Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2229 She needs your care

"Yang Guang!"

The red fox screamed heartbreakingly, tears streaming down his face.

The woman in red had excited eyes, turned to look at her and said with a smile: "Are you feeling sorry for your little boyfriend?

Don’t worry, it’s just starting now!

Don't say it too early, it won't be fun.

You know, I love playing games like this the most! "

While she was talking, she had moved the bloody knife to the armpit of Xiao Baiyang's right arm.

The red fox cried and cursed: "Are you a beast? Can't you understand human language?

I've already told you, I don't know what the treasure is, let alone where it is hidden!

Why are you torturing him?

He has nothing to do with this matter! "

The woman in red chuckled, turned to look at her and said, "I know he has nothing to do with this matter.

But I just like torturing him.

I like to see you feeling distressed but helpless!

It's actually a bit of a pity.

It would be even better if you really love him.

That way your performance will be more exciting.

It's a pity that you just deceived him and used him!

Why, it’s just a spare tire, and you feel distressed too? "

Red Fox looked at Little Bai Yang who was covered in blood, shook his head and cried loudly:


I really never thought I would meet them!

It was me who hurt you!

If you let him go, not only will I agree to whatever you ask me to do!

He has nothing to do with this!

I'll take you to find the treasure!

Let him go, I beg you! "

The woman in red laughed wildly, but the knife in her hand did not stop, cutting the skin of Little Baiyang again, swiping hard on his big tendons, and said:

"I knew you wouldn't let me down!

Tell me quickly, where is the treasure?

Otherwise, not only will his arms be saved, but his legs will also be disabled.

Even if he can save his life today, he will become a useless person! "

Red Fox was pinned down by several big men and could not move.

I could only look at Xiao Baiyang, who was still in a coma but still twitching all over in pain, and couldn't stop crying.

She shouted angrily: "I have already promised you, why don't you let him go!

Stop torturing him, he is innocent! "

With a crisp sound, Xiao Baiyang's right arm ligaments were also severed!

The intense pain caused him to wake up from his coma and let out a shrill scream.

The woman in red giggled and said to her: "Then it depends on how long it takes you to help us find the treasure!"

Little Baiyang woke up from the severe pain, his eyes were red, and he cursed at the red fox: "You bitch!

It turns out that everything you said was a lie!

You are just using me, you have never loved me at all!


I don't want to see you again, get out of here!

Let her go and make her disappear from my sight immediately! "

Of course, the people around him ignored him and still pressed Red Fox's arm, pressing her firmly on the rock.

The woman in red giggled, shook her head and said, "It seems I made a mistake just now, it turns out you really are in love with each other!

Do you think that if you talk like this, I will let this woman go?

How naive!

I won't let her go if she can't get the treasure! "

Turning her head, the woman in red said to the red fox with a sarcastic face: "Do you think you can let me let him go by pretending to promise me?

Congratulations, you guessed it correctly!

I'll let him go now! "

The woman in red stood up, smiled and said to her subordinates: "Throw him into the sea and let him swim back by himself!"

Several big men stood up and lifted up Little Bai Yang who was covered in blood.

"No!" Red Fox shouted loudly.

Little Baiyang's arms were disabled and he couldn't swim at all.

Throwing him into the sea now is no different from killing him!

But it was already too late. Without any hesitation, several big men directly lifted up Little Baiyang, walked to the beach, and threw him into the sea!

"Yang Guang!" Red Fox cried loudly.

The woman in red giggled and said: "You see, I am so soft-hearted, you said you would let him go, and I really let him go!

Therefore, you should also tell me now where the treasure fell to the ground! "

The red fox looked at the woman in red with cold eyes, and said through gritted teeth: "I don't know!

Even if I knew, I wouldn’t tell you!

Kill me, you can't get anything from me! "

"I knew you were lying to me!" The woman in red was not angry at all, she looked at the red fox and said with a smile:

"I thought you were just taking advantage of that silly boy, but I didn't expect that you actually had true feelings for him!

You're just perfunctory and want me to let that silly boy go, right?

Now that he is dead, do you want to die with him?

Sorry, I won't let you get your way! "

She looked at the red fox wildly with her eyes, and said with a smile: "You are indeed the woman who makes two men fall in love with you. She has a really graceful figure.

Even if we are both women, I can't help but feel moved.

I wonder if a body like this would be equally attractive to other men?

Why don't we make a bet and strip you naked? Can these stinky men keep it up?

How many minutes can you last?

I bet they won't be tempted, what are you betting on? "

As she spoke, she waved her hand and said with a smile: "Strip her naked for me!"

"Get away! You bastards! Don't touch me! Let me go, I really don't know where the treasure you mentioned is!"

Red Fox struggled hard, but she was no match for a group of rough guys!

No matter how hard she struggled, her legs and feet were held down by several big men, and she was pressed hard!

A bearded man let out rapid gasps, pressed his big hands on her body, and kneaded her roughly.

The pain and fear caused the red fox to cry out.

With a squeaking sound, her swimsuit was pulled open, revealing her snow-white and delicate skin!

"No!" Red Fox cried loudly.

But the woman in red and the men around her laughed wildly!

The bearded man, with glowing eyes, grabbed the tattered clothes on the red fox, and was about to tear them all apart in one go, when he heard a bang behind him!

His huge body shook, and then he fell heavily on the red fox!

The red fox let out a shrill cry, and the big man beside him let go of him and quickly drew his gun!

Not far away, several figures emerged from the water!

One of them held Xiao Baiyang in one hand and held a gun in the other hand, shooting while walking toward the shore.

"Red Hood!" A big man yelled and raised his gun to shoot.

It's just that the opponent's movements are faster and his marksmanship is more accurate.

As soon as he pointed the muzzle at a person, a bloody hole appeared on his forehead, and his body fell straight to the ground!

A man wearing a red hood took off the oxygen mask from the mouth and nose of Little Baiyang in his arms and said to him: "Brother, hold on, I will send you back!"

Xiao Baiyang gasped and looked into his eyes, coughed and said: "Brother Black Dragon, Red Fox..."

The man shook his head and said: "No need to say more, I know everything!

It's me who's sorry for causing you to be like this!

Red fox she needs you!

Brother, take good care of her in the future! "

With the sound of gunshots, the people standing next to Red Fox were knocked down one by one!

But the red fox seemed not to see anyone around him. He just looked at the little Bai Yang lying on the ground and the tall man next to him.

Even with the red hood on, the red fox could still recognize that this man was the black dragon!

She sobbed and looked at the black dragon, and said aggrievedly: "Actually, you only used my golden lock of longevity to mark this place, right?

You've got something hidden here that you've been hiding from me, right? "

Black Dragon lowered his head guiltily and said to her: "I'm sorry! Because our instruments can only work on gold, so we used your golden lock."

The red fox collapsed and shouted: "Black Dragon, have you ever truly loved me when you were with me? Or are you just using me!"

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