while, he sent a message: Table 160, you thief, you are going to die!

Ning Xiruo came back with a pile of documents in her arms, followed by Zhou Zhi and Guan Qing, both of whom had serious expressions.

Chen Xin'an clapped her hands and said with a smile: "Let's see if you die!" Then she made a move.

There was silence for a long time, and then a message was sent: "Please let me regret this step..."

Chen Xin'an typed the message: "Get out! You shamelessly regretted eight moves in a game of chess! What do you mean? Are you trying to chase away cicadas or what? Are you playing Qing Kung Fu?"

"No, good brother, if you have something to say, please say it. This is all I have left, you can't take it all away!" You can see the anxiety on the other side through the screen.

Ten million chess beans, played three games of chess in one morning, and lost completely! Who is not in a hurry?

Chen Xin'an simply refused, and then started the massacre.

Knowing that Chen Xin'an was playing chess, Zhou Zhi came to the computer screen and took a look, and said with some annoyance: "You are too cruel! Just ask people to surrender!"

Chen Xin'an said helplessly: "You think I don't want to?

This guy is a weirdo!

Never admit defeat when you lose. There is only one veteran left, and you have to be able to take one step at a time!

He didn't admit that he lost until there was no word left to kill!

Done, 100-6, send it to humiliate him, log off! Call it a day! "

Turning off the computer, Chen Xin'an looked at the three women looking at him, touched his nose and said, "What's wrong?"

Just as Ning Xiruo was about to speak, Chen Xin'an seemed to have thought of something and immediately waved her hand and said, "Wait a minute!"

He stood up and walked around the office, his eyes looking up and down, as if he was looking for something in the office.

Ning Xiruo frowned and asked him, "What are you looking for!"

Chen Xin'an turned his head, looked at her and asked, "Do you feel like you are being watched?"

"How does it feel to be watched?" The expressions of the three women changed, and they looked at Chen Xin'an in shock.

Chen Xin'an turned her head and said to Guan Qing: "Sister Qing, check to see if there are any hidden cameras here!"

"Okay!" Guan Qing didn't waste any words, and immediately checked the office. After a while, she shook her head at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an frowned, leaned against the desk, looked at Guan Qing and asked:

"If there are no cameras here, what methods are needed to monitor this room? Arranging people to peek at the door does not count!"

No one can hide from his senses. If someone is peeking and listening at the door, he will know it immediately!

Guan Qing crossed her arms and paced back and forth, thought for a while and said, "You can use a drone! You can also use a telescope!"

Chen Xin'an looked out the window and asked her, "Is there any other way?"

Guan Qing shrugged and said, "Yes, there is, but it's impossible to do it!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "What method?"

Guan Qing pointed to the top of her head and said: "Calling all companies or nearby cameras that can view this place for monitoring. To achieve this step, satellite control is required!"

Zhou Zhi said with a smile: "The person who can commandeer satellites must be the leader of the country, right? Monitoring our liquor company? Is he full?"

Chen Xin'an nodded thoughtfully, then looked around, her eyes fell on the surveillance ball on the ceiling of the corridor outside the window, and said to Guan Qing:

"Move this camera fifteen meters forward! Move all cameras that can monitor this office!"

Ning Xiruo looked at him nervously and said, "What's going on? Someone is watching us?"

"It's just suspicion, don't be so nervous!" Chen Xin'an waved her hands to comfort everyone.

Kyoto's mysterious institution.

The old man clenched his fists, pounded the keyboard hard, and cursed:

"It's absolutely crazy! Will I die if I regret one step? Will I go crazy if I win a round? There is no virtue in respecting the old and caring for the young!"

The tall young man sighed. The boy opposite was back, and the leader had to change the keyboard again!

The young man stood beside the leader and whispered: "Leader, these are all trails!

Don’t forget, when you played chess with him, you were just testing him as a person!

Now, why has it become the main job?

Just for this, the finance department has allocated tens of thousands to recharge you with chess beans!

Now I don’t dare to go to the finance office. Every time I go, I get scolded! "

The leader's face turned red, his eyes widened and he cursed: "You know nothing! I am also inspecting him now!"

Only by playing chess can you see whether this kid has the ability to coordinate! Do you have the ability to adapt! Do you have……"

A young woman came over with a laptop and hurriedly said to him: "Leader, it's bad, the camera has been moved!"

The leader frowned, glanced at the screen, and asked, "Where have you moved it?"

The young woman blushed and said angrily: "Outside the toilet door! Right opposite the men's toilet!

Young man: "..."

But the leader laughed, shook his head and cursed: "This bastard is really smart, he noticed it so quickly!"

In the CEO's office of Liquor Building, Chen Xin'an asked Ning Xiruo, "What did you want to say just now?"

Ning Xiruo said nervously: "Several foreign trading companies called to confirm the orders and asked when we could give them the medicinal wine, otherwise they would cancel the orders..."

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said nonchalantly: "They can return it anyway, since we didn't charge a deposit anyway, we didn't plan to sell it to them in the first place!"

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